图书馆 教师 Evaluation



Tenure-Track 图书馆 教师 (Asst. or Senior Asst. 图书管理员)

本节提供了终身教职(非教学)图书馆教职人员评估过程的信息. “终身教职”一词也可以与“助理或高级助理图书馆员”或“试用期”互换,因为这些图书馆教职员工有望获得终身教职. 

As part of the retention, 任期内, and promotion processes, 图书馆终身教职人员(高级助理馆员)每年接受一次审查,直到获得终身教职和晋升为副馆员为止. For the odd-numbered years (Years 1, 3和5), 终身教职的图书馆教职员工接受定期审查,以获得澳门新葡京博彩他们的档案和终身教职进展的形成性反馈. The periodic review takes place at about the start of the third week of the spring term. It is reviewed by the library peer committee and the university library dean. 图书馆终身教职人员的定期审查文件不需要上传每项成就的证据以供考虑.


Interfolio Instructions for Tenure-Track 图书馆 教师 Periodic Review

Another important part of the retention, 任期内, 图书馆终身教职员工(高级助理馆员)的晋升过程是绩效评估. 绩效评估通常在偶数年(第2、4和6年)进行。. These reviews are typically scheduled during early to mid-fall term. The performance review file is reviewed by the library peer committee, the university library dean, and the provost. 第六年的绩效评估是为了考虑终身任职和晋升为副图书馆员.  以1 ~ 2年终身制聘用的图书馆终身教职人员,其终身制和晋升审查的时间也相对较短. 希望被考虑提前获得终身教职和晋升为副图书馆员的终身教职教职员工,应咨询《新葡京博彩官网》,了解标准,并通知大学图书馆院长办公室,他们打算比正常时间提前接受审查.

本节有终身(非教学)图书馆教师评估过程的信息. 在集体谈判协议和教员手册中,终身图书馆教员一词也可与“协理馆员”或“专职馆员”或“永久馆员”互换.

Note: Information for 任期内d instructional faculty is contained in a separate section.
Interfolio Instructions for Tenure-Track 图书馆 教师 Performance Reviews

Tenured (Associate or Full 图书管理员)

本节有终身(非教学)图书馆教师评估过程的信息. 终身图书馆教职员工一词也可以与“副馆员”或“全职馆员”互换,因为这些图书馆教职员工已经获得了终身教职. 

As part of the retention, 任期内, and promotion processes, 任期内d library faculty (associate and full librarians) are reviewed every five years. For associate librarians wishing to be considered for promotion to full librarian, please see the performance review section below. 图书馆终身教职人员的定期审查旨在为他们的图书馆员的表现提供持续的反馈, professional achievements, and contributions to the university. The periodic review takes place at about the start of the third week of the spring term. It is reviewed by the library peer committee and the university library dean. 图书馆终身教职人员的定期审查文件不需要上传每个成就的证据以供考虑.

Interfolio Instructions for Post Tenure, Periodic Review

对于准备提交文件以考虑晋升为正式图书馆员的助理图书馆员, a performance review (complete with evidence) is required. 考虑晋升为正式图书馆员的绩效评估通常在任职和晋升为副图书馆员五年后进行. If an associate librarian does not wish to be considered at year five, they would submit a periodic review. The associate librarian could opt to submit a file the following year or years after that. 教员有责任在他们想提交文件时通知院长办公室. Performance reviews are typically scheduled during mid-fall term. The performance review file is reviewed by the library peer committee, university library dean, 和教务长.

Interfolio Instructions for Tenured 图书馆 教师 Performance Reviews

Temporary 图书馆 教师

本节提供临时(非教学)图书馆教员评估过程的信息.  “临时图书馆教师”一词是指那些临时任命的图书馆教师,他们作为联络人为大学提供支持, provide student support, or work in collections and archives. The educational performance of these types of temporary library faculty assignments, while different, must be reviewed.  

As part of the appointment and retention processes, 根据预约的类型,对图书馆临时教员进行不同频率的审查. Temporary library faculty with one-year appointments are reviewed annually, prior to another one year or initial three-year appointment. Temporary library faculty with three-year appointments are reviewed every three years, prior to a subsequent three-year appointment being offered. 这些评估的目的是为了让同行和管理人员能够确定临时图书馆教师的工作是否令人满意,是否满足了学生的需求. 

Interfolio Instructions for Temporary 图书馆 教师 Periodic Review

Temporary library faculty are eligible for review for a range elevation (pay increase) if:

  1. 他们不再有资格获得基于服务的加薪(SSI),并且在目前的范围内服务了五年.
  2. 除了, 到学年开始时,临时图书馆员和教员单位的雇员没有用尽SSI资格,可能有资格根据充分的全职调整服务(FTAS)获得范围提升的资格。. FTAS is defined as the average time base (FTE) worked over the year, divided by 0.8, and up to a maximum of 1.0 for that year.  

For individuals working in more than one department at a campus, eligibility is determined separately for each department. 自教员进入当前范围之日起,每年的自由贸易津贴都要加起来. 在学年开始时,在当前范围内拥有六年或六年以上自由贸易协定的个人将有资格进行范围提升审查.

到6月30日劳资协商达成协议为止,申请提高射程的fta程序将继续有效, 2024, and will apply to academic and fiscal years 2021/2022, 2022/2023, and 2023/2024. 通过自由贸易协定获得范围提升的资格将继续基于前一个春季学期结束时获得的自由贸易协定.


最终学位将被认为是考虑提升到C或D范围的必要条件,如果适合教师的任务, based on the faculty member's performance of the essential duties of the position, and if specified as a requirement for employment in the faculty member's appointment letter.

Interfolio Instructions for Temporary 图书馆 教师 Range Elevation Reviews