

展品, and their associated events, are a valuable part of the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 大学图书馆's outreach efforts and public programming. 他们应该告知, 教育, 娱乐, highlight accomplishments, provide opportunities for the public to view art and artifacts, and promote the 大学图书馆's resources and services. We encourage the creative and scholarly pursuit of exhibit curation through hosting and supporting faculty and student exhibitions.

通常, exhibitions curated by the 大学图书馆 are comprised of materials from 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 and 档案. Those wishing to create and maintain an exhibit at the 大学图书馆 (“Exhibitors”) must either own the copyright to all materials not housed in the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 档案 & 特殊的集合, show written permission for display from the copyright holder, or materials must be in the public domain.

Criteria for 选择

  • 展品 should demonstrate educational and informational importance, relevance to 大学图书馆 collections or university curriculum, and broadness of appeal.
  • 展品 must be appropriate for the intended library location and feasible for Installing.
  • 展品 using artifacts from 大学图书馆 特殊的集合 and 档案, 学生工作, with unique materials or artifacts, and/or a relationship to other events in the community, 是首选.
  • 展品/exhibitors may not charge fees or collect contributions within or outside of the 大学图书馆.
  • 展品 must satisfy public safety considerations.
  • Review is an important part of any scholarly endeavor, and library faculty and staff participate in this activity through constructive feedback and ensuring that standards and protocols are met for all exhibits. Final approval for acceptance is at the 大学图书馆's sole discretion.

建议 and 决策过程

  • Exhibitor reads the 大学图书馆 展览的指导方针.
  • Exhibitor submits their proposal via the online Exhibit 建议 Form.
  • The 大学图书馆 展品 Committee approves or rejects the proposal in a timely manner, based on the exhibit criteria for selection and space availability.
  • Exhibitor is contacted with a decision or a request for more information.

Application Requirements

  • 完整的 Exhibit 建议 Form 至少 一学期前 desired exhibit open date.
  • Exhibitors must provide the following to the 图书馆 展品 Committee ((电子邮件保护))至少 30天前 desired exhibit open date:
    • Installation plan documenting the general location of items and detailing how these items will be mounted/displayed.
    • Item list with a description of all physical items entered in 元数据模板 提供.
  • Digital files of all images reproduced for the exhibit; see Media品质 下面的部分.

It is the sole responsibility of exhibitors to assure that they have acquired the necessary permissions and licenses for any use of copyrighted materials. Proof may come in the form of loan paperwork, emails from copyright holders, and the like. Submit proof 至少 10 days before exhibit open date to (电子邮件保护).

Please note student exhibitors must have a faculty or staff member actively overseeing the project.

Installing & Dismantling Physical 展品

  • Once an exhibit is approved, the exhibitor will be contacted by the 大学图书馆 展品 Committee to plan a consultation to review exhibit Installing outline/map, 标签, and quality of images/artwork.
  • Exhibitors assume full responsibility for creation of the exhibit including but not limited to selecting and developing the content, submitting scan requests to 特殊的集合 and 档案, reviewing and providing copyright permissions, 校对, 还有文案编辑.
    • Members of the 大学图书馆 展品 Committee may assist with these responsibilities when co-curating exhibits.
  • Exhibitors will prepare all labeling and signage for the exhibit, which will include information identifying the sponsoring individual or group. Exhibitors must get approval from the 图书馆 展品 Committee on all labeling and signage 至少 2 weeks before Installing.
  • 展品 must be installed during the 大学图书馆's regular hours of operation, at a time pre-arranged with the 图书馆 展品 Committee.
  • Exhibitors are responsible for the maintenance of the exhibit, including but not limited to cleaning, 维修, 和调整, throughout its duration.
  • Exhibitors must make arrangements to remove items at the close of the exhibit. The 图书馆 reserves the right to take down the exhibit if the party responsible does not remove the items in a timely manner. The 图书馆 assumes no responsibility for items that are left behind after the exhibition has closed.
  • Exhibitors will not permanently alter the exhibit space and must return the exhibit area to its original condition at closing.


  • Exhibitor responsibilities are the same for online exhibits as they are for physical exhibits (including but not limited to selecting and developing the content, submitting scan requests to 特殊的集合 and 档案, reviewing and providing copyright permissions, 校对, 和文案编辑).
  • The 大学图书馆 uses Omeka as the platform for online exhibits to highlight 加州大学洛杉矶分校 special collections and archival material. Omeka is a user-friendly publishing platform for sharing digital collections and creating Media-rich online exhibits.
  • All file submissions will be archived/donated to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 特殊的集合 & 档案, unless the material is from other institutions with the proper permissions or loan paperwork.


  • Art/prints must be professionally matted and framed
    • 准备好了
    • High quality images only
      • 600 DPI for physical exhibits
      • 300 - 600 DPI for digital exhibits
    • Digital images in online exhibits must include alt-text
  • 视频
  • Minimum 1920x1080 resolution
  • Closed captioning is required for all videos


The following are approved exhibition Spaces in the 大学图书馆. Click each location for a sample image:

  • 图书馆 North First Floor – Wall Adjacent to Cafe 47
  • 图书馆 North First Floor – Southwest Corner
  • 图书馆 North Second Floor Gallery
  • 图书馆 South Second Floor - 特殊的集合 Exterior Lobby
  • 图书馆 North Staircase – Coming Soon


Exhibitors are responsible for Funding all costs associated with the exhibit, 包括航运, Installing, 拆除, 保险, and related activities/events. Other arrangements require special approval.


If exhibitors are interested in providing images or graphics for promotional use it must be submitted during consultation.

The 大学图书馆 may provide publicity in the form of social Media posts on institutional accounts, 在全校推广邮件, and space for print and digital signage in the 大学图书馆 building.

Professional photography and/or videography of the exhibit and related events on 大学图书馆 premises should be independently secured by and at the expense of the exhibitors, and high-resolution copies of any footage or images must be shared with the 大学图书馆 for archival and promotional use. Other arrangements must be discussed with the 图书馆 展品 Committee prior to finalizing the proposal.


展品 are often in high-traffic areas whose visibility reduces the likelihood of damage or theft of materials. 然而, the 大学图书馆 takes no responsibility for the Security of exhibits at any time, including during transport, Installing, 或拆除. Exhibitors assume all responsibility for loss or damage to items.

Any theft, loss, or damage must be reported to the University Police. The 大学图书馆 does not provide 保险 for exhibits and cannot be held responsible for the safety of exhibited items. Insurance coverage, if needed, is the responsibility of the exhibitor(s).


展品 must have specific start and end dates, although the end date may be extended if the schedule allows. 根据经验, exhibits should be on display for one semester, although shorter exhibit times are permissible with prior approval. The 大学图书馆 maintains the right to cancel an exhibit at any time.


Exhibitors are responsible for preparing the content of publications associated with their exhibit. 参考书目, publicity册, and other promotional and/or instructional materials to accompany an exhibit are strongly recommended but not mandatory. 声音, video, or computer displays accompanying exhibits will be installed and removed by exhibitors in consultation with the 图书馆 展品 Committee. The 大学图书馆 maintains a limited supply of exhibit materials, 比如胶带, matboard, and book stands for mounting exhibits and displays. Additional materials must be 提供 by the exhibitor.

Related Activities/事件

Spaces in the 大学图书馆 may, 有时, be available for receptions and other activities (workshops, 会谈, demonstrations) linked to exhibits. These requests should be listed on the 建议 Form at the time of application. The 大学图书馆 展品 Committee will consult the room use policy and check the schedule to see whether a reception or other activity may be held.

For more information contact (电子邮件保护).

Exhibit 建议 Form

访问 Exhibit 建议 Form