In the 工程学院,计算机科学, 和技术, you will tackle the pressing problems of today and tomorrow in areas such as robotics, 可持续性, 能源, 水, 运输, 以及应急准备.

Our graduates build the future and power California’s economy!




Photos celebrating our students, faculty, and community!

Visit the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 College of 科普 Flickr account to view photos taken from our student events and presentations, 外展活动, 校友参与.




集体, we work together to provide students with educational experiences that build upon their wealth of knowledge and help transform their lives.

GEM student club with project at Shriners hospital

影响拉: Education designed by and for 科普 学生

加州大学洛杉矶分校 students are more engaged with their community... 拥有更丰富的生活经历... we want to use these strengths to build engineering and science skills.


12 universities nationwide selected to participate in the Battery Workforce Challenge

A groundbreaking initiative aimed at advancing electric vehicle (EV) technology and combating climate change.


Explore our academic departments and degree programs that prepare our students to become the next generation of engineers, 计算机科学家, 技术专业人士. 我们项目的毕业生领导, 服务, and transform the greater Los Angeles area and beyond, 体现我们的座右铭: 致力于追求卓越,参与社区活动.




科普 faculty share a passion for research with our students, engaging them in labs and projects where they can engineer solutions for today's problems and tomorrow's possibilities.



Find the resources and support you need to be successful and engaged while you pursue your degree 新葡京博彩官网 and launch your career.

领导推动变革- 明星计划

领导推动变革- 明星计划




的 科普 Capstone Program provides students with a project experience in which they apply their theoretical knowledge to an industry-defined problem, working with a real client to solve a real problem. 的 result may be a physical prototype, software package, technical design, or operational algorithm.


科普 is committed to accelerating the success of our students, 通过建立社区的项目, 开发技能, 强化STEM核心概念, helping current and prospective Golden Eagles off to a strong start on their path toward a successful STEM career. 加速计划 programs have been awarded funding by the National Science Foundation, 赫尔姆斯利慈善信托基金, 温加特基金会, 大学生期货基金, 拉尔夫M. 帕森斯基金会, 波音全球参与, 喷气发动机/ Rocketdyne, LADWP, 还有校友和朋友的慷慨馈赠.

的 台面 Schools Program provides educationally disadvantaged high school students with opportunities for university and career exploration in the STEM fields. Hands-on activities give students a chance to learn about higher education and careers, while also interacting with college students and professional mentors. Learn more about the 台面 Schools Program at 科普.

发射台 is a two-week summer program for high school rising juniors and seniors who are introduced to some of the exciting ways that engineers and 计算机科学家 can make the world a better place. 了解更多澳门新葡京博彩发射台的信息.

的 Summer Transition to 科普 Program (一步) is a program for all 科普 incoming freshmen majoring in pre-engineering majors and pre-computer science. 了解更多澳门新葡京博彩一步的信息.

科普 First-Year Experience (FYrE@科普) is a first-year cohort program that provides students with skills and support for their ongoing success at 科普. 了解更多澳门新葡京博彩第一年的经验.

Successful Transfer and Retention (明星) program 新葡京博彩官网, supports 大学生期货基金's work to ensure that more students who reflect California’s diversity will complete a bachelor’s degree. 通过明星计划, we are looking forward to establishing engineering and technology pathways with community colleges and developing a pre- and post-transfer peer mentoring program, thereby enhancing institutional capacity to support transfer student success in STEM fields.



California State Cadet takes break from fighting forest fires to be commissioned

学员安德鲁·萨利纳斯,现为少尉. Andrew 萨利纳斯, planned his virtual commissioning around California’s raging wildfires. 萨利纳斯, 新葡京博彩官网的学生和学员, is also a wildland firefighter with the United States Forest Service.


科普 Graduate Hones Real-World Skills in Submarine Competition

科普 graduate leads team in international RoboSub competition sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval 研究 that challenges universities around the world to create an Autonomous Under水 Vehicle (AUV) that can perform a series of specified tasks under水


加州大学洛杉矶分校 researchers use data visualization, AI in fight against COVID-19

加州大学洛杉矶分校 researchers joined the fight against COVID-19, developing tools that government officials and health care workers can use to make decisions during the global pandemic.




满足 乔纳森·查韦斯·德·罗萨斯,土木工程学士.S., a civil engineering graduate who is driven by a passion for problem solving. 读到 亚历克西斯锦,机械工程学士.S.,致力于建设可持续发展的未来.



Marina Mondin: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mondin教授 has collaborated with NATO experts and international scientists to improve global cybersecurity.
