
加州大学洛杉矶分校 students enrolled in a degree-seeking program and certain specialty programs have access to 学生健康中心 (SHC) services (refer to 资格 详情). Most basic services are available at no out-of-pocket cost, some basic services and specialty services are offered at a reasonable cost. Service fees may be paid via cash, check or online payment.

远程 & 现场支持

Our services are currently available through in-person and telehealth appointments.

联系: 323-343-3300

小时:星期一至星期四:上午8:30.m. – 5:45 p.m. & 星期五:上午8:30.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Closed on weekends and University holidays. Hours may vary during semester breaks and intersessions.

语言翻译: Interpretive services are available to assist students with limited or no English proficiency.

生殖 & 性健康

  • Family planning and contraception counseling and education
  • 子宫颈癌筛查
  • 避孕的评估
  • 怀孕测试
  • Pregnancy options counseling and education

  • Barrier and hormonal contraceptives
  • 避孕药
  • 避孕套
    • 外部/男性避孕套
    • 内部/女用避孕套
  • 甲孕酮
  • NuvaRing
  • Spermicides (available upon request)
  • 紧急避孕法
    • 艾拉
    • B计划

  • 乳房检查
  • 癌症筛查
  • 咨询和教育
  • 艾滋病毒检测
  • 药物流产
  • 盆腔检查
  • 转介服务
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
  • 睾丸考试
  • 健康探访和检查

计划生育 Access Care Treatment (Family PACT) is a State of California program that offers no-cost family planning and related services, including free contraceptive methods, 紧急避孕法, 性传播感染检测. The 学生健康中心 is a Family PACT participant and offers:

  • Family PACT application and client eligibility certification
  • No-cost family planning and related services (for Family PACT-eligible students)

Note: Family PACT is an optional program. 学生 who are not in the Family PACT program receive family planning and related services for reasonable fees (if applicable).

To find a participating provider near you, use the Family PACT Provider 搜索 Tool.



  • Basic outpatient care, including illness and injury screening, diagnostic and/or treatment services
  • 计划生育服务
  • 急救
  • 预防医学
  • Referrals to off-campus healthcare providers and hospitals
  • 生殖 and sexual health care
  • 选择体检(e.g., athletic, pre-employment, program-based)

A variety of immunizations are available at reasonable cost, including:

Available 免疫接种 and Fees
免疫接种 每剂费用
Gardasil-9 (HPV | Series of 3 injections) $250
Hepatis A (Series of 2 injections) $65 
Hepatitis B (Series of 3 injections) $45
Menveo(脑膜炎球菌) $115
M-M-R II (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) $85
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis | Injury related) $0
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis | Booster, non-injury related) $45
伤寒病毒(伤寒病毒) $115
Varivax (Varicella/Chicken Pox | Series of 2 injections) $160

Lab tests are performed to support clinical care and treatment. Certain lab tests are available at no cost (e.g.(尿检验孕). Other tests are available for reasonable fees (e.g., chem panel, HIV and STD testing).

Commonly Ordered Labs with Fees*

Commonly ordered lab tests with fees include:

  • 血液/Rh型($6)
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel ($3)
  • Chlamydia/Gonorrhoeae, Probe/Urine ($40)
  • 糖化血红蛋白(5美元)
  • HIV 1/2抗原 & 抗体(10美元)
  • 总铁($8)
  • 脂质检查($8)
  • QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus ($48)
  • RPR w/Reflex Titer (Syphilis - $4) 
  • 镰状细胞($6)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ($6)
  • 维生素D(15美元)


Commonly Ordered Free of Cost

  • CBC w/微分
  • Urinalysis with Reflex to Microscopy
  • 葡萄糖(室内测试)
  • H. 幽门螺杆菌(内部检测)
  • 单声道屏幕(内部测试)
  • Pregnancy Test, Urine (In-house test)
  • Strep A Screen (In-house test)
  • 尿液分析(内部测试)

The 学生健康中心 pharmacy offers medications for reasonable fees, including:

  • Over-the-counter medications (e.g., allergy and cold medications, vitamins)
  • 处方药

Medications available through the 药店 include:

Over-the-Counter Medications/Tests 处方药
日间感冒和流感(2美元).09) Amoxicillin 500mg, 20 capsules ($3)
Econtra Emergency Contraception ($30) Bactrim DS, 6片(3美元)
Ibuprofen 200mg 24 tablets ($1.08) Cephalexin 500mg, 20 capsules ($3)
Loratadine 10mg, 30 tablets ($1.85) Fluconazole 150mg 1 tablet ($3)
验孕棒(2美元.42) Triamicinolone 0.1%乳霜15毫克(3美元)



  • 基本诊断x射线
  • Chest X-rays to identify tuberculosis


Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides confidential and non-judgmental help with your personal growth and psychological wellness.



Chiropractic care is provided by Los Angeles College of Chiropractic interns, supervised by a licensed chiropractor. 诊所提供:

  • 脊椎调整
  • Treatment of low back and neck problems
  • Exercises for posture, movement, flexibility, endurance, strength, balance, and coordination

The clinic’s certified massage therapist offers:

  • Half-hour and hour-long acupressure
  • Zen Shiatsu and Jin Shin Jyutsu massage sessions
  • 员工会议

Licensed optometrists offer:

  • 完整的折射
  • 青光眼筛查
  • 眼睛健康评估
  • Single vision and bifocal lenses
  • Standard and disposable contact lenses

Peace Over Violence provides support to students who have experienced or been impacted by sexual violence and or domestic violence (for example, 性侵犯, 亲密伴侣暴力, 跟踪, 不正当的性行为, 性骚扰, 等.).

The Campus Advocate provides confidential on-campus support to students. 访问 与律师会面 有关详细信息,.


The clinic’s licensed dentist offers:

  • 磋商
  • 牙科x射线
  • Limited cavity treatment and fillings
  • 口语考试
  • 牙齿清洁
  • 书面评估
  • 转介服务


Basic psychiatric care is available by referral from a 学生健康中心 CAPS or medical provider. Psychiatric services include:

  • Psychiatric evaluations and therapy
  • 药物管理
  • 转介服务