



学生组织必须填写并提交一份 活动报名表格 为 所有的校内或校外活动S被定义为除会议以外的任何活动和活动,包括:

Completed event registration 为ms 为 ticketed events must be signed/approved by a recognized officer and the organization advisor be为e they are submitted on Presence at least 提前20个工作日 to the event. 

请查看有关的其他信息 活动注册程序.

该活动必须成功注册,然后您的组织才能进行宣传. 宣传包括任何使用学生组织标志和/或电子邮件帐户. No publicity may be distributed or posted online until the 活动报名表格 has been submitted 为 off campus events or until the reservation confirmation process has been completed 为 on-campus events. 如未于活动前至少10个工作天及派发宣传资料前提交此表格, 活动可能会被取消.

所有已注册的学生组织活动均须遵守 政策 自由表达的时间、地点和方式.

学生参与中心 (CSI) does not assume responsibility 为 events that have not been registered.

CSI要求任何被认可的新葡京博彩官网学生组织登记校园内的重大活动, 他们在组织中起着作用, 促进, 和参与, 如符合下列任何或全部条件,可提供门票:

  • 该组织估计有100名或更多的活动嘉宾出席,
  • 校外或社区嘉宾被邀请参加活动,
  • 预计客人人数将达到最大容量(100人以上)或超过活动空间的容量,
  • 邀请和/或期待校外媒体.


This ticketing requirement applies to student organization events that are registered 为 the following venues:

  • 大学学生会剧院;
  • 洛杉矶厅,
  • 宿舍及食堂
  • 金鹰舞厅
  • 或者校园内任何可以容纳100人以上的活动场地.

CSI, 大学学生会运作, and Public Safety may impose limits to the quantities of tickets produced and distributed based on the event security needs of each location and each event.  所有活动均须遵守所有场地要求. 


  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校学生组织成员,
  • 新葡京博彩官网的学生,
  • 新葡京博彩官网的教职员工和管理人员,
  • 其他学院和大学,
  • 公众,
  • 任何由学生组织创建的嘉宾名单.

CSI can provide free ticketing services 为 complimentary event tickets and complimentary guest list tickets including the following:

  • 根据活动场地容量限制,免费打印门票;
  • free complimentary ticket distribution through the CSI front desk 为 advance tickets or the 大学生联盟 Theatre ticket booth (subject to availability) 为 the day of event distribution.

新葡京博彩官网学生的预售票, 教师, and staff will be given only with valid 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ID through the CSI front desk until one business day be为e the scheduled event.  所有其他入场类别必须在活动当天收到门票.

在预售票分发完毕后, the remaining tickets will be released back to the student organization 为 general distribution in accordance with the ticketing admission categories 为 the day of distribution. 

Student organizations who wish to utilize CSI ticketing services should indicate so on their 活动报名表格 at least 提前20个工作日 参加他们的活动.  CSI将与活动联系人一起制定、确定并实施票务服务计划.  Student organizations are encouraged to plan and register ticketed events more than the required 20 business days in order to implement their ticketing plan accordingly. 

至少于活动前一周及活动当日提交, CSI将与学生组织召开会议,讨论票务计划.

Student organizations can plan to sell event tickets or distribute complimentary tickets prior to and on the day of the event. 

Student organizations who wish to sell their tickets prior to the event must submit a separate 活动报名表格 at least 提前20个工作日 to selling tickets.  这张表格应该标明他们提前售票的地点. 详情请参阅门票销售/捐款程序部分. 

Student organizations who wish to distribute their own complimentary tickets should also indicate on their submitted 活动报名表格 at least 提前20个工作日 参加他们的活动. They should also submit a ticketing plan to CSI with this 为m which will outline where they will be distributing tickets and how intended event guests can obtain their tickets prior to and on the day of the event.  请参阅免费门票部分了解更多信息. 

Additional risk assessment needs or logistic plans may need to be considered or required based on the submitted ticketing plan, 提交的活动登记表, 以及所有相关信息.  These needs will be communicated by CSI to the student organization in conjunction with other campus departments.  所有要求的计划应在活动日期前圆满完成. Student organization event contacts are expected to maintain open communication with the CSI full-time staff advisor with whom they will be working on the ticketing and logistics plans 为 their event.  未能沟通并遵守票务和活动后勤可能导致活动取消. 

用于现金处理, organizations that charge 为 admission to an event are required to indicate the amount on 提交的活动登记表.  Organization presidents and treasurers are also required to complete the Statement Regarding Proceeds to Benefit Transactions on the 活动报名表格. 

如果学生组织选择不收取活动门票, 他们被允许在活动入场现场要求捐款.  然而,参加者不能被要求捐赠一个特定的金额.  Organization presidents and treasurers are also required to complete the Statement Regarding Proceeds to Benefit Transactions on the 活动报名表格 为 ticket donations.

All collected ticket sales or donations must be deposited into the organization’s account on the next business day following collection. 

学生组织可以自行决定活动票价.  一般, groups select a price 为 guests who purchase their tickets in advance and a price 为 guests who purchase them at the door.  票价也可根据客人的会员资格而定. 例如, 新葡京博彩官网学生持有有效证件的门票是免费的, 教职员工支付5美元, 社区成员一般支付7美元.

票价、活动日期等细节如有更改. 必须尽快更新已提交的活动登记表. 


All bearers of the complimentary tickets are required to fall within the stated admission categories and must present valid 加州大学洛杉矶分校 identification at the time of ticket 分发或录取. 

Student organizations can also create and utilize a specific guest list of expected event attendees whose tickets will be reserved and sold or distributed prior to or on the day of the event. All bearers of the guest list tickets must fall within the 门票类别 at the time of purchase, 分发或录取. Guest list tickets 为 sale must be purchased through the student organization either prior to or on the day of the event.  详情请参阅门票销售/捐赠程序部分. 


一般来说,门票活动将遵循以下入场程序.   该程序的例外情况可在设施使用会议上讨论.

  • 如果活动需要购票,观众只能持有效的活动门票进入会场. Valid identification will be requested from event patrons at the point of ticket purchase and at the point of event admission.
  • Admission will be dependent upon the admission categories indicated on 提交的活动登记表 with proof of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ID.
  • 离开会场时, 没有票根,观众将不允许再次进入会场和活动大楼. 
  • 学生参与中心, 学生主任办公室, 大学行政部门保留随时拒绝入学的权利. 

想了解更多澳门新葡京博彩这些票务程序的信息,请 给学生参与中心发邮件.