Jobs on Campus

Federal Work Study

联邦勤工俭学(FWS)计划是一个由联邦政府资助的计划,由学生经济援助中心管理,为学生提供就业机会,通过批准的校内或校外工作来赚取与大学相关的费用. 上课期间,学生每周工作时间不得超过20小时. The annual award amounts up to $4,000. 学生必须注册至少一半的时间才能使用他们的勤工俭学奖励.

Work Study funds are limited. 优先考虑资助提交他们的学生 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by the March 2nd priority funding consideration deadline each year.

从未作为FWS学生工作过且最初未获得FWS奖励的经济援助接受者, may submit a FAN Change Form to request an FWS award. FWS资金的发放将取决于对学生援助资格和资金可用性的确定.

Work Study positions are available both on-campus and off-campus. The off-campus jobs usually involve community service, such as tutoring and counseling in the local public schools.

Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Associates:

有两种不同类型的学生雇员:学术学生雇员和学生助理. An academic student employee is a student who is hired to do work that is academic in nature; that is, 他们的主要工作任务必须与本大学提供的学习项目有关. 有三种类型的学术学生就业:教学助理, Graduate Assistants, and Instructional Student Assistants. 所有其他学生雇员(除了助教、助教和isa)都只是学生助理.

助教是指被聘用在其研究生入学的同一院系教授课程或实验室的研究生. (跨学科课程的学生可能会有例外, 谁可能会被雇佣来教授与他们研究生学习相关的学科.) The TA is the instructor of record, and has primary responsibility for the course, including grading. They work under the supervision of a faculty member, 但是要有专门知识和独立性来教授(入门级)课程. 助教必须被其授课的研究生课程录取或注册.

研究生助理是指受雇协助一名或多名教员完成专业或技术任务的研究生. 这可能包括举行与教员的课程相关的讨论部分。, holding office hours, providing tutoring, proctoring exams, running laboratory exercises, grading papers, serving as a research or laboratory assistant, and so forth. As with the TA, a GA’s work assignment must be related to their graduate studies; however, the requirements of this classification are slightly looser. 总干事可以在他或她没有参加研究生学习的部门工作, 只要他们被雇用的工作与他们自己的学习密切相关. For example, 数学专业的学生可能会成为物理专业的助教, 一个学习计算机信息系统的学生可能会被雇佣来协助艺术系的计算机图形学课程. Similarly, a GA may be hired in an interdisciplinary department, even if that department does not offer a graduate degree program. In every case, however, the GA’s work assignment should be related to their graduate study, 总干事必须在他们作为总干事工作的每个学期注册.

Instructional Student Assistant: any student (graduate or undergraduate) who is hired to assist in an academic setting; ISA’s may be hired to teach (though not to be an instructor of record for a course), grade, tutor, help out in laboratories, mentor other students, and the like. Unlike TAs and GAs, isa不受他们正在研究的主题的限制, any student may be hired as an ISA in any department, 前提是他们的工作任务是学术性的,并且他们在作为ISA工作期间参加了一些学位课程. For example, 物理专业的学生可能会被聘为写作中心的助教,为写作中心提供辅导, and Art major may be hired as an ISA to assist in a computer lab, “被录取”只是允许一个院系雇用一个即将入学的学生作为他们进入这个项目的助教. Once hired, 助教应在作为助教工作的每学期参加研究生课程. 是否可以被聘为哲学系的助教,为哲学系的论文打分——前提是该学生在任何情况下都有资格完成他们被聘为的工作.

Student Assistants. 受雇从事文书工作或其他非学术工作的学生.g., to assist in moving furniture).  

How to Search for Available Work Study positions:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 必须完成当前奖励年度的联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) (i.e. 2017-2018) - visit
  • 必须证明有经济需求,未满足的需求至少为750美元.
  • Must be meeting all minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Visit the Financial Aid Office web site at /financialaid/ for more information.
  • 必须至少注册一半时间(本科或研究生6个学分).
  • 必须有一个完整的财政援助文件,并已收到正式的奖励通知,从财政援助办公室. Award eligibility may also be viewed via the GET system.

Roles of Departments and Students:

  • Career Center -– responsible for posting all available job opportunities via CareerLink.
  • Financial Aid Office -– responsible for determining a student's FWS award eligibility; collecting hiring forms from student and hiring department; and, 为部门提交的月度工资提供最终授权.
  • Hiring Department -– responsible for conducting interviews, selecting applicants for hire; assigning job responsibilities and monitoring performance; and, submitting monthly payroll to the Financial Aid Office.
  • Student - responsible for maintaining half-time enrollment and Satisfactory Academic Progress; meeting all departmental and University standards of conduct and work performance; and, 在月末工资单处理截止日期前提交月度工卡.

Hiring Process:

  1. Research available positions via CareerLink
  2. Submit an employment application to the Career Development Center, and interview for position with the potential hiring department(s).
  3. 招聘部门将通知所有的候选人选择可用的职位.
  4. Selected applicants will receive an Employee Transaction Form (ETF) from the department to submit to the Financial Aid Office.
  5. 被聘用的学生需要访问经济援助办公室,填写以下文件:
    • Copy of Social Security Card (back and front)
    • Copy of Driver's License or State Identification Card
    • Verification of U.S. Citizenship (i.e. birth certificate, U.S. Passport, or other)
    • Payroll hiring packet (forms provided by the Financial Aid Office)