
ITS encourages everyone to report any IT Security-related issues or concerns they encounter to our ServiceNow ticketing system. Help our 资讯科技保安及合规性 team manage and track incidents to keep our campus community cyber safe!



ServiceNow is an online ticketing system used by ITS to provide customer support. 新葡京博彩官网学生, 教师, and staff can use ServiceNow to create an incident ticket and track it until the issue has been resolved.  


1. Select 服务目录 左边的TAB键.

2. 在 自助服务 首页,点击 我们能为您效劳吗?.


3. 在 我们能为您效劳吗? 页面,点击 报告事故.


4. 在 主题 场, enter a brief description of the incident.

5. 在 描述 场, enter a detailed description of the incident, where you will include information such as device you are using, when and where the issue occurred, and if anything has been done to resolve the issue.

6. To add an attachment, click the 附件 图标 剪辑 在右上角.

7. 完成后,单击 提交 and a confirmation message will appear.



Select the Report button to complete the lost/stolen device form report.




  1. Under the 联系信息 section, please provide your first and last name in the 联系人姓名 盒子.
  2. 在 联系人姓名所属单位, select whether you are a 教师, 工作人员, Student or Other. If you select Other, please specify your affiliation in the next 盒子 that pops up.
  3. 在 联系人姓名的电话号码, please provide your phone number so we are able to contact you.
  4. If the lost/stolen device was owned by you, please provide your full name. If the device was loaned by someone else or by a department, please provide a full name in the 设备所有者的盒子. Example: Information Technology 服务, Human Resources, etc.
  5. 请提供 设备所有者’s phone number.
  6. 请提供 设备所有者’s room number. If the owner’s room number is unknown, put “N/A.”




  1. 请提供 被盗/丢失日期 设备的.  
  2. Please provide in detail of the location where the device was lost/stolen or last seen.
  3. Please select if the device was lost or stolen.
  4. Please select Yes or No if the device was lost/stolen on campus.
  5. Please select if you have reported this information to University Police. We strongly suggest you report this incident to them at the Public Safety building. 

If you select that the device was stolen and you have reported it to the University Police, 请提供报告 Officer’s name/Case# if knownDate reported to University Police.




  1. Select the type of equipment of the lost/stolen device. If multiple types of equipment were stolen, you may select more than one. If the device equipment type is not listed, please select Other and describe the device.
  2. If you are a staff/教师 和 University has loaned you the device, please select “University-owned employee device” in the next question. If you are a student and the Dean of 学生 has loaned you the device, please select “University-owned student device”. If the device is your own personal device, please select “Personal device.”
  3. Provide the total amount of devices lost/stolen during the incident.
  4. 请提供 serial number or the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Property tag number 设备的 under 设备序列号. If you do not have the serial number or property tag number available, please check the Select this check盒子 if equipment serial number is N/A 盒子.
  5. 完成 Describe the file content on the equipment 盒子, where you can list details on what kind of files the device contains. 
  6. 描述设备特性 in detail to help us accurately find the device. 
  7. Please select if the device contains Level 1 or Level 2 data. 如果有的话, please answer the next questions if the data was encrypted, password-protected and if you have a back-up copy of the data. If you are unsure, please select No.

If you do not know what Level 1 or Level 2 data is, please find their definitions at the links at the top of the form’s 页面.



一旦完成, click the blue “提交 Request” button at the bottom right of the 页面 to submit the form.

If your email account is provided by Google or Microsoft, their clients have a reporting feature. 如下图所示: 


