
CE 1950 Introduction to Civil Engineering Design (2)
前提条件:ENGR 1500, CE 2020,物理2100.
Introduction to civil engineering design including problem identification, 数据收集, 分析, 可行性研究, 替代设计, 决策和沟通.


CE 2010统计(3)(也列为ME 2010)
先决条件: MATH 2120, PHYS 2100 both with a minimum C grade.
静力学的基本原理, 力的分解和组成, 代数和图形解, 摩擦, 重心, 转动惯量.

先决条件: MATH 1040 or satisfactory score on mathematics pla水泥 test.
Principles and practices of measurement of distances, 方向, and elevations;  care and use of level, 交通, plane table;  mapping practice, 和符号.


CE 2050 Strength of Materials I (also listed as ME 2050) (3)
前提条件:CE/ME 2010最低C级.
轴向应力和应变, 剪切, and torsional forces;  flexural stresses and deflections of simple 光线;  列; and combined stresses. 

工程师矩阵代数与统计(3)(也列为ME 2120)
Introduction to calculations using vectors; matrix operation; solution of linear simultaneous equations; coordinate transformation; probability distributions and densities; concepts in statistics; application to engineering problems.

CE 2800 - Numerical Methods for Engineers I  (also listed as ME 3800) (1)
先决条件:CE 2120/MATH 2550
This course focuses on equipping students with the basic computing skills. 学生 will need throughout their engineering disciplines. 重点是将开放式问题转化为算法开发和实现,以解决基本的数值问题. 主题包括基本工程问题的介绍,并通过数学模型将其概念化, 并介绍了算法的开发和实现成计算机程序.

CE 2840 -环境工程(3)
本课程提供自然环境系统和过程的概述,特别强调环境系统之间的相互作用.g., air, water, and 土壤) and between humans and technology and the environment. Topics include occurrence and movement of surface water and groundwater, 水及污水处理, 空气污染, 气候变化, 建模, 危险废物和固体废物管理, 绿色工程, 以及养分和污染物的循环.

CE 3000工程师经济学(3)
先决条件: 工程专业初级或高级职称.
基本的经济概念和原理, 成本效益分析,  另类的设计, economic viability of engineering solutions in broader context.

ENGR 3010 Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering (3)
先决条件: 工程专业初级或高级职称.
Ethical issues in engineering profession; impact of engineering profession on society; professional registration and liability; ethical standards and legal responsibilities; leadership and project management; public policy; principles of sustainability in design and engineering practice.

CE 3030 Fluid Mechanics I  (3)  (also listed as ME 3030)
前提条件:物理2100. CE/ME 2010最低C级.
Fundamental principles and methods of fluid mechanics;  thermodynamics of fluid flow;  Newtonian fluids;  equations of fluid flow;  laminar and turbulent flow;  applications. 

CE 3060土木工程师通讯(2)
先决条件: Satisfactory completion of the GE Block A, B4, 另外还有一门课在B区, 毕业写作评估要求(GWAR), 英格兰2030年, and at least one course each from Block C and Block D.
Exposure to key communication skills encountered in civil engineering practice. 以土木工程设计项目为中心,综合运用口头和书面沟通技巧. 个人和团队分配.

CE 3120 Strength of Materials Laboratory I  (1)  (also listed as ME 3120)
前提条件:CE/ME 2050.
工程材料的拉力试验, 压缩, 弯曲, and torsion;  verification by experiment;  basic theories learned in strength of materials. 

CE 3140水力学实验室一(1)
前提条件:CE/ME 3030和PHYS 2200.
流体特性实验, 流体静力学, 质量守恒, 能源, 和动量, 压力流, 明渠水力学, 流体阻力. 

CE 3200土木工程师动力学(2)  
先决条件:  CE/ME 2010 with a minimum grade of C, MATH 2150 and PHYS 2200.
Plane kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies; Newton’s second law, work-能源 and impulse-momentum methods; mass flow; structural vibrations. 

CE 3520 Technological Aspects of Urban Environment (3)
先决条件: Completion of Basic Subjects (Block A) and one course from Block B.
Current engineering practice in dealing with urban problems such as financial, 运输, 污染, 通信, 公用事业, 土地使用规划和公共卫生. Not acceptable for engineering technical elective credit.

CE 3580 Environment, Earth Systems and Technology (3)
先决条件: Completion of Basic Subjects (Block A) and one course from Block B.
Consider the role of technology in the changing relationships between human societies and their environment; studies the impact of the agricultural, industrial and information revolutions on natural systems and sustainability.

CE 3600结构力学I (3)
前提条件:CE/ME 2050最低等级为C.
Analysis of determinate structures:  光线, 帧, and cables. Introduction to influence lines and 分析 of indeterminate structures.

CE 3610结构设计导论(3)
前提条件:CE 1950, CE 3200, CE 3600.
Loads on buildings and load distribution in framed structures, 规范和规格, 简支梁的设计, 列 and tension members made from steel and 混凝土.

CE 3650 Specifications, Cost Estimating, and Construction Management (3)

ce3660岩土工程I (3)
先决条件:  CE/ME  2050 with a minimum grade of C; prerequisite or corequisite: ce / me 3030.
土壤的物理和机械特性, 分类, 磁导率, 渗流,  压实, 有效应力, 应力分布, 整合, 结算, 莫尔圆, 抗剪强度及试验方法.

CE 3680岩土工程实验室(1)
前提条件:CE 3660, CE 3120.
Determination of index and strength 属性 of 土壤s. 测试包括:筛分和比重计分析, 磁导率, 压实, 沙锥, 无侧限抗压强度, 整合, 直接剪切. 

CE 3700交通运输工程(3)
先决条件: CE 2020.

CE 3720沥青材料实验室(1) 
前提条件:CE/ME 3120.
Laboratory tests on 沥青 水泥 and 聚合;  design of 沥青ic mixtures;  proportioning of 沥青 水泥 and 聚合; preparation of test specimens.

CE 3740土木工程材料(3)
先决条件: CHEM 1040, CE/ME 3120, CE 3610, CE 3660.
结构简介, 属性, and testing of civil engineering materials such as steel, 水泥, 混凝土, 沥青, 聚合, 土壤, 木, 和聚合物. 

CE 3800 -工程师数值方法II (2)
先决条件:CE 2800,数学2150.
Applied numerical methods for engineers with computer applications. 

CE 3810计算机辅助设计实验室(1)
先决条件ce / me 3030, ce 3610, ce 3700.
使用计算机辅助可视化, 对土木工程项目规划设计的理解和图示.

CE 3820计算机辅助结构分析、设计和实验实验室(1)
先决条件:CE/ME 3120, CE 3610.
利用结构仿真软件进行计算机辅助结构分析与设计. 计算机辅助结构试验及与结构分析软件试验结果的比较. 

CE 3840环境工程II (2)
前提条件:CE 2840.
This course is the second in the required core environmental engineering series. Discussion on natural environmental systems will continue, with special emphasis on the role and sustainability of engineered systems (i.e., water/wastewater treatment plants, landfills, remediation technologies, etc.). 更加关注空气中污染物和营养物质的命运和运输的基本原理, 地表水, 地下水和土壤. 

前提条件:CE /ME 3030.
水的供应, 水力机械, 明渠水流, 地表水和地下水水文学概论.

CE 4870液压I (3)
前提条件:CE/ME 3030.
明渠水流简介, 渐变流, 水力机械, 以及非定常流的介绍.

CE 3980合作教育(1-3)
先决条件: Approval of student adviser and department chair.
Integration of civil engineering work experience with academic program, 通过协调员单独计划. 每个单元每周至少需要10个小时. 分级CR/ NC.

CE 4000级课程

CE 4020材料强度II (3)
先决条件ce / me 2050, math 2150.
三维应力应变关系, 能源 principles; theories of failure, 弯曲梁, 厚壁汽缸, 剪切中心, 不对称弯曲, 以及非圆截面的扭转.

CE 4140水力学二级实验室(1)
先决条件:  CE/ME 3140;  prerequisite or corequisite: CE 3860.

CE 4540土木工程专题(1-3)
先决条件: Senior standing in engineering; enrollment subject to approval of instructor in charge.
Group study of selected topics not currently offered as technical electives; study groups may be organized in advanced civil engineering subjects upon approval of instructor.

CE 4540L土木工程专题(1)
先决条件: Senior standing in engineering; enrollment subject to approval of instructor in charge.
Group study of selected topics not currently offered as technical electives; study groups may be organized in advanced civil engineering subjects upon approval of instructor. 测试包括水泥的物理测试, 聚集体和其他代理, mix design; workability and strength tests. 混凝土独木舟的设计与施工.

CE 4570 (DE)建筑成本估算 & 财务管理(3)
先决条件: CE 3650; Recommended: CE/ME 3000
设计施工过程. 工料测量和成本估算, 现金流分析和财务管理, 价值工程. 所需临时结构的设计. Application of software to manage the cost aspect of construction projects.

CE 4600结构力学II (3)
先决条件: CE 3600.
Analysis of indeterminate structures; moment distribution, 斜率偏转, and approximation methods; three dimensional 帧 and long span structures. 

CE 4610 (DE)钢结构设计(3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
Design of steel structures; lateral buckling of 光线 and 帧, 组合光束, girders and trusses; moment connections, torsion and 不对称弯曲; diaphragms and lateral force designs.

CE 4620 (DE)钢筋混凝土设计I (3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
钢筋混凝土结构强度设计, 光线, 板, 帧, 列, 立足点, 挡土墙. 

CE 4630 (DE)木材和砌体设计(3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
Wood 属性 and design of 木 structural elements, ply木 and glulam products;  reinforced masonry  (brick and 混凝土) units, 材料特性, 钢筋砌体结构构件的设计.

CE 4650 (DE)抗震设计(3)
前提条件:CE 3610.
地震和地面运动特性, 结构对支撑运动的响应, 抗侧向力系统, 地震力的测定, 建筑的横向荷载设计.

CE 4670 (DE) Geotechnical Engineering Design I  (3)
先决条件: CE 3660.
现场调查和地下勘探, geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, 挡土结构,  以及边坡稳定性.

行政长官4710 (DE)公路工程(3)
Introduction to principles of highway design including route location, 几何的水平和垂直曲线, 土方工程计算, drainage designs; computer applications.

CE 4720 (DE) Highway and Airport Pavement Design  (3)
先决条件: CE 3680, 3700.
Theory and principles of pavement design for highways and airports; effects of 土壤 characteristics and 物理 属性 of basic materials; testing procedures. 分级ABC /数控.

CE 4730路面设计实验室(1)
前提条件:CE 3120/ME 3120
Basic tests performed in evaluation of treated and untreated bases, 底基层, and subgrades necessary for pavement thickness design. 

CE 4740交通工程(3)
先决条件: CE 3700.
Elements of traffic engineering;  vehicle, 司机, and road characteristics;  capacity and flow determination;  signalized intersections;  parking and accident studies;  street, 高速公路, 以及公共交通运营.

CE 4750高级地理信息(3)
前提条件:CE 2020, CE 3700.
先进的测绘学, 包括三角, 全球定位系统(GPS), 螺旋水平曲线包括垂直曲线的设计和现场布置, 土方工程的确定. 

CE 4790 Groundwater Contamination and Remediation  (3)
前提条件:CE 3840.Study of the fate of contaminants in the subsurface environment. 重点是化学品通过多孔介质的运输,包括可能的转化(化学, 物理, 和生物). 

CE 4800环境建模(3)
前提条件:CE 3840.
本课程介绍用于模拟复杂环境系统的基本工具和过程. 重点是体力, 用于环境模型开发的化学和生物过程. Topics include development of mass-balance-based numerical models, 捕捉, 存储, 分析, 并显示地理参考数据, 应用环境模型评价污染物在空气和水中的命运和迁移, 模型评估. 

CE 4830水文I (3)
先决条件: ce / me 3030.
降水, 蒸发, 渗透, 蒸腾作用, and runoff; methods of predicting discharge from precipitation, 洪水路由, 以及水文过程的测量.

CE 4840 (DE)环境工程设计(3)
前提条件:CE 3840.
本课程的重点是环境系统的分析和设计,包括水和废水处理厂, 治疗泻湖, 大气污染防治设备, 工业废物处理设施, 地下水修复, 以及其他相关的工程系统. 

土木工程设计计划I (2)
先决条件:ENGR 3010,3060, 3610, 3660, 3700, 3800, 3840, 3860, CE/ME/EE 3000.
Design of a civil engineering project requiring integration of acquired knowledge. 包含技术和非技术约束的可选分析. Understand engineering solutions and profession in broader context. 需要个人和小组工作. 需要一份初步报告和口头报告. CE 4960 and 4970 must be taken in consecutive semesters.

CE 4970土木工程设计计划II (2)
前提条件:CE 4960.
Continuation of design project initiated in CE 496A. Complete 分析 and design of system including application of constraints. 准备最终设计报告,包括:备忘录,计算,图纸,成本估算等. 需要个人和小组工作. 最后的书面和口头报告是必需的. CE 496A and 496B must be taken in consecutive quarters in the same academic year.

CE 4990本科生指导学习(1-3)
前提条件:CE 4960和CE 4970 /高级资格.
Project selected in conference with the sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly, 并提交了一份最终报告. 可以重复学分吗.

CE 4570 (DE)建筑成本估算 & 财务管理(3)
先决条件: CE 3650; Recommended: CE/ME 3000
设计施工过程. 工料测量和成本估算, 现金流分析和财务管理, 价值工程. 所需临时结构的设计. Application of software to manage the cost aspect of construction projects.

CE 4610 (DE)钢结构设计(3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
Design of steel structures; lateral buckling of 光线 and 帧, 组合光束, girders and trusses; moment connections, torsion and 不对称弯曲; diaphragms and lateral force designs.

CE 4620 (DE)钢筋混凝土设计I (3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
钢筋混凝土结构强度设计, 光线, 板, 帧, 列, 立足点, 挡土墙. 

CE 4630 (DE)木材和砌体设计(3)
先决条件: 3600年,3610年.
Wood 属性 and design of 木 structural elements, ply木 and glulam products;  reinforced masonry  (brick and 混凝土) units, 材料特性, 钢筋砌体结构构件的设计.

CE 4650 (DE)抗震设计(3)
前提条件:CE 3610.
地震和地面运动特性, 结构对支撑运动的响应, 抗侧向力系统, 地震力的测定, 建筑的横向荷载设计.

CE 4670 (DE) Geotechnical Engineering Design I  (3)
先决条件: CE 3660.
现场调查和地下勘探, geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, 挡土结构,  以及边坡稳定性.

行政长官4710 (DE)公路工程(3)
Introduction to principles of highway design including route location, 几何的水平和垂直曲线, 土方工程计算, drainage designs; computer applications.

CE 4720 (DE) Highway and Airport Pavement Design  (3)
先决条件: CE 3680, 3700.
Theory and principles of pavement design for highways and airports; effects of 土壤 characteristics and 物理 属性 of basic materials; testing procedures. 分级ABC /数控.

CE 4840 (DE)环境工程设计(3)
前提条件:CE 3840.
本课程的重点是环境系统的分析和设计,包括水和废水处理厂, 治疗泻湖, 大气污染防治设备, 工业废物处理设施, 地下水修复, 以及其他相关的工程系统. 