

The forms and checklists have been assembled from many different parts of the RMEHS Campus Programs. Where forms come from procedures, the procedure title and appendix are given. The Procedures are found in the RMEHS Procedures Manual. Most Emergency Preparedness checklists and forms are found in Emergency Preparedness.


    Campus Building Schedule and Information

    One of the goals of the Environmental Health and 安全 (EHS) office is the protection and preservation of human health and the environment. Strict compliance with the myriad of federal laws, state regulations and county ordinances is a major component of our 环境控制 program. A variety of regulatory programs are administered and maintained to minimize potential environmental hazards.

    Additional responsibilities include the identification, inspection and evaluation of potential environmental hazards, 比如石棉, 引领, 室内空气质量. 通过跟踪, labeling and communicating these issues, we are better able to protect the human health and environment for our University community.

    Besides the population immediately on campus, the 环境控制 program has an even greater responsibility. That is to be a 引领er in environmental regulatory compliance, 做一个好邻居, and to control all phases of our operations in order to minimize any adverse effects to the environment we live in. To achieve this lofty goal it is essential to provide employees with information to understand their responsibilities for the lawful handling of environmental problems relating to hazardous substances, 空气污染, 水污染问题. Join us in making this world an even better place for everyone.

    If you have questions about 环境控制, email 迈克·莫拉莱斯 或致电(323)343-3534.

    The following information addresses health and safety related issues and emergency procedures about which faculty are expected to advise or assist students.


    These forms will assist faculty in understanding their role in providing a safe learning environment for the students, according to the CSU policy on Health and 安全 for Employees and 学生. 学生 will be provided with the appropriate safety information related to hazards encountered in each instructional environment. 教师, Graduate Assistants and Teaching Assistants will be responsible for providing this information during the first class meeting and throughout the semester. 参考 第1039号行政命令 from the Chancellor's Office.


    安全 and relevant hazard information for the instructional environment is provided below for both faculty and students. Note that the "instructor" version is developed to assist faculty in presenting this information. The "student" version should be completed by each student and retained in the department records. Records should be retained for at least 3 years per CSU retention schedule.



    If you have any questions related to these checklists please contact the RM/EHS office at extension 3-3549 or 3-3531.