
Events with Food

Any time a studentorganization wishes to sell or give-away prepackaged food and/or beverages not provided by University Catering to the public including but no limited to students, faculty, staff, and/or visitors a Temporary Food Facility Permit 必须在活动登记表中提交.  

Event Registrations must be submitted 10 business days in advance; therefore, 必须提交临时食品许可证申请 20 business days before the event date to ensure you receive approval for the food permit that is then uploaded when submitting the Event Registration. 



  1. Complete the Food Safety & Handling course available on CSU Learn (使用MyCalStateLA凭据登录). 
    1. Search for Food Safety & Handling under Courses
    2. 完成课程后,您将获得证书.  Download the certificate for each person 
  2. 在许可证申请中上传完成证书
    1. At minimum two (2) persons with current Food Handler Certifications are required to be present at your event at all times. You are required to retain a physical copy of your Food Handler Certificate while operating your event 
  3. 网上填写临时食物许可证表格 
    1. Digital signatures will be obtained after submitting a completed form by the following offices in this order: 
      1. Center for Student Involvement 
      2. University Auxiliary Services 
      3. Environmental Health & Safety 

这些办公室不保证当天签名. Please ensure you submit the food permit form 20 business days in advance of your event to ensure all signatures may be obtained and you can submit the event registration on time (10 business days).  

一旦获得批准,打印并在活动期间提供您的食品许可证. Environmental Health and Safety will be conducting spot checks to ensure your organization has met and complied with all Food Handler Safety guidelines and requirements including the following: 

  • Proper personal hygiene 
  • Food protection guidelines 
  • 安全的储存、保存和烹饪温度 
  • Certified food handlers 
  • Current and approved permit 

如果必须使用外部餐饮服务商或食品服务提供商, 主办机构必须从校外餐饮承办人处获得以下三份文件, to be attached to a Temporary Food Facility Permit: 

  • 餐饮承办人的洛杉矶县卫生许可证复印件. 
  • A copy of the caterer’s business license 
  • A copy of the caterer's sellers permit.  
  • A Certificate of Liability, in which the University-Student Union, Cal State LA, UAS, the California State University, Los Angeles, 加州州立大学董事会, the State of California, and their officers, employees, 和志愿者被命名为附加被保险人,其限额如下:
    • 综合或商业形式的一般责任保险       
    • $2,000,000 General Aggregate    
    • 每次1,000,000美元-人身伤害和财产损失的合并单一限额.  
    • 商业汽车责任保险-责任限额  
    • $1,000,000 per occurrence-- combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage to include uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage.    
    • 法律规定的工人赔偿限额,雇主责任限额为1,000,000美元.  

Student organizations should review the 加州州立大学,洛杉矶临时食品设施指南.  The following are examples of potentially hazardous foods and beverages prohibited from being prepared or sold: 

  • 用奶油或合成奶油、蛋奶冻或类似产品填充的糕点 
  • 含有肉、家禽、蛋、鱼或海鲜的三明治或沙拉.e.、土豆、通心粉、鸡肉、火腿、金枪鱼、魔鬼蛋或类似的沙拉 
  • All home-prepared foods: i.e., home-canned foods, home-cooked fish, meats, poultry including salads, casseroles, or sauces containing such products, homemade cakes, pies, or pastries that have a cream, whipped cream, or custard filling or icing. 
  • 含生鸡蛋或生鸡蛋替代品的饮料.       


大学行政程序019,酒精饮料的使用, explains the restrictions beyond City and State laws that govern the possession and use of alcohol at University events.  Student organization events are considered University events because organizations are affiliated with Cal State LA.  An organization must submit a Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form for any event held on or off campus where alcohol may be served or available for purchase/consumption.  


  • The event shall not be open to the general public or to the general University community except when the event takes place within the Luckman, Fine Arts Complex, or the Golden Eagle.  The event shall not be advertised or publicized as an event where alcoholic beverages are to be served.
  • The chair of the event and the sponsoring organization are both responsible for compliance with applicable law, regulations, and University policies.  21岁以下的人不得出席, 没有这样的人,也没有明显喝醉的人, served, or given an alcoholic beverage.
  • The sponsoring organization shall cease serving or consuming alcoholic beverages at the request of an appropriate University official.
  • 安全和风险管理是饮酒活动的首要问题.  如果获得批准,贵组织还需要满足以下要求:
    • University Auxiliary Services (UAS) must provide all planned alcohol services for all approved on-campus student organization events.
    • At least two organization members must be TiPS certified 并且必须从头到尾参加活动. (See below for more information.)
    • 必须至少有两名组织成员完成 Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Resources Training 并且必须从头到尾参加活动
    • The use of professional bartending services licensed by the CA Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control or appropriate regulatory agency is required for all events
    • 必须提供无酒精饮料和/或食物选择 
    • 在整个活动期间,您的教职员工顾问都在场 
    • 由董事会和顾问制定的安全计划

1.  Submit your Event Registration Form

The Event Registration Form for serving alcoholic beverages at an event is an important document that needs to be submitted and approved before the event can take place. 这张表格概述了在提供酒精之前需要采取的必要步骤, 为了使表格得到批准,满足所有要求是很重要的.  流程的第一步是将事件注册报告提交给CSI进行审核.

2.  提交酒精饮料供应申请表

一旦CSI联系您继续前进,您就可以提交 Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form. This form requires you to provide the names and contact information of two TiPS-Certified members as well as two Sexual Misconduct Prevention Trained members who will be in attendance at the event. In addition, 你需要上传一份由董事会和顾问制定的安全计划, a map of the event setup, 以及你的活动营销计划的例子 AP 019.

在提供酒精饮料申请表提交后, 它将由几个办公室进行审查,包括学生生活/学生主任办公室, UAS, Public Safety, Risk Management, and Budget, Planning, and Fiscal Compliance Approver. 为了批准请求,这些办公室可能会添加或要求新的事件细节.

It is important to note that no contracts with venues or caterers should be signed prior to the Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form being approved. 审核过程至少需要10个工作日, 因此,建议您至少提前10个工作日提交这些表格.

3.  Update Your Event Registration Form

一旦请求被审查和批准, you can edit your Event Registration Form to upload the signed and approved copy of the Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form.  If the form is denied, 您的组织必须编辑其活动注册表,以表明不存在酒精. 

有关此程序的更多信息,请联系学生参与中心.  Student organizations violating this procedure will be subject to administrative action ranging from probation to removal of University recognition.  Individual students who violate University Administrative Procedure 019 是否受到机构纪律处分.  

Organizations can hold events at off-campus venues where alcohol is available but is not a component of their event. The event contact/planner should initial on the Event Registration Form indicating that NO guest/member attending the event will consume alcohol regardless of their age/ability to do so since they are participating in an organizational event.  All organization event guests and participants must comply and abide by this acknowledgment during the entire duration of the event. 这些场地和活动的例子包括但不限于: 

  • Fundraisers at restaurants/venues that serve alcohol where organizations receive a percentage off of food sales 
  • 在餐馆举行的宴会或仪式上,可以提供酒精饮料,但不提供  
  • 这些活动还需要tip培训要求(见下文)。.   

Student organization events at venues where alcohol is available or events that have been approved to serve alcohol will require at least two student organization members to attend a University-led Training for Intervention ProcedureS training prior to the scheduled event date. Both trained members should be in attendance for the full duration of the event and must pass the certification test. 以前的TIPS认证将在有效期内得到认可. TIPS培训将贯穿整个学期.  Events that meet these criteria are subject to cancellation pending the successful completion of the training requirement.  