
教师 can request a web页面 on the Drupal web platform for hosting their curriculum vitae (CV). Once the faculty 页面 is created, it will be listed in the 学院网站目录. For information on how to request a faculty web页面, visit the Web Development 和 Hosting 页面.


Below are step-by-step instructions on how to edit your faculty web页面 on Drupal.

When you log in to Drupal, you will be directed to your profile 页面 which includes a link to your faculty web页面. You will also see the administrative toolbar 和 shortcut bar at the top of every 页面.


  1. www.bayamonworkingtools.net/login.
  2. Log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.

When a new faculty web页面 is created, it includes basic information (your name, 大学, 部门, 和电子邮件). You can edit your faculty web页面 to add additional information. Only you can edit your own faculty web页面.

To edit your faculty web页面:

  1. 去 your faculty web页面 和 click the 编辑 选项卡.
  2. 进行所需的更改.
  3. 单击 保存 button.

Drupal includes a 文本编辑器 which makes it easy to create 和 edit content without writing code. Pointing to a button on the 文本编辑器 toolbar displays its name in a tooltip.


The Link button on the 文本编辑器 toolbar can be used to create a link to a 页面 or an email address.


  1. 文本编辑器, select the text you want to link.
  2. 单击 Link 按钮。.
  3. URL 田野 添加链接 窗口中,输入 the URL of the 页面 you want to link to.
  4. 单击 保存 button.

NOTE: You can edit or remove a link by right-clicking the link 并选择ing the desired option on the shortcut menu.

To link to an email address:

  1. 文本编辑器, select the text you want to link.
  2. 单击 Link 按钮。.
  3. URL 田野 添加链接 窗口中,输入 mailto: followed by the email address (e.g.mailto:(电子邮件保护)).
  4. 单击 保存 button.

The Table button on the 文本编辑器 toolbar can be used to add a 选项卡le to your faculty web页面. Tables should not be used for 页面 layouts. To make 选项卡les accessible, make sure to designate row 和/or column headers.


  1. 文本编辑器, click where you want to add the 选项卡le.
  2. 单击 Table 按钮。.
  3. 表属性 窗口中,输入 the desired number of ,选择合适的 option, set other options as needed, 和 then click the OK button.
表属性 dialog box
  1. To add content to the 选项卡le, click in each cell 和 enter data.

NOTE: You can edit or delete a 选项卡le by right-clicking in the 选项卡le 并选择ing the desired option on the shortcut menu.

You can add a profile photo to your faculty web页面. The photo will display below the 页面 title.


  1. 单击 媒体 选项卡.
  2. 档案照片,点击 添加媒体 button.
  3. 添加或选择媒体 窗口,单击 选择文件 button, locate 并选择 the image you want to upload, 和 then click the 开放 button.
  4. Enter a short description of the image in the 替代文本 field, 和 then click the 保存 button.
  5. The image will automatically be selected. 单击 插入选定 button.

You can link to your curriculum vitae (CV) document on your faculty web页面. Once you add your CV document, a link will automatically appear below your profile details.


  1. 单击 媒体 选项卡.
  2. 简历,点击 添加媒体 button.
  3. 添加或选择媒体 窗口,单击 选择文件 button, locate 并选择 the document you want to upload,点击 开放 button, 和 then click the 保存 button.
  4. The document will automatically be selected. 单击 插入选定 button.

Design blocks are predesigned sections of content that you can add to your faculty web页面. You can choose the design blocks you want to add 和 the order in which to place them. Design blocks display below the main content on the published 页面.


  1. 单击 设计模块 选项卡.
  2. 上的箭头 设计模块 drop-down list 并选择 the design block you want to add.
  3. Enter content in the design block fields.
  4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to add additional design blocks.


  1. 单击 设计模块 选项卡.
  2. Locate the design block you want to move, 和 then drag the move icon  up or down to move the design block to its new location.


  1. 单击 设计模块 选项卡.
  2. Locate the design block you want to edit, 和 then click the 编辑 button. The design block exp和s, providing access to all its fields.
  3. 进行所需的更改.

To remove a design block:

  1. 单击 设计模块 选项卡.
  2. Locate the design block you want to remove,点击 vertical ellipsis icon  并选择 删除 从菜单中.

When you finish editing your faculty web页面, you should log out of Drupal 和 close the web browser window.


  1. 点击 your username on the administrative toolbar.
  2. 点击 注销 在快捷栏上