
职能包括提供收购的准确会计, 控制, 转移, 以及大学及其附属机构的财产处置. Services include tagging equipment, performing inventories and conducting sales of surplus equipment. 该单位负责相关控制措施的一致应用, 政策, 程序, 以及校长办公室的指导方针.





The 财产 Management will coordinate all property audits with campus departments to ensure that all transactions are accurate and timely. 审计前将通知校园部门.

The 财产 Management reserves the right to conduct periodic audits without prior notification as needed in order to ensure that laws, 条例和合同要求正在得到满足.

The 财产 Management will forward the audit findings to the Department 财产 Officer and the Appropriate Administrator. 审计总结报告将提供给财务副总裁.


基社盟总理定期进行广泛的、程序性的审计. These audits may be property-specific or include property-related transactions as part of other system audits.

The purpose of these audits is to determine whether the 政策 and 程序 which reflect government, 其他赞助商和新葡京博彩官网要求的文件, 并达到既定标准. Successful completion of these audits is critical to ensure appropriate systems 控制 are in place to mitigate financial or compliance risk as well as continued approval of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 property management system.


  • 购买
  • 捐赠
  • 机构间转移

通过采购订单或采购卡进行采购. 全部用大学基金购买的财产被视为大学财产. Acquisitions purchased fully with Foundation or other auxiliary funds are not deemed University property. 当一个库存项目的购买是由大学和辅助, 所有权将由物业管理部门和辅助部门确定.

捐赠s are acquired per the 大学的发展 and require submittal and approval of the 建议接受实物赠与. 联系 大学的发展 如果您对实物赠送政策有任何疑问.

数据清理是故意的过程, 永久, 不可逆地删除或破坏存储在存储设备上的数据. 这些存储设备包括, 但不限于, 以下:电脑硬盘, 磁光盘, 闪存设备, cd和dvd, pda (e.g.、掌上电脑、掌上电脑和智能手机)、Zip磁盘和USB存储设备(例如.g.、闪存驱动器、ipod和便携式硬盘驱动器). A device that has been sanitized has no usable residual data remaining and even advanced forensic tools should never be able to recover erased data.

All memory devices containing protected data must undergo data sanitization before relocating, 重新分配, 捐赠, 或者处理这个装置. 以下是目前推荐的数据清理工具.

根据信息安全管理和合规性 电子数据卫生处理验证,所有电子数据必须在释放保管权之前进行适当的消毒.

Data Sanitization Verification by the department is required by the 财产 Management for all media storage devices which are surveyed. The department is to certify and specify the media sanitization process per line item and attach a copy of it to every 财产 Movement Form and Request for Survey Form containing any of the above mentioned media.

对于无法消毒的电子媒体设备, 联系IT安全与合规(分机3-4534).

The University Asset Management database is the official property record for inventoried items and is maintained by the 财产 Management. The 财产 Management retains property forms and reports per CO Executive Order 1031 and Records Retention & 处理进度.

对于库存项目, campus department property officer are responsible for maintaining the department property movement and off-campus loan form. These records are to be available upon request from the 财产 Management and internal/external auditors.

财产 Management will provide campus departments with a current inventory list from the Asset Management database on a quarterly basis.

The 财产 Management will conduct an independent physical inventory of assets for each department to ensure control and disposition of assets. 物业管理实物盘存计划将以三年为一个周期.

在财政年度开始时, 物业管理部将联系相应的管理员, 为该特定财政年度确定的实体盘存部门, 确定进行实物盘点的具体时间框架.

Campus departments will be notified prior to the 财产 Management conducting the physical inventory. 物业管理部将向相应的管理员转发电子邮件通知. The notification will include the listing of inventory and the scheduled timeframe of the physical inventory. The 财产 Management will coordinate the physical inventory with the department property officer.

完成实物盘存后, the 财产 Management will forward a preliminary inventory report to the department property officer identifying any discrepancies. Any assets on the inventory listing which are not found by the 财产 Management or any assets found by the 财产 Management but not currently on the inventory listing will require submittal of the appropriate documentation as defined in the 财产 Management 程序. 在解决不符点后, the 财产 Management will forward a final inventory report to the department property officer and the Appropriate Administrator. 实物盘存汇总报告将提供给财务副总裁.


  • 收购成本为5000美元.00或更多, with an estimated life greater than a one year and not 永久 attached into University buildings.
  • 敏感设备500美元.00或更多, with an estimated life greater than a one year and not 永久 attached into University buildings.

对于直接交付到校园部门的库存物品, the campus department is to contact the 财产 Management to coordinate tagging of the item. A 财产 Management representative will inspect and tag the inventoried item at the department location. The campus department is to provide acquisition information to the 财产 Management (购买 Order/Procurement Card/建议接受实物赠与) and the planned location of the item.

All inventoried items delivered to the Distribution Center will be tagged and recorded in the University Asset Management database prior to being delivered to the campus department. 交货地点将被记录为物品的初始位置.

应学校部门的要求, the 财产 Management will tag and record property that the department has deemed as a sensitive item, but does not meet the criteria of capitalized equipment or sensitive item per the established 财产 definitions.

学校不负责个人拥有的设备. 物业管理处建议将个人拥有的设备搬出校园. 对于校园里的个人设备, 物业管理要求以下注意事项:

  • 获得相应管理员的书面批准. A copy of the memo must be forwarded to Asset Management prior to bringing the equipment on campus.
  • 教师 and staff employees who keep privately owned property at the University should label those items to indicate personal ownership.