
Requested documents must be received by the specified deadline.
Additional document deadline information will be emailed to you after you submit the University admission application.

请注意: If you are a current (or former) 加州大学洛杉矶分校 student, the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 transcript 做 需要提交给招生办公室.

Academic transcripts/academic records must be current and include an applicant’s full academic record of all courses taken, 的成绩获得, 荣誉收到, 以及授予的学位. An official transcript is prepared and sent to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 by the issuing educational institution. 如果提交纸质/硬拷贝的正式成绩单, the document should be printed on the issuing institution’s official paper/letterhead and sealed by the institution in an envelope. For electornic transcripts, see next section for details. All submitted documents become University property, and will 不 be released back to you.

  • “官方”文件将予以考虑 非官方的 if:
    • The accompanying institution's envelope is opened prior to receipt by the Admissions Office.
    • 它是通过电子邮件(或 上传),由申请人交回招生办公室.
  • Please do 不 fax documents to the Admissions Office; documents received via fax will be destroyed without review.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 (CSU 洛杉矶) accepts electronic transcripts from schools/colleges that partner with 羊皮纸/凭证解决方案, Naviance, 全国学生信息交流中心 对一些加州社区大学来说, eTranscript CA. If your school is using a different electronic transcript platform, 请 request for the electronic transcript to be sent to (电子邮件保护).

大学有 accept official documents/academic records for admissions-related purposes via fax or email from the applicant. Documents received via fax or email may be destroyed without review.

We understand that certain countries only issue one original academic record and/or degree certificate to a student. 如果你是在这种情况下,请这样做 submit your original records to the University because they will 不 be returned to you. 我们将接受初审的复印件, but you will be required to present the original documents after admission, 入学前. 如果你的教育机构 向学生发放多份成绩单, 请计划正式提交, 正本交回大学. 没有例外. All submitted documents become University property, and will 不 be released back to you.

Original international academic records/transcripts that have been opened and submitted by an applicant for admissions are no longer considered official. 这些记录可用于评价目的, but you must also request that official transcripts (with the grading scale) from each school, 你曾就读的学院或大学, to be sent directly to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Office of Admissions & 招聘. 如果你的机构不提供英文记录, 认证的英语镜像/直接, word-for-word translations (不 interpretations) must be submitted with the documents. 想要找到合格的翻译,请访问 www.atanet.org,或直接到 ATA搜索目录. 我们不接受通过传真或电子邮件提交的文件.

If you will be mailing the foreign/non-US academic records directly to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 in one parcel/package via post or courier post, 请在邮寄的包裹中附上一张封面. 被单上必须注明你的名字, 姓, 加州身份证号码(CIN), 应用项, 以及你申请的具体学术项目. Mailed transcripts must remain sealed in an envelope by the issuing institution.



If you are offered admission and have been asked to present your original academic records to the Admissions Office, 请 安排约会. 会议时间不应超过30分钟. 预约后, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the virtual video conference meeting. To help prepare for the appointment, we also ask that you 上传你的最终学术文件 at least 2 business days prior to your scheduled appointment time.

International applicants (those requiring a F/J visa to study in the US) to a 研究生/ postbaccalaureate计划 非美国的学习成绩/成绩单 是必需的 to submit their international records (with the institution's grading scale), and ATA 认证英文逐字翻译, to one of the following Foreign Credential Evaluation agencies for a 每门课程,详细的成绩单评估报告:

(Be aware, beginning with the Fall 2024 admission term, we will also accept reports from 南汽 member agencies when accompanied by official transcripts.)

For steps on how to submit your foreign academic records to these agencies, visit the 国外证书评估报告页面. 请确保您要求的 每门课程,详细的成绩单评估报告 offered by the respective agency; incorrect report types will lead to missed deadlines and the withdrawal of your admission application.

Reports must be sent directly from the respective evaluation agency to the 加州州立大学洛杉矶招生办公室.

You must request for your official test scores to be sent directly to 加州大学洛杉矶分校. You can order your scores online from the respective testing agencies at:


  • 如果你只申请 加州大学洛杉矶分校,使用 加州洛杉矶法典 of 4399.
  • 如果你也在申请其他学校 加州州立大学(CSU)校区,使用 基社盟的代码 of 3594 -这将允许任何科罗拉多州立大学校园检索你的分数.

大学委员会CLEP -在学校列表中,选择“手动进入机构,然后输入以下信息:

     学院/大学的名字: 新葡京博彩官网
     街道地址1: 5151州立大学路
     城市: 洛杉矶
     状态: 加州
     邮政编码: 90032

行为记录 - 使用加州州洛杉矶代码 0320

大学先修课程(AP)分数 - 使用加州州洛杉矶代码 4399

国际文凭(IB)成绩 -发送至 加州州立大学,洛杉矶

Exam scores are only valid for two years after the test date. Official scores must be sent directly to the University by the respective testing agency.

To learn how to request an official test score report to be sent to 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 点击考试名称:

  • 托福考试 Request report to be sent to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 using Institutional Code 4399.
  • 雅思考试 Request electronic or paper (hard copy) report to be sent to 加州州立大学,洛杉矶.
  • 培生英语学术测试(PTE 发送报告至 加州州立大学,洛杉矶.
  • 多邻国英语测试 -要求电子报告发送至 加州大学洛杉矶分校 通过您的在线多邻国帐户.

洛杉矶,CA 90032
洛杉矶,CA 90032

Short-term metered parking is available near the Student Affairs/Administration Buildings. 更多停车信息,请访问 访客泊车网页.

Or electronically, directly from pre-approved educational institutions and testing agencies.

大学有 accept official documents/academic records for admissions-related purposes via fax or email from applicants. Documents received via fax or email may be destroyed without review.

All academic records submitted to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 become University property and will 不 be released, 或复制, except for situations in which 加州大学洛杉矶分校 redirects an application to a不her CSU campus due to non-accommodation.