Faculty and Staff Commuting Options

Don't Pollute! Change the Way You Commute

The Commuter Services office provides faculty, 员工和学生提供广泛的拼车计划,以帮助您通勤到新葡京博彩官网.

通勤服务办公室位于公共安全大楼. Service hours are Monday thru Friday, 8am to 5pm. For assistance, contact Commuter Services at contact Transportation Services or call (323) 343-5277.

Faculty and Staff Commuting Options

新葡京博彩官网的教职员工有许多通勤选择. 无论你是想要绿色环保,还是只是想找到一种替代交通工具, 我们提供补贴和奖励,帮助您找到更好的通勤方式.


加州州立大学洛杉矶交通中心拥有许多由大都会交通管理局(Metro)和山麓运输公司运营的本地和快车巴士. The Transit Center also features its very own Metrolink station, a first for a Southern California college campus. Metrolink的圣贝纳迪诺线通过单轨站台向东到达联合车站. Additionally, 加州州立大学洛杉矶校区有近18条公交线路,由地铁和山麓运输公司运营. Both local and express bus lines serve the campus.  Monthly fare discounts are available for students; please visit either metro.net or FoothillTransit.org for further information.  校园员工也可能有资格享受每月的票价折扣.  Please contact Cal State LA Commuter Services for further details. 

有近18条公交线路服务于加州州立大学洛杉矶校区,由大都会交通管理局(Metro)和山麓运输公司运营. 加州州立大学洛杉矶交通服务公司每月为大学员工提供巴士补贴(有一些限制)。, 全日制或非全日制学生须于上午11时前到达校园,每周至少有四天或以上使用公共交通工具前往学校. For more information visit our Public Bus Subsidy Page or contact Transportation Services at (323)343-5277.

NOTE: 每月1日至20日可使用补贴公交卡.

加州州立大学洛杉矶地铁站位于校园的南端,位于地铁公交道下方. 新葡京博彩官网是南加州唯一一所在校园内有地铁车站的大学. 为新葡京博彩官网服务的地铁线路是圣贝纳迪诺线, with stations in San Bernardino, Rialto, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Montclair, Claremont, Pomona North, Covina, Baldwin Park, and El Monte. 加州州立大学洛杉矶交通服务公司每月为大学员工提供铁路补贴(有一些限制)。, 全日制或非全日制学生须于上午11时前到达校园,每周至少有四天或以上使用公共交通工具前往学校. For more information visit our Faculty and Staff Metrolink Page or contact Transportation Services at (323)343-5277. 如需帮助您规划乘坐地铁的行程,请前往公共安全大楼的交通服务办公室. For schedules and information, visit Metrolink at metrolinktrains.com.

Please visit our Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Page for more information.

Planning to get to Cal State LA by Uber or Lyft? 学生可以在位于交通中心和大学学生会(5号楼)的两个优步/Lyft下车点下车。. (Refer to Parking Map for locations)

Employees, including student employees, who carpool and arrive at work before 11:00 am, may be eligible to receive free and preferred parking on campus. 带孩子到离校园一英里以内的有执照的托儿机构的员工可能有资格拼车停车. 有关拼车计划和计划资格的详细信息,请联系通勤服务公司. 交通服务办公室还向正在寻找潜在拼车合作伙伴的大学成员提供匹配列表.

鼓励步行或骑自行车上班的员工参加自行车/步行者计划. 自行车/步行者计划的参与者可以在恶劣天气期间获得免费停车通行证,并在每个学期获得奖励

通勤服务办公室还提供自行车储物柜,供在校学生租用,租金为每学期10美元,教职工租金为每学期20美元. Those not currently enrolled or affiliated with Cal State L.A. 可以以20美元的价格租用储物柜,但优先考虑加州州立大学L.A. Please contact Commuter Services for bicycle locker availability.

免费自行车登记:将您的自行车与您的驾驶执照或加州州立L一起带到公共安全部门.A. ID and register your bicycle.

Employees, 谁不是开车到校园,而是由非校园成员送, 是否有资格获得奖励,以帮助减少在早高峰时间到达校园的车辆排放的污染物.



加州州立大学洛杉矶校区有几个社区班车. Currently Alhambra Community Transit (ACT), City of Commerce Transit, East Los Angeles Shuttle (El Sol), the Monterey Park Shuttle (Spirit), the Edelman’s Children’s Court Shuttle 在交通高峰期,所有车辆都停在校园的南端.

Concerned about getting home because of an unplanned event? 如遇紧急情况、计划外加班和/或家人生病 Guaranteed Return Trip Home Program 为员工参与者提供一个保证的乘车回家或他们的车停在哪里, at no cost to them. For more information visit the Guaranteed Return Trip Home Program page or contact Transportation Services at (323) 343-5277.

Zipcar是一项汽车共享计划,适用于18岁及以上的校园会员. 在学生公寓附近的西南角的第5地块,有三(3)辆Zipcar的预留车位. These vehicles can be reserved in advance at a rate of $10.50 per hour. Annual membership fees also apply to Faculty and staff. For more information, visit the Zipcar Webpage, or contact Transportation Services via email or call (323) 343-5277.

 For more information contact Transportation Services via email or call (323) 343-5277.



All of the above information is subject to change without notice

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