Support & Services

Support and Services

As part of our commitment to research, teaching and creative scholarship, 加州州立大学洛杉矶特别收藏和档案提供了一系列的学术支持服务,从研究任命和咨询指导会议和旅游. 我们的收费服务包括复制、出版和远程研究请求.


Plan Your Visit

Request Research Appointment

特别收藏和档案资料可供学生研究, staff, and faculty, as well as the public.

We highly encourage scheduling a research appointment 1-week in advance. 可以根据所要求的材料和工作人员的可用性来安排预约.

Use Online Archive of California (OAC) 浏览新葡京博彩官网所有可用藏品的收藏指南.

To schedule an appointment, please fill out the Research Appointment Application.

一旦您的请求被处理,您将在2-3个工作日内收到一封确认电子邮件. Not all requests are guaranteed. Research visit confirmation is subject to the status of the collection(s), as well as staff and reading room availability.

Research Appointment
Students conducting research for an upcoming paper

Request a Research Consultation

For in-depth research help, 安排一个研究咨询一对一或小团体协助与一个特别馆藏图书管理员.


To schedule an appointment, please fill out the Research Consultation Form.


特别收藏和档案位于大学图书馆的帕尔默翼, 2nd floor, room 2079.

Please see Visitor Parking 有关可用地段、每日停车收费和其他交通方式的信息.

Directions and Parking
新葡京博彩官网是洛杉矶第一所也是唯一一所在校园内拥有地铁车站的大学, which opened in 1994.

Plan Your Class Session

特殊馆藏和档案馆员欢迎与教师和社区团体合作的机会. 我们专注于提供实际的学习经验和发展评估和使用原始资源的技能. 我们与教师合作开发课程特定的项目和作业,鼓励学生参与特殊收藏和档案材料.


Possible sessions include:

  • Introduction to Special Collections & Archives
  • Assignment Specific Instruction
  • Primary Source Analysis
  • Assignment Consultations
  • Special Collections & Archives Tours
  • Exhibit Preparation Workshop
Collection Tours

Request an Instruction Session

To help us prepare for class visits, we require a minimum of three weeks' advance notice and a completed Instruction Request Form.


特别馆藏和档案阅览室一次最多可容纳20名学生,因为我们认为小班授课更有利于互动和实践体验. 如果您的班级超过20名学生,我们很乐意安排两个单独的课程.

Instruction Session

Independent Study

The Special Collections and Archives Reading Room is a unique, hybrid space open to all students, faculty, and staff for archival research as well as independent study.

Stop by to view our exhibits and displays, too!

Due to class sessions and special events, the reading room may be closed intermittently throughout the semester. Signage will be posted accordingly.

Independent Study

Cal State LA Special Collections and ARchives are composed of rare books, journals, digital, and archival collections. To browse our collections, get started with these search tools:

  • One Search is an intuitive, 中央接口,提供访问所有加州州立大学(CSU)图书馆的印刷和数字馆藏. 您可以通过高级搜索来搜索位于特殊收藏和档案馆的珍本书籍和期刊. Type in your Subject/Keyword and click on search. 在左侧,将搜索结果的位置过滤为“Special Collections”."
  • Online Archive of California (OAC) 免费向公众提供由200多个贡献机构(包括图书馆)维护的主要资源收藏的详细说明, special collections, archives, historical societies, and museums throughout California. 在这里,您可以浏览新葡京博彩官网所有可用藏品的收藏指南.
  • Luna 我们的资产管理系统和数字存储库是否提供了访问特别馆藏和档案资料的数字版本. 列出了可用的集合,可以单独浏览,也可以通过搜索框(右上角)中的关键字或通过选择预先确定的方面(如项目类型)跨集合进行搜索, subject term, author, or year.
  • Omeka 我们的数字展览是否提供了访问社区合作和策划的档案材料收藏的途径.

To further assist you with your primary source research, the University Library subscribes to several databases for Newspaper/Magazines and Primary Sources.

A student assistant fulfilling a high-quality image request.


Reproductions Services

Please contact [email protected] to enquire about our reproduction fees

  • Basic Scan Requests can be made for copies of archival materials and rare books - these files are to be used for personal research use only. 每项申请的前20页是免费的,之后每页都要收费. 该政策的唯一例外是论文和学位论文的副本,这些副本将完全免费扫描. Copies of materials will be provided in a PDF via email.
  • High Quality Scans are scanned at a high resolution and are provided for use in exhibits, publications, videos, displays, etc. 如果加州州立大学洛杉矶特别收藏和档案馆不拥有版权,这些请求取决于研究人员获得版权所有者的许可.  Delivery of files can be expected via email. 您将收到一个链接,可以从一个名为WeTransfer的文件传输网站下载图像.com.
  • Large or Oversized Materials larger than 11x17 inches (i.e., 海报和地图)通常太大,无法使用标准设备扫描,因此要求复制通常需要额外的设置和劳动力,包括准备材料的时间. For example, 在扫描之前,折叠并存储多年的地图需要轻轻展开并平展几天. 此类复制的费用将根据完成请求所需的时间收取.


Any researcher wishing to publish from Special Collections & Archives materials agrees to obtain permission from holders of copyright, if not Cal State LA, and from other interested parties as applicable. Due to the nature of archival materials, 研究人员还同意承担责任,遵守为保护创作者的隐私权而制定的法律.

Please contact [email protected] to enquire about our publication fees

Distance Research


Please contact [email protected] to enquire about our research fees