Zoom and Teams

This page's resources are designed to assist individuals who use assistive technology and video conferencing software concurrently. Cal State LA supports two options for videoconferencing; Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Your professor may use either of these platforms to hold remote classes and meetings.

Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts

The following shortcuts are universal to the Zoom Desktop Client and should work when using various assistive technologies.

  • F6 = Navigate among Zoom windows.
  • CTRL+ALT+SHIFT =将焦点移动到缩放中的会议控件上.
  • ALT+A = Mute/unmute microphone. You may leave your microphone muted and press and hold the spacebar to unmute your microphone temporarily.
  • ALT+S = Start or stop screen share Note: Will only work when the meeting control toolbar is in focus. 
  • ALT+T = Pause or resume screen share Note: Will only work when the meeting control toolbar is in focus
  • ALT+R = Start local recording. 主持人可以关闭会议记录功能.
  • ALT+C = Start cloud recording. Records the meeting to the cloud. 主持人可以关闭会议记录功能.
  • ALT+P = Pause or resume recording. 主持人可以关闭会议记录功能.
  • ALT+F = Enter or exit full screen.
  • ALT+H = Display/hide Chat panel. The chat panel allows you to send a written message to all participants or individuals.
  • ALT+U =显示/隐藏与会者面板. The participants' panel is a simple list of everyone who is in the meeting.
  • ALT+Y = Raise/lower your hand icon next to your name in the participant window. 这会提醒会议主持人您想要提问. Note that the host must pay attention to the participants' list for this feature to be useful.

Teams (Windows)桌面应用程序键盘快捷键


  • Open Activity – Ctrl + 1
  • Open Chat – Ctrl + 2
  • Start a new chat – Ctrl + N
  • Open Teams – Ctrl + 3
  • Open Calendar – Ctrl + 4
  • Open Calls – Ctrl + 5
  • Open Files – Ctrl + 6
  • Open Filter – Ctrl + Shift + F
  • 显示快捷键-按Ctrl +句号(.)
  • Show commands – Ctrl + Slash (/)
  • Open Settings – Ctrl + Comma (,)
  • Open Help – F1
  • Close – Esc
  • Zoom in – Ctrl + Equal Sign (=)
  • Zoom out – Ctrl + Minus Sign (-)

Meetings and calls

  • Schedule a meeting – Ctrl + Shift + N
  • 保存/发送会议请求- Ctrl + S
  • Start audio call – Ctrl + Shift + C
  • Accept audio call – Ctrl + Shift + S
  • Start video call – Ctrl + Shift + U
  • Accept video call – Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Decline call – Ctrl + Shift + D
  • 切换音频(静音/非静音)- Ctrl + Shift + M
  • Toggle video – Ctrl + Shift + O
  • Toggle fullscreen – Ctrl + Shift + F
  • 切换视频通话中的背景模糊- Ctrl + Shift + P

Screen sharing

  • 进入共享工具栏- Ctrl + Shift + Space
  • Share your screen – Ctrl + Shift + E
  • 接受屏幕共享- Ctrl + Shift + A
  • 拒绝屏幕共享- Ctrl + Shift + D


  • Go to compose box – C
  • Expand compose box – Ctrl + Shift + X
  • 发送(展开的撰写框)- Ctrl + Enter
  • 将消息标记为重要- Ctrl + Shift + X
  • Attach file – Ctrl + O
  • Start new line – Shift + Enter
  • Reply to a thread – R
  • Mark as important – Ctrl + Shift + I


  • Go to – Ctrl + G
  • Go to Search – Ctrl  +  E
  • 转到上一个列表项目- Alt +向上箭头
  • 转到下一个列表项- Alt +向下箭头
  • 向上移动选定的团队- Ctrl + Shift +向上箭头
  • 向下移动选中的球队- Ctrl + Shift +向下箭头
  • 转到上一节- Ctrl + Shift + F6
  • Go to next section – Ctrl + F6


循环遍历Microsoft Teams屏幕元素, 按Ctrl+F6在不同的屏幕区域之间移动. 屏幕包含以下主要元素:

  • 位于屏幕中心的主要内容区域. 主内容区由列表窗格和内容窗格组成.
  • 屏幕最左边的垂直工具栏. The screen reader announces: "App bar.要在工具栏内导航,请按向上或向下箭头键. 屏幕阅读器在你移动时宣布按钮. From the toolbar, you can switch to another view or an installed app.
  • The horizontal menu bar at the top of the screen contains the Back and Forward buttons and the search field.

循环浏览水平菜单栏, the vertical toolbar, 主内容区的列表窗格, and finally, 主内容区的内容窗格, press Ctrl+F6.

Navigate to a view

Microsoft Teams contains the following main views: Teams, Activity, Chat, Calendar, and Files.

Teams view

When you first sign in to the Microsoft Teams app, you land in the Teams view. The team with the most recent activity in your teams list is selected, 显示该团队在“常规”频道的对话. You can browse your teams, select a team's channel, add new channels, and join or leave a team. You can also access, modify, and contribute to the content of a team channel. For example, you can write a message or upload a file to share with your team.

登录后,按Ctrl+3进入Teams视图. 屏幕阅读器显示:“团队和频道列表.焦点在列表窗格中的Favorites部分.

提示:快速转到特定频道或团队, 按Ctrl+E移动到屏幕顶部的搜索栏. Type /goto, press Enter and start typing the name of the channel or team. 搜索结果列表会随着您的输入而更新. Press the Down arrow key to browse the list until you hear the result you want, and then press Enter. 请求的团队或通道在Teams视图中打开.

Activity view

The Activity view contains activity feeds containing a summary of everything that's happened in the team channels you follow or a summary of your recent activity.

要转到Activity视图,按Ctrl+1. 屏幕阅读器宣布:“Feed被选中.重点是列表窗格中的列表选项菜单.

Chat view

Chat视图列出了您最近的消息. 您可以浏览消息列表并打开消息以编写回复, read a whole conversation, start a call, or share a file in a chat. 您还可以查看联系人的详细信息并开始私人聊天.

To go to the Chat view, press Ctrl+2. 屏幕阅读器显示:“聊天列表.重点是列表窗格中的最近聊天列表.

Calendar view

Calendar视图列出了即将召开的会议. You can browse upcoming meetings, join an online meeting, or schedule a meeting.

要进入Calendar视图,请按Ctrl+4. 屏幕阅读器宣布:“日历网格.焦点在列表窗格中的Today部分.

Calls view

In the Calls view, you can call your contacts directly from Microsoft Teams. 您还可以浏览您的通话记录和查看您的语音信箱.


To go to the Calls view, press Ctrl+5. You hear: "Calls list."

Files view

In the Files view, you can browse and open your personal files from OneDrive or your team's shared files in the native app or edit them in Microsoft Teams. 您也可以将文件下载到本地设备.

  • 要进入“文件”视图,执行以下操作之一:
  • 如果您有呼叫功能,请按Ctrl+6.
  • 如果没有调用功能,请按Ctrl+5.

The screen reader announces the details of the first file in the recent files list. 重点放在内容窗格中的第一个文件上.

Navigate inside a view

每个视图在屏幕中央都包含一个主内容区. 该区域被划分为列表窗格和内容窗格. 每个窗格的内容取决于所选的视图.

When you select a view, 焦点移动到列表窗格或内容窗格, as described in Navigate to a view. To navigate between the list and content panes, press the Tab key, Shift+Tab, or Ctrl+F6.

List pane

列表窗格位于主内容区的左侧. You can browse and select items and display them in detail in the content pane on the right. For example, in the Chat view, select a chat in the list pane, 整个聊天将显示在内容窗格中. Depending on the selected view, you can also schedule a meeting or join a team.

  • To enter a list, press the Tab key or the Down arrow key until you hear the first item in the list.
  • 要浏览列表窗格中的项目,请按向上或向下箭头键. 屏幕阅读器在您移动时宣布项目细节或按钮.
  • To select an item in a list and display its details in the content pane, press Enter.

Content pane

内容窗格位于主内容区的右侧. 您可以访问列表窗格中所选项目的内容. Depending on the selected view, you can also add channels and tabs, start a call, and type a message. The content pane also contains a tabs row on the top of the pane to organize the team assets, for example, to posts, shared files, or organizational info.

To navigate in the content pane:

Go to the Microsoft Teams channel window in which you want to navigate the page. To navigate to the tabs row, press the Tab key or Shift+Tab until you hear the currently selected tab, for example, "Posts." To move to another tab, press the Right or Left arrow key until you hear the tab you want to select, and then press Enter.

  • To enter the content pane main area, 按Tab键,直到听到该区域的最新项目, 比如对话中的最新消息.
  • To navigate inside a content pane, press the Tab key, or the Up or Down arrow key. 最新的内容位于窗格的底部.
  • 在内容窗格中的日历中导航, press Ctrl+4 and then press the Tab key or Shift+Tab to move between the top toolbar, calendar options toolbar, and the calendar body. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to navigate inside a day in a calendar and the Left and Right arrow keys to move between days.

Enable the JAWS virtual cursor

虚拟游标是JAWS中可用的三个游标之一. It is designed to be used in an HTML, web, 或类似的环境(包括基于html的帮助系统), PDF files, and HTML mail format) where navigation with the other JAWS cursors might be less efficient.

The JAWS virtual cursor lets you navigate and read a web page as you would a text document, such as a Word file. The cursor can roam freely by the same text units that a word processing app would have, such as characters, words, lines, or paragraphs. As the JAWS virtual cursor moves around on a web page or similar environment, 没有显示其位置的可见指示器. This way, you can move the virtual cursor outside the range of the content currently being displayed on your screen.

Recent versions of JAWS no longer have the virtual PC cursor mode set as default for Microsoft Teams. 有关JAWS虚拟游标的更多信息, 转到使用带有JAWS虚拟光标的Microsoft Teams.

运行JAWS后,打开Microsoft Teams.

  • 按插入键+6打开“JAWS设置中心”窗口. 焦点将更改为该窗口中的Search框.
  • 在“搜索”框中,输入“使用虚拟PC”.
  • Press the Tab key once to move the focus to the list of search results. You hear "Use virtual PC cursor," followed by the current setting of the virtual PC cursor option. If the current setting is "Unchecked," press Spacebar to select the Use virtual PC cursor check box.
  • 按Tab键,直到听到“OK按钮”,然后按Enter键.

一旦启用了JAWS虚拟光标, press Insert key+Z to toggle the virtual cursor on or off while JAWS is running.