

The 专业与全球教育学院 is pleased to offer a one-year post-baccalaureate training program for Clinical Laboratory Scientist. 旨在解决临床实验室科学家的严重短缺, the Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) Certificate Program has established partnerships with a consortium of clinical laboratories for the required bench training. The CLS program will provide both didactic and practical clinical training in 血液学, 临床化学, 血液银行, 微生物学, and 免疫学 to prepare students to sit for the State of California CLS licensing exam (American Society of Clinical Pathology MLS exam).


访问 a prerecorded 临床化验师证书 Program Prerecorded Information Session.


审查 临床化验师证书课程.

The curriculum/courses in the 临床化验师证书 Program are:

Micro 5100:广告研究血液学
Toni Ontiveros Arrendondo
Micr 520: adv研究输血
Usha Veeranna
Micr 5300: adv研究临床化学
Micr 5400: adv研究医学微生物学

Program admissions requirements for the 临床化验师证书 Program is a minimum of a bachelor's degree (baccalaureate) with specific course requirements, 实习开始当年5月前收到. (This will be approved by the program director and accepted by the State of California for licensure).


  • 16 semester (24 quarter) units of chemistry that must include 临床化学 OR analytical (quantitative analysis) and biochemistry.
  • 18 semester (27 quarter) units of biological sciences that must include specific classes in 免疫学, 血液学, 医学微生物学.
  • Three (3) semester (4 quarter) units of physics must include instruction in the principles of light and electricity.
  • Prefer at least 4 units of upper-division biology laboratory instruction and at least one, 最好是所有, 主修下列课程:生理学, 遗传学, 生物统计学, 还有一门实验课,包括分子生物学技术.
  • 核心课程(血液学), 免疫学, 医学微生物学, and 临床化学 or analytical chemistry (quantitative analysis) and biochemistry must have been completed within 7 years of the internship.
  • Proof of enrollment in or completion of all coursework must be received no later than February 15.
  • For candidates with foreign degrees whose language of instruction was not English, IBT至少90分, 7日雅思考试, 或托福PBT成绩575分. 除了, an upper division course in 血液学 (with lab) or 医学微生物学 (with lab) taken in the United States with a grade of B or better.
  • 学生 must complete all admission requirements by May of the year the internship begins.
  • GPA不低于2分.75分(综合,科学和最后60个学期的学分,分为四分制. 国际学生的成绩单必须由美国大学评估.S.A. 证书评估服务 IERF and their grades must be converted to a 4-point scale (course by course evaluation).
  • Three (3) recommendation forms completed by upper-division/graduate course instructors or work supervisors, 至少有一份导师的推荐信. (下载表格 并将其发送给推荐人完成.)
  • 待审申请 化验及现场服务 申请临床化验师实习执照. Final acceptance for admission to the program is contingent upon receiving this license.
  • Candidates must have United States citizenship or permanent residency in the U.S. 被录取参加课程.
  • Beginning September 2016, prospective students will be allowed to apply to the program up to 3 times. After three (3) unsuccessful attempts, the applicant will no longer be eligible to enter the program. 

Applications for the 临床化验师证书 Program will be accepted from October 1 of the year preceding the internship until January 15 of the year the internship begins. 今后,申请将通过以下途径提交 加州申请. Below are application worksheets to help prepare you for application submission:

The per unit cost for the Clinical Laboratory Scientist Certificate Program is $675.


Please note that the total program cost does not include other related expenses in the program.

The CLS Certificate Program has been approved as a Gainful Employment Program by the Department of Education. 访问 有偿雇佣信息披露. Eligible trainees can apply for Federal Financial 援助 to support them during the year that they are in the program.










External certification or licensure results (when exam taken within 12 months of completion of program) - % pass










流失率- %未完成





就业率(i).e., employment positions in the field of study or pursuit of further education) - % hired






California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. 学生 planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, 前提是他们完成了加州州立大学的课程, 他们将满足所在州对执照或认证的要求. 本披露是根据34 CFR§668作出的.43 (a) (5) (v) (C).

新葡京博彩官网是由 WASC高等院校委员会 (WSCUC)等认证机构. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 基督教社会联盟认证 & 国家授权.

The Clinical Laboratory Scientist program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS). 欲了解更多信息,您可以直接联系NAACLS,电话:5600 N. 河路,720室,罗斯蒙特,伊利诺伊州60018,或致电(773)714-8880. 你也可以通过电子邮件联系他们: (电子邮件保护),或访问 www.naacls.org.


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加入我们的 兴趣列表 以了解更多有关临床化验师证书课程的资料.

For more information about the Clinical Laboratory Scientist Certificate Program, 电子邮件 格洛丽亚·普雷扎或致电(323)343 -6065.