

加州州立大学 全系统无烟环境政策, 9月1日生效, 2017, all 加州州立大学 campuses shall be 100% 无烟 and 无烟草. Smoking, 烟草制品的使用或销售, and the use of designated smoking areas are prohibited on all 加州州立大学 properties. CSU社区的成员应该完全遵守这项政策..."



  • 无烟
    • 指香烟的使用, pipes, cigars, 以及包括电子烟在内的其他“烟雾”产品, vapor devices and other like products are prohibited on all University properties.
  • 吸烟还是吸烟
    • 意味着吸入, exhaling, burning, 或携带任何点燃或加热的雪茄, 香烟, 小雪茄烟, pipe, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, 无论是天然的还是合成的, 以任何方式或形式. “Smoke” or “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or vapor, 以任何方式或形式, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking.
  • 无烟草
    • 指香烟的使用, pipes, cigars, 无烟烟草, snuffs, 及其他烟草制品禁止进入大学的所有场所.
  • 烟草产品
    • Means —
      • 一种含有, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, 是否吸烟, heated, chewed, absorbed, 溶解, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, 或者通过其他方式摄入, 包括, 但不限于香烟, cigars, 小雪茄, 咀嚼烟草, 管烟草, 和鼻烟.
      • An electronic device that delivers nicotine or other vaporized liquids to the person inhaling from the device, 包括, 但不限于, 电子烟, cigar, pipe, 或水烟.
      • Any component, part, accessory of a tobacco product, whether or not sold separately.
      • “Tobacco product” does not include a product that has been approved by the United States 美国食品药品监督管理局 for sale as a tobacco cessation product or for other therapeutic purposes where the product is marketed and sold solely for such an approved purpose.



  • 大麻/大麻(和大麻,大麻油,蜂蜜油,蜡)...)是联邦政府规定的非法物质 管制物质法. Medicinal marijuana and synthetic marijuana (also known as K2 and spice) are also illegal.
  • 根据联邦法律, 新葡京博彩官网禁止非法持有, 制造, 培养, 分布, use, and sale of cannabis and other illegal substances on campus or on property owned and controlled by the university.



  • 物理风险
    • 受损的协调, balance, and reaction time; nausea; dizziness; increased appetite; lung damage; increased appetite; seizures; stroke; violence...
  • 心理风险
    • Anxiety; impaired memory and judgment; disorganized thinking; hallucinations; panic attacks; paranoia...
  • 其他风险
    • Academic and legal problems; campus sanctions; crashes resulting from driving under the influence; financial aid ineligibility...





Smoking & Tobacco

吸烟对健康最好的一件事, 也为他们周围人的健康着想, 就是戒烟:

  • 吸烟是可预防死亡的主要原因.
  • 烟草杀死了多达一半的使用者.
  • 烟草每年导致700多万人死亡. More than 6 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 890,000例是由于非吸烟者接触二手烟造成的.



Although some studies indicate using e-cigs may be safer than smoking tobacco, e-cigs are not without risk and there is "no body of research which points to definitive e-cig safety."

  • 尼古丁是很容易上瘾的——无论是在香烟中, cigar, hookah, 或者电子烟——而且可能导致对其他物质上瘾.
  • 人类的大脑要到25岁左右才能完全成熟. 尼古丁对大脑发育有不利影响, 并可能导致注意力和学习障碍, 情绪障碍, 低冲量控制, 易上瘾, 以及其他对健康的负面影响.
  • 电子烟中的尼古丁会导致急性中毒和死亡.
  • With or without nicotine, e-cigs may contain harmful, toxic and cancer-causing substances.
  • E-cigs (and other tobacco products, such as hookahs) are regulated by the U.S. 美国食品药品监督管理局.

Vaping can be associated with health risks, 包括 serious lung injuries. 请牢记以下CDC指南:

  • 青少年和年轻人不应该使用电子烟产品.

  • 孕妇不应该使用电子烟产品.

  • Adults who do not currently use tobacco products should not start using e-香烟 products.

  • If you do use e-香烟 products, you should not buy these products from casual sources (e.g.、家人、朋友、街头小贩).

  • You should not modify e-香烟 products or add any substances to these products that are not intended by the 制造r.

  • Adult smokers who are attempting to quit should use evidence-based treatments, 包括咨询和fda批准的药物. 如果你需要戒烟的帮助, 包括电子烟, 联系你的医生或其他医疗服务提供者.

如果您在使用电子烟产品后担心自己的健康, 拨打当地中毒控制中心1-800-222-1222. 你也可以提交一份报告 通过网络向食品药品监督管理局 安全报告门户.



一般来说,吸烟会导致肺部损伤,增加感染风险. 电子烟也会伤害肺部. 某些肺部疾病会增加患COVID-19严重疾病的风险. 戒烟和吸电子烟可能有助于降低COVID-19的风险.


EVALI是一种与电子烟有关的破坏性肺部疾病. 2019-2020年疫情期间, more than 50% of the individuals who required hospitalization were younger than 25 years of age. The outbreak peaked in September 2019, but cases are ongoing and individuals continue to be impacted.



  • Cough
  • 呼吸困难
  • 胸部疼痛
  • Fever
  • 胃疼
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • Diarrhea
  • 减肥
  • 其他症状


EVALI is primarily associated with vaping THC (the primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis) and vitamin E acetate, 四氢大麻酚添加剂.

The majority of vaping products linked to the EVALI outbreak were obtained from "informal sources,比如朋友, family, 在线资源, 或者街头购买.


  • 每个人都应该考虑不要使用电子烟, 特别是青少年, 年轻人和怀孕的个体
  • 避免使用四氢大麻酚和含有四氢大麻酚的电子烟产品
  • 不要从非正规渠道购买电子烟产品
  • 避免修改或使用修改过的电子烟产品
  • Smokers interested in quitting smoking should avoid vapes and consider FDA-approved nicotine therapies






For your health: The 学生健康中心's pharmacy has over-the-counter nicotine gum available 不花钱 for students who are interested in smoking cessation and need temporary relief from nicotine cravings. Students seeking smoking cessation assistance may also schedule appointments with a 学生健康中心 physician for evaluation and care.*


*Note: These services are based on eligibility to use 学生健康中心 services. 请按 资格 的信息.


自由自在 is a telephone coaching and 咨询 tobacco cessation program offered through LifeMatters® by Empathia, 新葡京博彩官网的机密员工援助计划. 欲了解更多信息或报名,请致电LifeMatters®800-367-7474. 更多信息也可通过访问 www.mylifematters.com 并输入GOEAGLES,加州州立大学洛杉矶生命事件®访问密码. 概述 自由自在 可透过主页的“服务”选项卡查阅.

与本项目和其他lifemmatters®项目和服务相关的问题(例如.g., 咨询, 工作/生活资源和推荐, 与注册财务顾问进行财务咨询, 和律师的法律咨询)也可以直接到 Erika拉米雷斯, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Human 资源 Management, Employee and Labor Relations, at 323-343-3654.


*视资源而定, assistance is available: 不花钱 or for a fee; through an app; via online chat; or by phone (包括 text). All provide online information and some include free materials available for download.


Students with concerns related to substance use and dependence may seek confidential assistance (i.e.(不受纪律处分) 学生健康中心 医疗服务提供者、咨询和心理服务:

  • 323-343-3300


员工 with substance use and dependency concerns may seek care through their personal healthcare providers and/or seek assistance from LifeMatters,®新葡京博彩官网的机密员工援助计划800-367-7474. 更多信息请访问 www.mylifematters.com 然后输入GOEAGLES,这是新葡京博彩官网的密码,可以访问lifemmatters.®


These links are being provided as a convenience and 的信息al purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 of any of the products, 公司、组织或个人的服务或意见. 新葡京博彩官网不对准确性负责, 外部网站或后续链接的合法性或内容. 与外部站点联系以获得有关其内容的问题的答案.