心理咨询理学硕士: Option in School Psychology




新葡京博彩官网的学校心理学项目的使命是促进所有儿童完全进入学校教育过程, 青年, and their families with recognition of their diverse, 多元文化和语言背景. Master of Science Degree 在咨询, 学校心理学的选择是为那些打算作为学校心理学家工作的研究生设计的,他们将专注于个人从出生到21岁的心理教育发展, 他们的能力和潜力, 生物, 情感, 行为, and cultural factors that influence the learning process. 获得此选项硕士学位的考生也有资格获得学生人事服务证书,其中包括学校心理学高级专业和儿童福利和出勤服务高级专业. 

We offer a 3-year, full time program of study. Part time study options are not available. 学生应该期望大多数课程在晚上完成,并且每周在校园呆2-4天. 

Upon completing the master's degree in this program, 学生不仅获得了对学校心理的深刻理解,而且有资格获得有价值的证书, 包括: 

学生人事服务证书: School Psychology: Psychological, Social, and Behavioral 

The specialization in School Psychology involves a wide range of responsibilities. 学校心理学家被授权提供旨在提高学习成绩的服务,并设计策略和方案来解决适应问题. They also serve as consultants for other educators and parents, addressing issues related to social development, 行为的挑战, 还有学业困难. 另外, 学校心理学家进行心理教育评估,以确定个人的特殊需求,并为个人提供心理咨询服务, 组, 和家庭. 他们在协调个人和学校危机管理的干预策略方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 


Advanced Specialization in Child Welfare and Attendance Services这一专业使学生具备驾驭复杂的儿童福利和出勤服务的专业知识, allowing them to make a meaningful impact in this critical area. 


有关学校心理学实习证书和其他项目细节的更多信息, please reach out to the Division Office of Special Education and 咨询. 我们的课程致力于培养未来的专业人士,他们可以在儿童和年轻人的教育旅程中对他们的生活产生积极的影响.




The Fall 2024 application filing period opens on October 1, 2023. Please locate your program to view its respective 入学申请截止日期 

Stay tuned for Information Session Announcements. 

咨询 - School Psychology (MS) Deadline: January 15, 2024 


除了满足大学研究生课程入学的一般要求外, prospective students must fulfill the following criteria: 

  • 获得地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位或更高的学位.  

  • A 2.75 grade point average in the last 60 semester units attempted. 

  • 两封推荐信. 

  • Participate in an interview with the Division screening committee. 




该计划的入学申请每年秋季学期审查一次. Interested candidates should submit their applications through Cal State Apply. The School Psychology Program admits one new cohort of students annually, with classes commencing in the Fall semester. We typically receive 250-300 applications for 24 available positions. 没有特定的本科专业要求,也没有标准化考试(e.g.(GRE)是必需的. Applicants must go through the university application (CalStateApply). The School Psychology Program Admission Committee reviews applications, conducts in-person interviews for selected candidates, 并要求所有被选中的申请人在2月份参加为期半天的校园面试. 




考生必须获得加州教师资格认证委员会(CTC)颁发的合格证书。,  提供结核检测呈阴性的证明, 并成功满足基本技能要求(CBEST),从有条件录取到完全录取. 




M.S. 在咨询, 学校心理学的选修课程由全国学校心理学家协会批准,并由教育家准备认证委员会和加州教师资格认证委员会认证.









我们正在寻找有强烈承诺成为学校心理学家的候选人, a willingness and readiness to study on a full-time basis, an appreciation for cultural and linguistic diversity, excellent communication skills (oral and written), 渴望为儿童和青少年工作,包括有特殊需要的青少年, 良好的人际交往能力, and shared values with the 教育学院 and Division of Special Education & 咨询.

Depending on the course content and year the course was taken, 一些研究生水平的课程可能会转移到新葡京博彩官网的心理学课程计划中. Generally, equivalent courses taken within 7 years of degree conferral (i.e., your anticipated graduation year) are eligible for transfer. We recommend meeting with the program coordinator or a program advisor. Bring your transcripts and course descriptions for the courses in question.

绝对. We do not have a major requirement and we welcome all majors to apply. 在我们的课程中取得成功的非相关专业的学生通常至少有一些帮助专业的现场经验.g.在学校或社区青年机构工作或做志愿者,辅导,ABA治疗).

No, we do not require the GRE or CBEST for admission. 被我校录取的学生必须在第一学年结束前通过CBEST考试.

We offer the 心理咨询理学硕士 degree, with four different options within this degree (applied behavior analysis, 康复咨询, 校本家庭辅导, 和学校心理学). The CalStateApply application will ask you which degree you are applying to, and the program application will ask you which option you are applying to. Therefore, on the CalStateApply application, you should select the M.S. 心理咨询学位.

学生每周有2-3天的课. 我们所有的课程都安排在下午早些时候或晚上(下午4:30开始).

我们的许多学生在项目的第一年兼职或全职工作. 第二年, most students only work part time due to practicum requirements, 学生每周在学校环境中完成10-15小时的实地体验. This requires students to be available at least 1-2 days a week for practicum. 第三年, 学生不需要工作,鼓励他们专注于完成全职实习(每周40小时)。.

特殊教育和咨询部门提供应用行为分析(ABA)证书, which is designed to provide practitioners, such as school psychologists or school psychology trainees, the opportunity to develop specialized skills in applied behavior analysis. ABA证书也有助于学生准备行为分析国家认证考试. 有兴趣成为BCBA的个人可以在学校心理学课程期间攻读ABA证书, complete supervised fieldwork experiences in ABA, and must pass the national certification exam. Approximately half of the students in our program pursue the ABA certificate. 有关更多信息,请参见: /academic/ccoe/programs/cert_aba

No, our program does not prepare candidates to become school counselors. If you are interested in becoming a school counselor, please refer to the School-Based Family 咨询 program: /academic/ccoe/programs/ms_mftpps


Division of Special Education and 咨询

网站: Division of Special Education and 咨询 

项目协调员:Dr. Elina Saeki和Dr. Kezia Gopaul Knights 电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
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Elina Saeki个人资料图片




Elina Saeki博士.D., NCSP
办公室:King Hall A2041
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  • 研究兴趣:教师安康, 高风险测试, 学校的气候, school consultation to support at-risk 青年, 系统性的变化, 学校心理培训
  • 课程: School-Based Consultation; Assessment of Social and Behavioral Disorders; Ethics, Law and Professional Issues 在咨询; Practicum and Internship Supervision; Assessment 在咨询; Individual 咨询 Strategies


Dr. Kezia Gopaul-Knights个人资料图片

Kezia Gopaul-Knights博士.D., NCSP
Assistant Professor, Fieldwork Coordinator
办公室:King Hall A2042   
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妮可·加西亚博士.D., NCSP
办公室:King Hall A2041 
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