Campus Security Authority

Jeanne Clery

California State University, 洛杉矶鼓励校园社区立即向大学警察局报告犯罪或可疑活动,以帮助维护学生最安全的环境, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Act, 大学须在年度保安报告内编制及公布罪案统计数字. As part of this obligation, 被认为是校园安全主管的大学社区成员必须报告犯罪行为,并将其作为统计数据纳入大学的年度安全报告.

如欲举报与校园有关的罪案,请填写以下网页表格: Campus Security Authorities Crime & Incident Report.

Or fill out the following PDF file and email to [email protected] and [email protected]: Campus Security Authorities Crime & Incident Report (PDF)

Campus Security Authority, or CSA, is a Clery specific term that encompasses certain departments, 团体和新葡京博彩官网的个人雇员,他们有责任举报他们发现的犯罪行为, as defined by the Jeanne Clery Act. 将非执法人员纳入CSA角色的目的是承认一些社区成员,特别是学生,可能会对向警方报告犯罪行为犹豫不决, 但可能更倾向于向其他校园相关人员报告事件.

The Clery Act requires Cal State LA to provide an Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. As part of this obligation, 被认为是CSAs的大学社区成员必须报告校园内发生的犯罪行为, in residential housing, 其他学校自有财产及校园附近部分公共财产. 报告的罪案会被用作编制大学保安及消防安全年报的统计数字, which is distributed every year in the beginning of October.

CSAs are usually found in departments responsible for, but not limited to, student and campus activities, safety/security, discipline, housing, athletics, human resources or judicial proceedings. 这一指定也包括加州州立大学特别确定的任何个人, Los Angeles to receive and report offenses.

The law defines four categories of CSAs:

  • University Police Department sworn personnel and department administrators.
  • Non-police people of offices responsible for campus security. 这些csa对大学财产有安全存在或访问控制权限, including, but not limited to, security guards, campus parking enforcement staff, student patrol personnel, security staff at athletic events, and student ID checkers.
  • 对学生和校园活动负有重大责任的官员类别定义广泛,以确保全面报道和彻底报告罪行. To determine which individuals or organizations are CSAs, consider job functions that involve relationships with students. Look for Officials (i.e., not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students. 官员被定义为任何有权和有责任代表大学采取行动或回应特定问题的人. 如果某人对学生和校园活动负有重大责任,他或她就是CSA. Some examples of CSAs in this category include, but are not limited to: deans, student affairs professionals, student housing staff, athletic director/assistant directors, coaches, student activities coordinators, student judicial officers, and faculty/staff advisors to student organizations.
  • 在学校校园安全政策声明中指定的任何个人或组织,作为学生和员工应该报告刑事犯罪的个人或组织(大学警察/第九条协调员).

CSAs are required by law to receive annual notification and resources.

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Training Video

CSA Video


Printable PDF Resource:
The Jeanne Clery Act: Working Together to Create Safer Campuses

Campus Security Authority Test


  • Homicide
  • Sex Offenses
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking
  • Arson
  • Liquor Law Violations
  • Drug Law Violations
  • Weapons Law Violations
  • Hate / Bias Crimes

Definitions for these crimes can be found here: Clery Act Crime Definitions (PDF)

Regardless of your status (CSA or non-CSA), 鼓励所有校园社区成员及时报告与校园有关的犯罪事件, and other public safety related emergencies, to University Police. When a crime is reported, CSA在遇到紧急情况时应该先拨打大学警察电话323-343-3700, by dialing 911, 或使用遍布校园的“蓝光”紧急电话.

If it is not an emergency, CSA应询问举报犯罪的个人是否愿意向大学警察举报该事件. If they do, 那么CSA应该协调报告,并通过电话或亲自到公共安全部门与大学警察联系, located on the south end of campus in parking lot 1. CSAs can also complete and submit a Campus Security Authorities Crime & Incident Report Form. 填妥的表格随后被转发到大学警察局,由警察局长注意.


“作为我在校园里职位的一部分,我是联邦政府授权的大学犯罪记者. 我被要求将此事件报告给大学警察以收集数据. If you request confidentiality, the Report Form will not include your name, or that of any other involved individuals. My report will contain only the information you provide. Do you have any questions? Would you like to help me fill it out?"

As noted above in the CSA statement, CSA应该解释,他们是联邦授权的犯罪记者,必须提交犯罪报告用于统计目的,如果报告方希望保持匿名,犯罪报告可以在不确定报告方和/或受害者身份的情况下提交.

如果CSA有第一手资料并确认报告方已经向大学警察局提交了报告, 那么他们就没有义务联系大学警察或提交犯罪报告 & Incident Report Form. However, 如果举报方表示他们将向大学警察局提交警方报告, 这使得CSA没有第一手的信息,也没有确认警方已经提交了报告, 那么CSA必须通过直接联系大学警察或提交CSA犯罪报告来报告犯罪 & Incident Report Form.

If the reported crime is made in good faith, 这意味着有合理的依据相信该信息不是谣言或道听途说, then the crime is Clery reportable. CSAs, when interacting with the reporting party, 需要收集事件信息,这些信息将提供足够的细节,以便对事件进行适当分类. 这意味着csa需要记录报告方的反应或缺乏反应. 报告方的识别信息只应包括在罪行中 & Incident Report Form if the reporting party is willing to provide it. cssa不应调查罪行或试图确定罪行实际上是否发生. When in doubt, a Report Form should be completed and submitted.

《新葡京博彩官网》规定的举报犯罪的要求,载于美国大学校园安全与安保手册(2016).S. Department of Education, which can be accessed at