
泊车服务署推出一套新的泊车管理系统,其中包括以虚拟许可证取代泊车吊牌. This system has improved and streamlined the parking permitting process. 没有要显示的物理许可证. You would only need to register the vehicle(s) that you typically drive to campus, 然后,您的车辆牌照将使用车牌识别(LPR)作为您的停车许可证进行计算.

请浏览我们的 虚拟许可证视频 看看这个系统是如何运作的. For more information on 虚拟的许可 and LPR, please read our FAQs.



有了虚拟许可,新葡京博彩官网将不再向大多数停车者发放实体停车许可证. 相反,停车者在购买许可证时将登记他们的车辆和车牌号码. We will then use that plate number as your permit number. This system will make parking on campus easier for our customers, reduce the amount of waste from plastic and paper permits, will be more efficient for everyone on campus.


购买许可证时, 帕克登记了他们的车牌, vehicle make and model into the online parking system. 然后,LPR软件将这些信息与个人的付款结合起来,生成与该车辆车牌号码相关联的虚拟许可证.

  • Your permit purchase and renewal process is simplified! -只需在网上购买许可证并停车. 你的车牌号码就是你的许可证号码, 等着你的许可证寄过来, 下载临时许可证, 许可证遗失或被盗, 花钱换许可证, 警方报告, 处理时间已经成为过去!
  • 我们消除了显示实际许可证的需要,也消除了在车辆之间移动许可证的需要
  • 你永远不会忘记展示你的许可证,也不会担心许可证从后视镜上掉下来或被不正当地展示
  • 在停车收费站购买许可证时, 收费站将无纸化,不再需要返回车辆出示纸质许可证

  • 减少浪费
  • Eliminates plastic permit production – manufacturing impacts such as fossil fuels, 工厂/设施的碳足迹
  • Eliminates paper receipts at parking 支付站
  • Eliminates disposal of expired and unused plastic permits
  • Eliminates delivery (fossil fuel, emissions, vehicle/road wear and tear)

停车 Services will use License Plate Recognition (LPR) to assist in enforcement. LPR的工作原理类似于超市扫描仪,你的车牌就像条形码一样. 当车辆停在校园里, the license plate is scanned by cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles. 您的车牌号码将自动与停车数据库相对照,以验证该地点的有效许可证和停车特权. 如果车牌没有与有效的虚拟许可证相关联,或者车辆停放在未经授权的位置, 然后,停车管理人员将审查车辆和任何可能的许可证,并确定车辆是否受到传票.

Your information can be viewed and updated via your MyCalStateLA or at calstatela.aimsparking.com. You will be asked to login with MyCalStateLA with your ID and password.

在此过程中收集的车牌信息将仅用于验证新葡京博彩官网停车许可证的目的, 米, 支付站, 应用程序). The enforcement rules will not change because of this new technology, 除公共安全/停车场人员外,任何人不得共享或访问信息.

新的LPR系统将以与标准车辆车牌相同的方式读取2轮车辆车牌. 2轮车辆牌照可以添加到标准车辆许可证,但如果只有2轮车辆将被驾驶, 只需要两个轮子的学期许可证. 注意: Adding a standard vehicle to a 2-Wheel permit will result in a parking citation. Please ensure your plate information is listed correctly through MyCalStateLA or calstatela.aimsparking.com.

LPR will automatically verify 工作人员 and faculty virtual permits via license plate. 停放在校园内未与虚拟许可证类型相关联的区域的车辆将受到引用.

As long as your plates are legal for driving, our system will be able to read them.

学生, faculty and 工作人员 can access parking 通过MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com. 在这里,您可以添加或删除应该与您的停车许可证相关的车辆.

工作人员/faculty may register more than one vehicle. 学生 can only register one vehicle per permit. 学生可以通过MyCalStateLA或MyCalStateLA在线分配临时车辆或更改车辆 calstatela.aimsparking.com. Vehicles can be added their account by following the steps listed below.

  1. 访问MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com
  2. 使用MyCalStateLA ID和密码登录
  3. 点击“查看您的帐户许可”
  4. 点击“激活”许可证
  5. 检讨“联营车辆”
  6. Verify those listed are the vehicles you want on your permit
  7. Click on "Add Vehicles to Permit" if you want to link a vehicle to your permit
  8. After you have added your vehicle, view your permit to ensure all vehicles are linked
  9. If you have multiple vehicles listed on your permit, you may delete a vehicle that you want to disassociate with your permit. 未被罚款的车辆将不会被移除,直到所有罚款被支付或上诉

美国政府拥有或租赁的车辆, 国家机构, 显示E牌或豁免车辆的市、县或特殊地区在所有国家车辆停车位有效. 仍然需要购买许可证吗.

新葡京博彩官网和其他科罗拉多州立大学校园将继续根据各自的集体谈判协议(CBA)履行新葡京博彩官网的教职员工许可。. 只需访问交通中心并填写许可证验证表格,新葡京博彩官网对其他校园的决定没有管辖权,以履行新葡京博彩官网的许可证,超出了CBA规定的要求. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 has never had permit “reciprocity agreements” with other institutions.

重要的是,你的车牌和车辆信息是最新的和正确的,以避免不必要的引用. 请访问MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com to update your information immediately after any change in license plate number. It is also important to delete all old or unused vehicle listings from your account. 未被罚款的车辆将不会被移除,直到所有罚款被支付或上诉.

If you have a personalized plate with less than 7 characters, or if you have a special character within your plate (heart, 明星, 等.), 在系统中输入号码时,跳过特殊字符,只包括车牌上的其余字符.

For example, the license plate below would be entered as: HUG938.


Vehicles parked on campus without an appropriate permit are subject to a citation. 然而, virtual permits can be purchased online quickly through the 支付站, PayByPhone应用程序, 通过MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com.

Pay stations are available in order to purchase daily parking.

The State of California requires that two plates be displayed, one in the front and one in the back of the vehicle (California Vehicle Code 5200). 如果你只有一个背向板, please park head-in only so that our officers can see your registered license plate.

The LPR technology will recognize the first vehicle on campus as valid, 但是,同一虚拟许可证下的任何其他车辆同时在校园内将受到引用. 同一虚拟许可证下的两辆车可以同时在校园内,如果第二辆车购买了每日停车许可证.

加州现在要求给新车发放带有临时车牌号码的纸质车牌. LPR has the ability to recognize these temporary plates. Enter the temporary number and when you receive your new plate from the DMV, 登录MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com 登记新的车牌.

Individuals are allowed to add vehicles to their parking permit temporarily. 登录MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com 加上临时盘子. 一旦你停止使用临时车辆,你必须尽快把车辆移走. 未被罚款的车辆将不会被移除,直到所有罚款被支付或上诉.

为了避免被错误引用,我们建议您只在自己的虚拟许可证上列出您的车辆. 如果车辆拥有有效的虚拟许可证,则无需将车辆列在另一个帐户上. 要将第二辆车临时注册到您的虚拟许可证,请访问MyCalStateLA或 calstatela.aimsparking.com.

所有许可证不可转让,只能由购买许可证的个人使用. 许可证特权可以撤销任何个人发现共享虚拟许可证或违反新葡京博彩官网 停车规定.

Eligible emeriti will be issued a virtual permit. Emeriti必须完成 荣誉停车登记表 申请退休虚拟许可证.

联络停车及运输 了解更多信息

All of the above information is subject to change without notice

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