
Call 911 in an Emergency or if You or Someone Else is in Imminent Danger

Note: Please be aware that phone, tablet, computer and other device activity may be monitored. 如果你是约会暴力或家庭暴力的受害者/幸存者, 性暴力或不当行为, 跟踪, 或者其他罪行, it may be safer to obtain information using a device a perpetrator does not have potential access to. 欲了解更多信息,请访问或联系 全国家庭暴力热线 (800-799-7233或800-787-3224 [TTY]).

Report all on-campus emergencies (crime-in-progress, medical, 心理健康, fire, other) to 大学警务/公共安全学系:

  • 用校园电话拨打911
  • Use the closest emergency phone (blue light, non-dial, outdoor emergency phone)

大学警务/公共安全学系 may be contacted at 323-343-3700 (on-campus extension 3-3700) for non-emergency situations.

  • 国防部安全热线 (Sexual assault support for the Department of Defense Community): 877-995-5247 | Online Helpline | App available at Google Play and Apple App Store
  • Find治疗ment.政府 (Substance Abuse and 心理健康 Services Administration): 800-662-HELP (800-662-4357) | TTY: 800-487-4889
  • 洛杉矶虐待老人热线:877.4.R.老年人(877-477-3646)
  • 退伍军人危机热线: 800-273-8255 (Press 1) | Text 838255 | 800-799-4889 (For deaf and hard of hearing) | Online chat

Everyone has the right to indicate how they want their healthcare to be handled. But what if you have a health condition that does not allow you to communicate your wishes? 这就是预先指示的用武之地. Advance directives are official legal documents that identify your healthcare desires to family and healthcare providers.

Note: Any charges related to care and treatment are the responsibility of the patient.

  • 211洛杉矶县211洛杉矶县是寻找各种健康的地方, 洛杉矶县的人类和社会服务中心, 包括危机干预, 家庭暴力, 食物, 住房, 收入与就业, 法律援助, 同性恋群体, 心理健康, 老年人和老年人, 药物滥用, 以及运输服务. 访问 加州2-1-1 其他县的资源和服务.
  • 酒精治疗导航仪: This 国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒研究所 tool helps adults find evidence-based treatment. 除了, the Navigator answers common questions related to alcohol use disorder and alcohol treatment.
  • 约会与家庭暴力, Sexual Violence and Stalking: Local support agencies offer: 24-hour hotlines; services for women, men and individuals who identify elsewhere on the gender spectrum; children's services; 同性恋群体-sensitive care; information and referrals; accompaniment and support for forensic exams and law enforcement and criminal justice interviews; legal services; short-term and long-term counseling; support groups; emergency shelter or shelter referrals; and other advocacy services. 当地机构可通过以下途径找到:
  • Find治疗ment.政府 (Substance Abuse and 心理健康 Services Administration): 800-662-HELP (800-662-4357) | TTY: 800-487-4889
  • 准备好洛杉矶: 准备好洛杉矶 is the Los Angeles County resource for information and locations to obtain HIV pre- and post- exposure prophylaxis to reduce risk of HIV infection.
  • 进行测试:全国艾滋病, STD and Hepatitis 进行测试 locator is the tool to use to find free, 快速和本地的艾滋病毒检测, 性传播疾病和肝炎.

  • 医疗保健提供者和设施:美国.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS公司) Providers and Facilities portal is a gateway to locating free and low-cost care, 癌症中心, 乳房x光检查认证设施, 和其他健康诊所. The site also includes links to tools for comparing clinicians and hospitals, 养老院, 以及其他医疗机构.

  • 无家可归的服务

    • This 211 LA resource provides information and referrals for homeless individuals and families in need of 住房 and shelter related to:
        • 救助中心
        • 家庭暴力
        • 紧急避难所任务
        • 有未成年子女的家庭和某些孕妇
        • 同性恋群体
        • 孕妇家庭
        • 返回
        • 保持住
        • 药物滥用
        • 退伍军人
        • 冬季避难所
        • 青少年收容中心
        • 青年/逃亡
  • 洛杉矶县卫生服务部 (DHS): The DHS Facility Locator is a convenient tool for locating local county clinics, 紧急服务, 医院和紧急护理设施.
  • 全国人口贩运热线(NHT)转介目录: The NHT Referral 目录 is designed to provide access to critical emergency, 过渡, and long-term social services for victims and survivors of human trafficking.
  • 疫苗.政府: The Vaccine Finder tool helps adults locate providers of recommended vaccinations. This site also includes a Health Center Finder to locate federally funded health centers. 联邦政府资助的中心提供护理, 即使是那些没有医疗保险的人, 这包括儿童免疫接种和检查, 成人体检, 疾病的治疗, 孕期保健, 牙科保健, 心理健康, 以及药物滥用服务.

Note: The resources and information accessed through these links are intended for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for consulting with an appropriate healthcare or other professional.

  • 美国疾病控制与预防中心: The CDC is an excellent source of information on healthy living, 准备, 旅行者的健康, 还有其他健康问题

  • healthfinder.政府当你在做澳门新葡京博彩健康的决定时, 知道去哪里获取最新消息是很重要的, 最可靠的信息. healthfinder.政府 has resources on a wide range of health topics selected from over 1,600 政府ernment and non-profit organizations to bring you the best, 互联网上最可靠的健康信息."

  • 医疗在线: "医疗在线 directs you to information to help answer health questions. 医疗在线 brings together authoritative information from the National 图书馆 of Medicine (NLM), 美国国立卫生研究院, 以及其他政府机构和健康相关组织. 医疗在线 also contains extensive information about drugs and supplements, 插图医学百科全书, 交互式教程, 最新的健康资讯, 还有手术视频."

DISCLAIMER: These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. 新葡京博彩官网不对准确性负责, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.