
Note-taking services can assist eligible students in the analyzing and organizing of information presented during live lectures. The service is not intended to substitute the student's class attendance or participation. Eligible OSD students may request their note-taking accommodation via their OSD Online account.

OSD student information is kept confidential (anonymous) unless otherwise requested by the OSD student. 



  • Synchronous courses (live in-person; required attendance). 
  • We do not provide this service to substitute a student's class attendance or participation but to support their academic performance. 


  • Asynchronous courses (pre-recorded; optional or no required attendance).
  • This may also include, but is not limited to, courses where the professor only conducts independent coursework, 活动, 实地考察, 实习, 集团项目, 一对一交流, 或者公开讨论.
  • If you believe your non-eligible course is eligible for note-taking services, please contact OSD Note-taking Services regarding your request.


Eligible OSD students who require the support of their note-taking accommodation need to complete the following: 

  1. Submit an accommodation request through the OSD Portal (AIM) and request Note-taking Services  
  2. Confirm your note-taking requests via your OSD Portal - Note-taking Services page. 
  • Once on the page, "Confirm Now" will be listed below each set of course details.
  • By clicking "Confirm Now," the student confirms the class is synchronous, they have reviewed the course content available on Canvas, and Note-taking Services staff may begin the note-taker recruitment process or assign the available notetaker. 
  • If the student does not confirm their note-taking request, it will be considered pending (no notetaker assigned) and scheduled for cancelation with notice. 


OSD will assign all available note-takers to confirmed requests from week 1 to the end of the semester.


If a note-taker is unavailable, we will email the instructor(s) requesting their assistance in recruiting a volunteer notetaker from the class. 

  • To ensure instructors are aware of all note-taking requests, please notify them they should receive an email from OSD Note-taking services regarding their assistance in recruiting a volunteer notetaker. If they have any questions, please refer them to us directly. 


If the student's request remains pending, we will email the student regarding the status of your request and its scheduled cancelation date, asking for their follow-up.

If the student is ever uncertain as to the status of their request, please do not hesitate to contact us directly requesting an update. 


Note Taking Express (NTE) / Messenger Pigeon - Based on the students' reply to our follow-up, we will provide them access to NTE / Messenger Pigeon. 

Provided the student prefers access to NTE before receiving a follow-up from us. They can request access to their account immediately following the start of the semester after they have requested and confirmed note-taking services and audio recording via their OSD Online Services account. 

Additional Support Services 

If a note-taker is unavailable for a course request and the student cannot use NTE, please follow up with us, and we will review your accommodation and any additional support we can provide. 

We use the support of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 peers as volunteer student note-takers and NTE / Messenger Pigeon to meet the goal of this service to "deliver" notes to eligible students. 

Whether the OSD student may receive lecture notes via a peer or NTE / Messenger Pigeon, lecture notes will be delivered via download, and the student will receive an email whenever new lecture notes are available. 

If the student does not receive notes promptly, please notify us immediately. 

If you have any questions regarding note-taking services, please follow up with OSD Note-taking Services.


Books and a lapto in the background. In the foreground: Become and OSD Note-Taker.

OSD welcomes currently enrolled students who excel in taking accurate, 详细的, 以及清晰的笔记, to apply as OSD Note-takers.