Roommate Wizard

Roommate Wizard. 2024-2025. Live with your friends, magically sorted by the Housing Portal. Eddie the Golden Eagle dressed as a wizard.


室友搜索和选择功能为学生提供了请求朋友作为室友和/或搜索潜在室友的机会. Students are not required to pre-select roommates, 任何没有选择室友的学生都将通过学生资料问卷与另一名学生配对.

This year, Roommate Wizard is available to returning residents April 16 - 30, 2024, and new residents June 3 - 17, 2024. Visit the Deadlines page for more information.

Students are not required to participate in the Roommate Wizard process; students who don't use this tool will be assigned roommates based on their responses to the student profile questionnaire.​

What you'll need

  • Everyone must have completed an online application, 许可协议,并支付2024-2025学年的所有费用
  • Your friend(s) full name
  • Your friend(s) Campus ID Number (CIN)

Important Housing Assignment Information

  • 南村是为21岁以下的学生,是一个传统的宿舍楼,只有共享的公共卫生间. 南村的每个社区每层都配备了4个公共厕所, consisting of three shower stalls, three toilet stalls and three sinks.

  • 大学公寓适用于21岁及以上的居民,并且有单元内的浴室,只能与室友共用.

Learn more about Housing options here

Roommate Wizard Steps


Cal State LA Housing Homepage, Housing Portal Highlighted.


Select 2024-2025 Academic Year, "Apply here"

Apply here in Housing Portal circled.


Select "Continue"

Continue circled in Housing Portal.


Assignment preference. 如果你想让你的网络屏幕名和澳门新葡京博彩我的信息被学生看到,包括你想要一起生活的室友,请勾选这个框.​


有时候我们无法同时适应房间偏好和室友偏好, 所以我们问你,你希望我们在做最后的住房分配时优先考虑哪个.  ​

Create a Web Screen Name and add information about yourself.

Search for roommates by details.


If you want to search for a new roommate, 然后,你可以根据个人资料问题进行搜索,或者根据潜在的兼容性查看建议的室友.

Roommate Search by Details 

Roommate search by details


Roommate Search by Profile

Roommate Search by profile

这使您可以根据学生在其学生档案中共享的信息搜索室友. ​

Suggested Roommates​

Suggested Roommates​

这允许你浏览由系统匹配机制推荐给你的室友. If you are browsing matching roommates, 这些信息完全基于对学生简介问卷的回答. ​

Manage roommate requests

室友向导通过允许您查找室友组来管理您的室友进程, make requests and accept or deny them. ​


Before accept/decline process​


Roommate Wizard Verified.

Once your roommate group is verified, you'll see this notification.​

At that time, you'll be able to view profiles again.​

如果你想为公寓创建一个更大的室友组,继续这个过程. ​

Once you're done, you may log out. 

Important Information about the Roommate Process


介绍你自己,让他们看看你的个人资料,看看他们是否有兴趣成为你的室友. Share your information with them so they can check out your profile.

在你同意成为室友之前不要发送室友群请求. 你只能在室友小组开始之前或你加入小组之后查看个人资料. 在室友组过程的接受和拒绝过程中,配置文件是不可查看的. 在发送室友群请求之前,你必须同意成为室友.


Application Details

如果学生有兴趣被分配一个房间和一个喜欢的室友, 学生将使用室友搜索向导来识别他们希望与之共享卧室的个人或个人. 有兴趣住在同一间卧室的学生必须完成室友搜索, select and confirmation process. All students must have completed an online application, license agreement, paid all fees and confirm a mutual roommate request (i.e. group).

(Applies Only to University Apartment Applicants): 如果一群学生有兴趣被分配到一个公寓, 他们将利用室友搜索和选择向导来确定他们希望与之共享公寓的个人. 有兴趣住在同一公寓的学生必须完成室友搜索, select, and confirmation process. All students must have completed an online application, license agreement, paid all fees and confirmed mutual roommate requests (i.e. group).

学生可以作为个人参加住房申请过程,不需要申请室友. 一旦学生完成了在线住房申请流程,我们将在分配过程中使用个人资料问卷的答案为他们分配一个可用的床位和室友,以找到最佳的可用室友匹配.

当在室友搜索和选择向导中搜索个人资料时,我们要求您提供一个您希望在同伴中被称为的名称. 我们还要求你提供一些澳门新葡京博彩你自己的陈述,以帮助其他人了解你的兴趣爱好,除了你的学生简介中已经列出的.

Important to note: 大学管理人员在协助其他学生的同时积极监控姓名和信息,因此我们要求您在选择如何在金鹰社区中表达自己时保持大学标准和指导方针. Please see the Student Code of Conduct for your reference.