Panopto Video & Youtube

What is Panopto?

Panopto是一个允许用户录制视频的在线视频平台, capture presentations, broadcast class sessions, and manage video content. Panopto的特点是一个安全的视频库以及一个知识共享平台,允许点对点学习和互动. 

Watch the video below for a presentation on the Panopto platform.


Panopto Guide


To access your Panopto account, go to 请确保在下拉菜单中选择“Cal State LA SSO”, then enter your Cal State LA credentials to sign in.


Panopto Cal State LA SSO login screen


您可以通过Panopto Capture使用浏览器记录Panopto, or you can download Panopto software to a Windows or Mac computer. If using Panopto Capture, the browser-based tool, 在它成功录制之前,您需要授予音频和视频权限.

Panopto Capture允许您使用计算机浏览器进行记录. 完整的Panopto软件为Windows和Mac提供了动态功能, ranging from screen/audio capture to live webcasting. 

See the Panopto Recorders 请参阅有关基于浏览器的记录器之间差异的更多详细信息, and the supported features for Windows/Mac.

Panopto和Zoom都是视频通信平台,但专业不同. 由于Panopto具有无限存储空间,并且与Canvas集成得很好, we recommend Pantopto be used for course recordings, lecture capture, and live-streaming of course sessions.  Panopto平台还允许教师轻松地共享多个输入,例如他们的演示幻灯片, document camera content, and/or webcam content. Panopto平台还可以轻松地在线存档所有视频内容. 

我们建议将Zoom用于需要实时聊天的同步会议, and/or the ability to see all participants in a gallery view. 

To summarize, Panopto is efficient in capturing, editing, 发送单向视频通信,可以现场观看或点播, 而Zoom是举行实时虚拟讨论和协作会议的理想选择.

Panopto网站还详细介绍了两者在功能上的差异 Zoom and Panopto.

因为Panopto是一个更可靠、更有能力的视频通信平台, Canvas Studio将逐渐被Panopto取代. 教师应该开始使用Panopto代替Canvas Studio进行视频的录制和托管.

Please visit our guide on Migrating Canvas Studio Videos to Panopto for more information.

For additional technical support, visit the Panopto Support page.

Panopto has its own video editor built-in. If your video isn't already in Panopto, you will first need to upload it in order to be able to edit it.

How can I upload content to Panopto

How can do I use the Panopto Video Editor

在课程中使用Panopto的最常见方法是启用课程导航菜单项. 这将允许您和您的学生访问Canvas内的Panopto用户界面. You will first need to enable the navigation item in your course. 每个Canvas课程将自动在Panopto中为课程创建一个文件夹,其中教师被授予创建者访问权限,学生被授予查看器访问权限.

您可能还必须将Panopto视频嵌入到画布中的特定页面或作业中. 为此,您将通过富内容编辑器中的外部工具选项找到Panopto图标.

Enabling Panopto in the Course Navigation menu

How to Embed Panopto Videos in the Rich Content Editor

从学生的角度来看,他们可以参与Panopto的作业. 您可以通过将这些指南添加到作业说明中与他们分享,以便学生可以遵循.

How do I submit a video assignment

Panopto建议使用“我的文件夹”功能来保存将在不同课程和学期中使用和共享的内容. Within this folder, you can create additional folders for organizational purposes. Any videos you will be sharing can be placed in these folders. Once in these folders, the videos can be used and embedded in your Canvas course as you would any other content on Panopto. 在Canvas中嵌入内容是最好的共享方式,因为这允许嵌入代码为您管理权限.

Additionally, 如果你想在你的课程视频超链接,你需要创建一个可共享的链接,一旦设置, will continue to work across your courses. 从视频中,您将需要点击分享按钮并选择将视图设置更改为 Your Organization (unlisted). 这将允许链接在新葡京博彩官网工作,而不会使视频公开和可搜索.

How do I share a video to create a hyperlink


Audio and Video Overview

Youtube提供了一套全面的工具和功能来进行托管, sharing, and managing video easy. 

一旦你把你的视频上传到YouTube上,你就可以很容易地和你的学生分享. 您可以提供视频链接,也可以在Canvas中嵌入视频. 可以将视频添加到播放列表中,以组装视频集合.

提交到YouTube的视频会使用语音到文本的自动字幕. Although the caption accuracy may be low, as the video owner, you can edit the captions to improve accuracy.

YouTube also features an interactive transcript, which let viewers see all the spoken words in the video. 点击文字记录中的单词,视频就会从说这些单词的地方开始播放. 如果学生在视频中寻找一个不熟悉的单词或特定的地方,这尤其有用


   Checking Online Video for Captions
  • 检查视频是否有字幕,是否适合教学. Here is a brief checklist you can use:

  • Is there a “CC” option available?

    • This indicates that there is at least one caption track available.

  • 是否有一个齿轮/齿轮(车轮)选项与多个标题轨道可用?

    • 未经编辑准确性的自动生成的字幕可能不适合用于教学.

    • If the track states the language only, such as “English,,那么它很可能是人工编辑的字幕轨迹,而且更准确.

  • 标题是否有标点符号,拼写是否正确,时间是否正确?

    • 这是说明说明文字是准确和适当的.

  • 有关使用YouTube托管和字幕视频的更多信息,请参阅 YouTube Video Guide.