

  1. Require an 'F visa' (or I-20) to study at Cal State LA; and
  2. 高中毕业后尝试大学课程, 但没有完成学士学位.

Due to the short application period, Spring 2024 admission is not available to international applicants who require an 'F' visa to study in the United States of America. 我们鼓励有兴趣的申请人申请2024年秋季入学.


  • Applicants must apply via the online Cal State Apply application between October 1, 2023-November 30, 2023.
  • Be Aware: 新葡京博彩官网目前只考虑秋季入学的国际转学生. 如果有额外的空间,春季学期的申请将来会被考虑吗.

  • Applicants must apply via the online Cal State Apply application. 有关如何完成申请的一些提示,请访问我们的 Application Tips webpage.
  • 加州州立大学的申请要求你填写所有在加州州立大学的大学课程.S. institutions, so have your transcripts handy and make sure you have adequate time before the deadline to complete your application.
  • 一些录取决定是使用加州州立大学申请中自我报告的信息做出的. 请准确完整地回答问题. 如果不这样做,将对入学资格产生负面影响.
  • To facilitate transfer success, all Cal State LA majors have major-specific requirements for admission that focus on lower division preparation in the major. Please visit the Major-Specific Criteria webpage 获取有关这些要求的最新信息.

To be considered for transfer admission you must meet the following minimum requirements by the end of the prior Spring term for Fall admission, 在前一个夏季学期结束前申请春季入学;

  • 完成60个可转移学期单位或90个可转移季度单位, which must include a minimum of 30 semester units or 45 quarter units in courses approved to meet CSU General Education (GE) requirements.
  • Complete with a grade of 'C-' or better by the end of the prior Spring term for Fall admission or by the end of the prior Summer term for Spring admission the CSU GE requirements 书面沟通,口头沟通,批判性思维*, and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.
  • Have a minimum, overall college GPA of 2.在所有可转学分的大学课程中取得00分或以上成绩.
  • 在最后一次参加正规课程的学院或大学中保持良好的信誉.
  • If your college coursework was not taken at an institution where English is the only language of instruction, you will have to satisfy the English Language Proficiency requirement.

*科罗拉多州立大学对大多数工程和计算机科学专业的学生免除了批判性思维课程的要求. Please see the Major-Specific Requirements for Admission for details.

Be Aware: Cal State LA does not accept Lower Division Transfer Applications (applicants who completed less than 60 transferable semester units).

Cal State LA serves as a model of access and attainment—the success and graduation of our diverse student body remains our number one priority. 我们作为社会流动引擎的成功在一项研究中得到证实 The Equality of Opportunity Project 新葡京博彩官网排名全美第一.S. for the upward mobility of its students. Our transfer admission criteria align with our commitment to provide access and timely graduation for students.

Applicants who meet the minimum Cal State LA criteria above will be considered for admission based on their selected major and whether they are considered 'local基于他们的社区大学或军人身份.

Review the Major-Specific Criteria webpage for your major's specific requirements.

Be Aware: 学生可以进入一个特定的专业. 一旦学生在新葡京博彩官网注册, changes of major are limited based on both the admission requirements of the major and Cal State LA's Timely Graduation policy. Acceptance of the offer of admission indicates the student plans to pursue the major as stated in the admission offer.

All Cal State LA majors have Major-Specific Requirements for Admission, which are focused on transfer student preparation that predicts success in the major and promotes timely degree completion. 列出的标准将在未来的录取周期中每年进行审查. 对于秋季入学,课程必须不迟于前一个春季学期完成. 对于春季学期入学,课程必须不迟于前一个夏季学期完成.

转学申请人必须在申请中声明一个特定的专业, and may not be considered Undeclared. 申请人不能选择替代专业. 转学申请人必须符合最低科罗拉多州立大学高年级转学资格要求. 然后根据列出的专业特定标准确定录取.

Local applicants

除护理外,科罗拉多州立大学符合条件的申请者将被考虑 local based on their community college, or their military veteran status, 如果他们符合条件,会被录取吗 required minimum cumulative GPA, required major preparation, and the required general education courses listed. 我们鼓励本地申请人也填写任何 recommended 促进及时毕业的课程,即使不用于录取决定.

Non-local applicants

符合CSU资格的非本地申请人 required minimum cumulative GPA, required major preparation, and the required general education courses listed will be admitted on a space-available basis based on their cumulative GPA and any recommended courses specified in the criteria.

Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) recipients

而ADT不需要入学,除了心理学, 优先考虑申请人谁是轨道上完成具体的 AA-T/AS-T degree 秋季入学截止到春季末,春季入学截止到夏季末. 在这种情况下,使用Transfer AA/AS课程代替具体的 required and recommended courses listed. 根据CSU的指导方针,最低要求的累积GPA已按指示进行了调整. 非本地申请人也可获得0分.在非本地申请人排名中使用1 GPA奖金.


如果在所有学生见面后还有空余的空间 required minimum major GPA and required 专业和通识教育准备或指定的转AA/AS学位已被接纳, then CSU eligible students without the minimum requirements will be considered based on a ranking of the criteria completed with local applicants receiving a 0.25 GPA bump.

  1. 探索并选择一个要在你的申请中声明的专业
  2. Apply online at Cal State Apply by the deadline
  3. 更新申请表上的转学课程报告
  4. 只有在被要求时才提交正式成绩单或其他文件


新葡京博彩官网要求申请人在入学申请时申报专业. Applicants must thoroughly educate themselves on their intended major's requirements for admission and degree completion prior to submitting an application for admission. 申请人不会被要求选择另一个专业. 一旦提交申请,就不能要求更改专业. In addition, once a student has enrolled at Cal State LA changes of major are limited based on both the admission requirements of the major and Cal State LA's Timely Graduation policy.

STEP 2: Apply online at Cal State Apply by the deadline

对于2024年秋季入学,申请人必须在 October 1, 2023-November 30, 2023. To apply to Cal State LA, visit Cal State Apply. If you attended a U.S. 你将被要求进入你的美国大学.S. 大学课程作为申请过程的一部分. 此外,申请人还必须报告他们在满足要求方面的进展 Major-Specific Requirements for Admission. 申请人必须确保填报的所有信息准确无误. 如果不这样做,可能会影响他们的录取决定. Once the application is submitted, 我们将通过电子邮件向您发送通知,以确认收到您的申请.


Some applicants may be asked to update their academic course information in the Cal State Apply Application to be considered for admission:

  • For Fall admission: 转学课程必须在1月份更新,以便包括秋季成绩和春季入学.
  • For Spring admission: No transfer update is required. If offered admission, 必须在11月1日之前提交包含前一个夏天成绩的正式成绩单.


If after reviewing your application, 我们确定需要更多的信息, including transcripts, 我们将通过电子邮件通知您,并提供说明和具体截止日期.

  • International students not attending U.S. schools will be required to submit official academic records (with the institution's grading scale) to be considered for admission. For a timely decision, 请在学期成绩公布后立即发送您的正式学院/大学成绩单, 或在提交申请后两周内, whichever is later. 2024年秋季入学资格审查, 成绩单必须包括截至2023年秋季学期的成绩. 对于春季入学,成绩单必须包括前一个夏季学期的成绩.

  • Submit official TOEFL, IELTS, PTE或多邻国英语测试(2022年春季生效)考试成绩 English Language Proficiency requirement if your college coursework was not taken at an institution where English is the only language of instruction.
International Transfer applicants with U.S. Coursework Only

新葡京博彩官网可以为就读美国大学的学生做出转学录取决定.S. 学校基于申请中的自我报告信息. 请不要提交成绩单或其他文件,除非要求.

Students offered admission based on self-reported information will be required to submit official transcripts in order to verify eligibility. 录取决定是有条件的,虚报的学生可能会被撤回, missed the document deadline, 或者没有达到录取条件. Admitted students wishing to accept our offer will need to submit all official transcripts within 30 days of the admission offer.


  • Students earning an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) from a California Community College will be required to verify that they are on track for completion of the degree by the end of Spring for Fall admission, 或者在夏季结束前申请春季入学.
  • 有资格获得大学先修学分的学生, CLEP或国际文凭评估将需要将官方考试成绩发送到新葡京博彩官网. 请注意,其他机构授予的学分不会“转移”到新葡京博彩官网作为测试学分.

新葡京博彩官网使用电子邮件作为与申请人沟通的官方方式. 最初的录取通信被发送到加州州立大学申请中报告的电子邮件. 申请人必须在大学存档中保留当前的电子邮件地址, and to check their email regularly.

Throughout the admissions process, the Office of Admissions and Recruitment will send communications to the "preferred" email address as indicated in your GET Student Center. 您可以随时更新您的电子邮件地址 金鹰区学生自助服务中心.

帮助防止这些重要的电子邮件被您的电子邮件提供商标记为垃圾邮件/垃圾邮件, please mark the bayamonworkingtools.net 域作为一个安全的发件人在您的电子邮件帐户.

请注意,我们发现以下电子邮件主机已经屏蔽了新葡京博彩官网的电子邮件. 如果你目前有一个电子邮件帐户与这些电子邮件主机之一, 我们强烈建议您创建一个新的电子邮件帐户与备用电子邮件主机(如.g., gmail.com, outlook.com, icloud.com, etc.).

  • qq.com
  • 126.com
  • 163.com
  • yeah.net

秋季入学通知通常在3月份发出, and in October for Spring admission. 所有录取通知都是临时的,需要根据官方成绩单进行核实. 如果GPA不符合要求,录取通知可能会被撤回, completed courses, 或者课程成绩低于报告的成绩,或者错过了任何入学截止日期. 请务必在申请表上填写准确的信息.

How do I accept the offer of admission?

要接受录取通知,被录取的学生必须支付不可退还的100美元。 Enrollment Confirmation Deposit (ECD) by May 1st for Fall admission. 押金将抵消学生州立大学学费的一部分. This is in addition to submitting U.S. 收到录取通知后30天内提交确认录取决定的学院文件.


In addition to applying to Cal State LA, we hope you have considered applying to one or two other colleges so that you will have alternatives in the event that you are not offered admission.

Can I appeal my admission decision?

如果你认为你有资格被新葡京博彩官网录取,你可以对我们的决定提出上诉. Appeals must be submitted in writing within 15 days of the date of the denial notification and must include a basis for the appeal and supporting academic records. 我们将在四到六周内通过电子邮件回复您的上诉请求. 一个学期只能提出一次上诉. For more information, visit the Admission Appeals webpage.


Admitted Student Information: 如果你已经被录取,请参考 新录取的国际转学信息.

申请I-20或SEVIS转移: To prepare for the process, please have the following items available: (1) copy of your Passport Biographical Page and (2) Financial Sponsor information and a copy of their recent bank statement (or other official letters of financial support/guarantee/scholarship). 如果你目前已经在美国学习, please also plan to submit: (1) copy of current Visa stamp; (2) copy of I-94; and (3) copy of I-20 or DS-2019, 及工作授权文件(EAD), if applicable.

如果您对I-20/SEVIS转学过程有任何疑问,请联系 International Students & Scholars Office at (323) 343-3170 or [email protected].

Campus Housing: 住在校园里为学生提供了许多建立终身友谊的机会, 发展成为领导者,取得学术上的成功. 我们提供公寓式的宿舍,距离教室很近, the University-Student Union, and various campus resources. To learn more, visit the Housing and Residence Life webpage.

College Test Credit: 有资格获得大学先修学分的学生, CLEP或国际文凭评估将需要将官方考试成绩发送到新葡京博彩官网 within 30 days of the admission offer. 请注意,其他机构授予的学分不会“转移”到新葡京博彩官网作为测试学分, 如果考试是在4年前进行的, please plan ahead. 存档的测试记录可能需要长达3周的时间才能发送到新葡京博彩官网.

Orientation, Advising, and Registration: 以确保顺利过渡到新葡京博彩官网, 新学员需要在夏季参加为期一天的金鹰培训. Additional information will be sent beginning in May for fall admission (or in November for spring admission) to students who have accepted the offer of admission and paid the Enrollment Confirmation Deposit. For more information, visit the Golden Eagle Orientation webpage.