

Any organization activities or events in which funds are raised for your organization are known as 收益收益交易. 这包括通过物品销售(糕饼销售)筹集的资金, t恤销售), dance-a thons and tickets/audience 参与费s or similar means. 这些是不能免税的.  这些类型的事务应该注册为事件.  For more information on non-Proceed to Benefit Transactions, please see the 私人外部筹款活动组.  

If your organization would like to hold a Proceeds to Benefit Transaction, please comply with 活动注册程序, and submit the form to the 学生参与中心 at least 10 bsuiness days prior to the event.  The Event Registration Form must have both the organization president and treasurer signatures acknowledging acceptance of the following statement:


As officers of this recognized student organization at 加州大学洛杉矶分校, we affirm that all proceeds raised or assets assigned will be used solely for the benefit of the organization as a whole.  进一步, it is affirmed that no proceeds or assets of this organizations will accrue to the benefit of any officer, 成员, 或者任何一个私人.  We also affirm that all proceeds transactions for this event will comply with all University policies and procedures including but not limited to ICSUAM Policy 3141.01 and the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Student Organization Funds Administration Policy. 

描述入场费, 登记, 参与费, or any proceeds that will be raised to benefit the organization.  Please include how much the organization will be charging for any of these proceeds.  

Should your organization have any questions on how best to hold your Proceeds to Benefits Transactions within University policies, please feel free to contact the 学生参与中心 to review your planned initiatives and activities.

  • 活动登记及预约表格(已填妥 澳门新葡京博彩收益交易的声明 部分)
  • Temporary Food Facility Permit (if the organization will be selling any type of food, 糖果, 饮料, 等.)
  • 适当的宣传计划
  • 预算成本和预计收入
  • 获得志愿者或企业赞助


  • 尽可能多地捐赠物资/服务.
  • 把你做的每件事都记录下来.
  • 充分利用每一个机会.
  • 有一个目标.
  • 你对当前需求和最终目标做了功课吗.
  • Get groups together before and after every event to applaud successes and to discuss strategies for problem areas.
  • Use thoughtful planning - too many events are the product of an impulse.
  • 积极思考.
  • 利用多种筹款方式.
  • Spend as little time as possible on fundraisers-they can really bog a group down.
  • 让成功的筹款成为传统.
  • 与过去支持过你的人保持联系.
  • Let CSI know how much money you raise throughout the year so your efforts can be recognized.


  • 完全依靠会费或会员费.
  • Allow fundraising to disrupt the regular business or programs of the organization.
  • Ask anyone to make a donation because you "need" the money--be specific in regards to your group's needs.
  • Expect too much from 成员s--you should have fun and raise money.
  • Focus on cash, in kind/operational support such as phone usage, typing services, 等. 将有助于减少开支.
  • 仔细地根据冲动计划进行筹款活动.
  • Let the treasurer handle all the responsibility-spread it around.
  • 任何事情都要等到最后一刻——做好准备!
  • Let one person completely control all the finances-have at least one more person to verify transactions.
  • 忘了联系年度捐赠办公室 私人外部筹资活动
  • 忘记创造性,热情和乐趣.



Student organizations are prohibited from conducting 收益收益交易 that would constittute an illegal lottery.  其中包括赞助抽奖活动, 宾果或彩票游戏, 或奖品赠品,无论活动的名称.   根据加州刑法典(部分319 - 329), a lottery is any scheme for the disposal or distribution of property by chance, among persons who have paid or promised to pay any valuable consideration for the chance of obtaining such property or a portion of it, 或该财产的任何股份或任何权益, 根据任何协议, 理解, or expectation that it is to be distributed or disposed of by lot or chance, 是否被称为彩票, 抽奖活动, 或礼品企业, 或者用其他什么名字.

换句话说, a prize giveaway is considered an illegal lottery if the giveaway contains the following:

  • 奖;
  • 偶然因素;
  • 对价(为抽彩/宾果彩票支付的费用).)

If any of these elements are missing, the giveaway is permissible.  因此, 举个例子, an organization is prohibited from collecting money in exchange for a ticket to win a prize(s.)  

The law specifies that any means of disposing of merchandise or property of value among persons who have paid or exchanged anything of value, 它是否被称为彩票, 抽奖活动, 或者企业送礼是轻罪. 它也包含了每一个销售人员, 给予或以任何方式提供或转让车票, 机会或分担责任. 同样的, persons who are involved in such activities through printing, 写作, 广告, publishing or managing such activities are guilty of a misdemeanor, 除非国家批准.

只有合资格的私人, tax-exempt nonprofit groups qualified to conduct business in California for at least one year prior to conducting the 抽奖活动 may conduct 抽奖活动s to raise funds (at least 90% of proceeds) for the organization and charitable or beneficial purposes in California.  另外, 非营利组织, 除非特别豁免, must register with the Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts prior to conducting the 抽奖活动 and file financial disclosure reports on each 抽奖活动 event.  Whether any particular organization qualifies can best be determined by their legal counsel or by the state tax-exempt status determination letter that their legal counsel obtained for them. An organization does not become eligible merely by obtaining recognition by the University.

Student organizations are prohibited from conducting 收益收益交易 by means of holding yard sales on campus.