
加州州立大学, 洛杉矶的社交媒体平台被用来吸引我们的社区并促进对话, 以及透过分享成功和卓越的文章和故事,提升大学的形象.

These guidelines aim to provide students, 向教职员工提供有关社交媒体平台使用和发展的信息,并指导他们使用社交媒体. These guidelines pertain only to work use of social media. 个人使用与新葡京博彩官网无关的社交媒体是由个人决定的. You may identify yourself as an affiliate of the University, but make it clear that the views and opinions expressed are your own. 此外, 你不应该使用你的新葡京博彩官网的电子邮件或电话号码作为你的联系信息, and you are solely responsible for your postings.

As a social media practitioner, 你们在帮助传播和公共事务办公室塑造公众对大学的看法方面发挥了重要作用. The objective is to share accurate, 高质量的内容,巩固新葡京博彩官网作为洛杉矶市中心首屈一指的公立综合性大学的声誉,并保持与社交媒体社区的相关性. This can be done through success stories that feature students, 教职员工, 还有程序, events and 倡议 on and off campus.



1. 社交媒体适合你吗?

在加入之前, 要确定社交媒体是否适合你,有几个问题需要回答. First, what do you want to accomplish through social media (your objective)? Second, do you have enough content to feed a social media account? 和 third, do you have enough staff and the right resources to manage an account?

为了获得有效的结果, social media accounts require frequent posting of content, 账户日常监控, and a desire to engage with others. Additionally, building an audience on social media takes time. If you create a new account to promote a one-time event, 很有可能你无法及时吸引到足够多的粉丝,将其作为有效的沟通手段.

如果你没有准备好以一种有意义的方式吸引你的目标受众,或者你没有足够的主题来定期和永久地发布, a social media account is probably not for you. 而不是, consider other ways to communicate your message, or consult with the Office of Communications and 公共事务 for suggestions. 例如, you can send news and announcements to (电子邮件保护) 将被考虑在大学官方社交媒体账户上发布或包含在电子通讯中.

2. 获得批准

If you have determined that you do want to utilize social media, 下一步是在制定社交媒体计划之前获得部门主管的批准, 选择平台, or developing a profile for your department.

3. Notify Communications and 公共事务

一旦你决定创建一个帐户,请通知通讯和公共事务办公室 (电子邮件保护) 讨论您的要求. 寄给我们:

a. 部门名称
b. 平台
c. 配置文件名称
d. 目标受众

You’ll also be invited to join the social media working group, 它是由通信和公共事务办公室定期主办的,作为一种连接校园内各种传播者的方式, 鼓励员工发展,并通知团队的重要举措和事件.

4. 制定一个社交媒体计划

You’ve already identified your objective in Step 1. Now it’s time to develop it into a strategic plan. 下一个, 定义你的目标受众, 你的目标, 你的信息的整体基调,以及你将使用什么策略来实现你的目标和目的. 包括你计划一周发布几次的时间表,以及谁来创建这些帖子. 这个计划可以作为指导性文件,帮助你专注于你的目标. Please note that social media is not meant to be a communications plan on its own. It is a tool to bolster your overall communications plan.

5. 选择社交媒体平台

Each of the popular platforms have their own purpose and personality. 利用你的社交媒体计划中的信息来帮助你确定哪个平台是最适合你的工具. 例如, if your objective is related to professional development, think about creating a Group on LinkedIn, which connects people via their professions and careers. Or if your messages are best told through quick videos and beautiful images, 你可以试试Instagram.

6. Select name and apply branding

Once you have selected a platform, it’s time to create a profile. 以一个清晰而简洁的名称开始,明确你的项目及其与新葡京博彩官网的关系. Please refer to the University 品牌指南 或咨询通信和公共事务办公室,以确保您的帐户符合编辑风格指南(我们不再使用“CSULA”)," so this should not be used in your social media handles.)以及视觉识别指南,其中建立了颜色,标志使用等规则.

7. 推出及推广

一旦你启动了你的社交媒体页面,你需要让你的目标受众知道. Promote your new account using other modes of communication, 比如你网站上的链接, 印刷卡片或海报, or tasteful and appropriate giveaways, 吸引注意. Utilize already existing publications, 相关邮件列表, newsletters and other social media accounts to help spread the word. 要有创意.

1. 衡量活动并设定目标

在最初的发布之后, 使用社交媒体平台提供的数据来衡量你的页面的成功和有效性. Each platform has its own set of metrics, but they typically include the number of “likes” and shares or retweets, the quantity or quality of comments, 点击, total fan base (number of followers), 页面浏览量, 等. Select the metrics that best fit your objectives for the page. Then set short-term and long-term goals for reaching them.

2. Monitoring comments and responding to concerns

Social media is a dialogue, not a one-way conversation. Audience members that are invested in your page will have an opinion. 他们会说出来. You need to have a plan in place for how to respond.

The comments may be negative, neutral or positive. Remember that any comment can be an opportunity to engage with the audience. Followers appreciate knowing that their voice has been recognized, 这种互动对建立你所在院系和整个大学的亲和力大有帮助.

If the comment is generally negative, you can choose how you want to respond. 如果有用户提出的问题,你或校园里的其他人或部门可以回答, respond to the comment in a professional manner. 不要陷入争论. Keep emotion out of the situation, stick to the facts, and be respectful. If the comment does not merit a response, there is no obligation to respond.

3. 遵守法律

Anything you post on any social media platform, including those owned by or affiliated with 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 必须遵守所有当地规定吗, state and federal laws and regulations. This includes copyright, trademark, privacy and defamation laws. For copyright and fair use guidelines, consult the University’s Copyright and Fair Use Guidelines.

在公共场合发布各种各样的人的照片通常是可以的(因为没有隐私的期望)。. 但是,当你发布的照片聚焦于特定的人,或者以特定的面孔为特征时,你应该考虑获得书面许可或发布许可. 例如, 你可能想要考虑一些被拍照的学生是否会担心在特定的环境或特定类型的活动中被认出来. 此外,在加州,人们的名字和肖像不能被挪用用于商业用途. 和, 如果社交媒体被用来宣传一个活动或企业,筹集资金, there could be civil liability. 看到 California Civil Code Section 3344.

1. 保持尊重和透明

对你发布的内容要深思熟虑,因为你的言行反映的不仅仅是你自己, 也在大学里. 当代表新葡京博彩官网附属社交媒体账户发布时,不要表达个人意见或观点. 不要使用新葡京博彩官网的名字来推销商业产品或宣传政治问题.

2. 切题且准确

As a 加州大学洛杉矶分校 representative posting on University accounts, you must ensure that the content you publish is factually accurate and relevant. Additionally, only public information may be shared. You should not discuss planned programs, 倡议, 财务数据, personnel matters or other such information. Please consult with 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Office of Communications and 公共事务, if you are unsure as to what information you are able to disclose.

3. 三思而后行

三思而后发. 你在社交媒体上分享的任何东西,即使是在一个封闭的网络中,都不是隐私. It can and will be shared, stored and spread globally. 如果你对你的帖子不确定,在发布之前和你的经理讨论一下内容.

4. 听

交战前先观察. 通过社交媒体网络“倾听”在线对话,以保持对社区相关和感兴趣的内容的清晰和最新的理解.

5. 是活跃的

你应该每天查看社交媒体网站,定期发布新鲜内容. 此外,通过评论、点赞和回应你周围的对话来与他人互动.

看到 the University social media directory:

1. Official 加州州立大学, Los Angeles Social 媒体

Please click on the following page for a University social media directory.