

Do not hesitate to see the Immigration Advisor if you are uncertain about your status and documents. 不要相信你朋友告诉你的话!


  1. 作为一个国际学生, you must maintain full-time enrollment at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 during the academic year (fall and spring); that is a minimum of 12 units per quarter for undergraduates and gradute student requirement is 8 units of 500-level courses, 或全职工作, 并取得令人满意的成绩. Graduate international student in ECST is considered full time with 8 units.
  2. You must first obtain the permission of the International 办公室 before dropping a class or falling below the minimum number of units per semester. 
  3. 特别注意: If your first term is summer, you must be enrolled as a full time student during the summer term.

转学到加州州立大学.A. 来自另一个美国.S. 学校

  1. 如果你是从另一个美国转过来的.S. 到新葡京博彩官网, you must complete the transfer within ten (10) working days of the start of your first semester at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 This consists of attending the New International Student Orientation and check in at the International 办公室 with your original immigration documents.


  1. If you cannot complete your degree by the date printed on your I-20 Item #5, 或DS-2019上的第三名, 你必须申请“延期逗留”.” 在保质期前至少30天 你目前的移民文件.


  1. You may not start employment off-campus without a written recommendation from the International 办公室 and the permission of USCIS.
  2. You may not work more than 20 hours per week at a job on campus while school is in session.
  3. All on-campus employment must end at the time you complete your students at 加州大学洛杉矶分校.


  1. You must notify the International 办公室 before you transfer to another school in the U.S. 请求转移您的SEVIS记录, you must submit a copy of the acceptance letter and the SEVIS Transfer Release Form to the 办公室 of International and Globla Engagement by the end of your last term at 加州大学洛杉矶分校


  1. 你必须始终保持护照有效. For information on how to renew your passport, please contact your country’s embassy.


  1. 如果你打算离开美国.S. 暂时回到新葡京博彩官网继续学习, you must obtain a travel authorization on your I-20/DS-2019 prior to your departure. If you do not have the proper authorization, you will receive difficulty at the Port of Entry.
  2. 有关离开和重新进入美国的更多信息,请参阅.S.,请联络 办公室 国际和全球参与.

申报I-20 / DS-2019变更

你必须报告专业的任何变化, 学历水平, 或资金在十(10)天内到国际办公室. the International 办公室 is required to report these changes to USICE. 你需要一份新的I-20 / DS-2019. Failure to report these changes timely will cause you to fall out of status.


地址如有变动,你必须报告.e., 你的实际住所, within ten (10) days of the change by updating your biographical data in GET. 向国际办公室报告并更改地址 在这里


  1. F-1 学生 who have completed their studies or completed their Optional Practical Training period have 60 days to prepare to leave the U.S., transfer out to another US school, or be issued a new 加州大学洛杉矶分校 I20 for a new program.
  2. F-1退学或退学的学生 and have prior approval from the International 办公室 have 15 days to prepare to leave the U.S.
  3. F-1退学或退学的学生 没有 在国际办公室批准之前必须离开美国.S. 立即.
  4. J-1 学生 completing a degree program or Academic Training have 30 day grace period.
  5. J-1学生没有提前退学的宽限期.

    If you have fallen “out of status,” you must apply to the USCIS for reinstatement. The IPS Immigration Counselor will assist you in this process if it is your first time out of status. 这个的费用是200美元.00(或有更改),表格可在IPS索取. 学生 who have previously been reinstated and are out of status again will have a difficult time winning reinstatement. IPS可以为这些学生提供律师推荐名单.

    You may also be reinstated, if this is your first time out of status, by leaving the U.S. 然后乘坐由IPS公司准备的新I-20回国. However, you should discuss your options with the IPS Immigration Counselor because leaving the U.S. for reinstatement may jeopardize your eligibility for any practical training.


    • 学生离境不超过5个月
    • 学生建立, 让移民局满意, in a detailed letter that the violation of status resulted from circumstances beyond the student’s control.
    • 情况可能包括严重的伤害或疾病, 机构的关闭, or a natural disaster; excuses of inadvertence, 监督, 忽视, 或故意不及格的学生是不被接受的
    • The violation relates to a reduction in course load that would have been within an IPS counselor’s power to authorize, and that failure to approve reinstatement would result in extreme hardship to the student.
    • The student is pursuing or intending to pursue a full course of study in the immediate future at the school which issued the I-20; and
    • 该学生没有从事未经授权的工作.

    A decision to reinstate an individual to F-1 student status is completely at the discretion of the USCIS.

    加州大学L.A. IPS对这件事没有任何控制权. If you are denied reinstatement, you must stop attending classes and depart the U.S. 30天内.

    If you think you may be out of status, please consult with IPS as soon as possible!

    If you have fallen “out of status” you must apply for reinstatement with the U.S. 国务院.

    The following documents must be submitted to the appropriate counselor at IPS for review and submission to the U.S. 国务院办理:

    • 支票或汇票198美元,抬头人为“美国”.S. 国务院”;
    • 学生的违规解释信;
    • Show inadvertence or circumstances beyond their control; and
    • 如果复职不被批准,将会面临非同寻常的困难.
    • 之前所有ds -2019的复印件;
    • I-94卡复印件(正面和背面);
    • Copy of passport (biographical page including expiration date); and
    • 支付I-901费用的收据


    • Knowingly or willfully failed to obtain or maintain the required health insurance at all times while in the U.S.;
    • 从事未经许可的雇佣;
    • Been suspended or terminated from the most recent exchange visitor program;
    • Failed to maintain valid program status for more than 270 calendar days;
    • 收到了美国大学的推荐信.S. 国务院 on an application for waiver of section 212(e); or
    • 未能支付SEVIS I-901费用.
    • The decision to approve or deny the reinstatement request is entirely at the discretion of the U.S. 国务院.

    如果你认为自己“没有地位”, please schedule an appointment with the appropriate staff member to discuss your case in more details.