Become an Equity Fellow

Help us create a more inclusive learning environment.

加州大学洛杉矶分校 包容的卓越 and Equity Fellows Program

A Community of Practice


我们的包容性卓越和公平研究员计划的重点是增强我们的公平思维,建立一个实践社区. 通过一系列的研讨会/会议,我们将研究我们机构现在的公平状况以及未来的公平状况. Through reflection of current practices, 我们将确定我们的优势和最佳做法,以便在整个大学实施和整合这些. 我们还将查明导致少数群体面临不平等的做法,并努力纠正这些做法. 我们目前的愿望是改变文化,通过公平和包容卓越的视角来看待我们的课堂实践.

To meet the above objective, 我们建议与南加州大学城市教育中心(提示)和CETL合作,为教师制定一个以公平为重点的专业发展计划. 这个项目中以探究为基础的环节将a)识别少数族裔学生群体所经历的教育不平等, b)使用CUE的探究策略和工具来批判性地检查教师思维方式和教育实践导致这些不平等的方式, and c) transform those mindsets and practices.

格式: Approximately 20-hours of synchronous with pre-workshop and post-workshop activities. Synchronous sessions are delivered over four to six sessions each term.

Deliverables: Attendees must attend all workshops in sequence, report back to their 部门 and share best practices, and where appropriate: 1) submit a modified syllabus; 2) use an equity gradebook, and 3) participate in peer observations.

奖: $700 (All workshops include lunch when we return to in-person workshops)

Description of Workshop Topics/Activities:

以下研讨会主题/活动是由HHMI团队与USC合作为我们的校园量身定制的 Center for Urban Education (提示). All materials were developed by CUE. The topics listed below will be covered over a period of four (4) sessions. Since the progression of topics are adjusted based on the dynamics of each cohort. It is required that you attend all sessions.

什么是公平?? Why should faculty be equity-minded?

这个讲习班将增加与会者对公平概念及其责任和关键方面的认识. Participants will come to understand the utility of ‘equity-minded’ approaches to practice, 以及他们在课堂上倡导公平和促进公平意识的方式, 部门, 和机构. Equity-minded approaches will be contrasted with more traditional student success frameworks, which tend to focus solely on students and their deficits as the causes of educational inequities.

活动包括: self-reflection exercise; CUE’s Equity Quadrant activity, 在此期间,参与者将根据两个维度对虚构的陈述进行分类:以机构为中心/以学生为中心, and race conscious/colorblind; reframing exercise during which participants will be asked to classify statements as deficit-minded/equity-minded and then to reframe deficit-minded statements using equity-minded 语言; equity-minded action planning.

Does my grading reflect what I believe about equity? What goals can I set in order to determine whether my practice is helping minoritized students?

Drawing on student outcome data from 部门s at 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 该研讨会将使教师能够通过诸如数据分类和使用接近实践的数据措施等做法认识到数字数据中的公平差距. This workshop will also help faculty to use data in equity-minded ways. This involves establishing specific, actionable equity goals and prioritizing these goals based on the equity gap size, the number of students impacted, and other pressures (e.g., institutional mission, system priorities, funders, state government, etc).

活动包括: (a) reviewing CSULA student outcome data including data at the institutional, 程序, 和instructor-levels, disaggregated by race/ethnicity; (b) collaborative sense-making of data with an emphasis on the implications of equity gaps for CSULA students from various racial/ethnic groups; (c) step-by-step goal setting process; and (d) increasing faculty agency to close equity gaps.

Do my teaching practices reflect what I believe about equity? Can I do more in my teaching to promote an equity-minded culture?

我们将调查视为揭示为什么现有实践可能无法达到预期目标的有力手段. 具体地说, inquiry helps identify: (1) institutional practices that are supporting African American, Latinx, 印第安人, and Asian students; (2) institutional practices that are inadvertently contributing to or failing to address racial/ethnic inequities; and (3) how practices could be modified, 重新考虑, or replaced to increase equity. 在这个研讨会上, 参与者将增加他们对从业者作为研究人员模式的熟悉程度,并了解其原则, 权力, and potential of inquiry to remediate practices and bring about equity.

Participants will use two of CUE’s inquiry tools, 哪些设计是为了促进对熟悉的教学工件和实践的批判性反思. 调查工具将使参与者看到从业者如何无意中为有色人种学生制造障碍. Examples from other CUE institutional partners will also be integrated into the workshop.

Am I starting my class with a syllabus that reflects my views regarding inclusion? What message am I sending students with my syllabus? Does my syllabus do enough to reach minoritized students?

调查, or the systematic study of institutional practices and 政策, 是否有一个强大的工具,可以让教师了解他们的实践中哪些方面没有达到预期的效果. 另外, 调查还可以揭示当前实践的哪些方面有效地支持了历史上少数民族学生的公平结果. This workshop will engage faculty in a specific inquiry method and activity: examining, de-constructing and re-constructing course syllabi. 参与者将使用CUE的教学大纲审查协议工具,以了解语气的方式, 语言, 清晰, 课程大纲的实质性内容可能会在不经意间造成少数族裔学生的公平差距.

活动包括: discussion of importance of syllabus; use of syllabus review protocol; modified syllabus.

What does it take to be effective at creating equity and excellence for all students, including those who are historically underrepresented in these fields?

The institutional agent framework, 基于里卡多·斯坦顿-萨拉查的工作,并由城市教育中心(提示)的研究人员进一步发展。, 为教师提供指导,这些教师通常在他们的机构中处于高位,知道如何获得高价值的资源, navigate complex systems, and take effective action—can use their capital to transmit high-value opportunities, privileges and services to underserved students. Using multiple case studies and self-assessment instruments developed by CUE, participants will develop an understanding of the specific behaviors, 习惯, and mindsets of effective institutional agents who promote equity. 他们还将设想他们可以作为新葡京博彩官网有效的机构代理人的方式. Equity efforts are often tied to specific temporary funding streams (e.g., special systemwide initiatives; grants, etc.), making the creation of sustainable equity-minded change difficult. 本次研讨会将重点讨论从业人员如何将公平意识嵌入到机构日常工作中, 政策, and culture in order to sustain equity-minded change. Equity-minded approaches to 程序 review, data collection and use, 评估/位置, 招聘和晋升, and student services will be detailed. Strategies for building broad-based campus support for equity efforts will be presented. 除了, 讲习班将使与会者参与协作行动规划,以确定障碍和机会,以创造和维持具有公平意识的变革.

活动包括: case studies; institutional agent self-assessment inventory; think-pair-share around the conditions that support faculty acting as institutional agents.