
2023 Distinguished Honorees


Dr. Marquita Grenot-Scheyer is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education at California State University, 长滩. Dr. Grenot-Scheyer serves as Chair of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and is chair-elect of the board of directors for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). 她曾担任助理副校长, 教育工作者准备和公立学校项目, for the California State University (CSU), Office of the Chancellor from 2016 to 2021. 在这个角色中, she was responsible for leading, 协调, 促进全系统的招聘工作, 准备, and retain 老师, 辅导员, and school leaders for schools and communities. Prior to this appointment, 她曾担任加州州立大学教育学院院长, 长滩 from 2008 to 2016. She has served as a member of the WestEd board and was a member of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) Teacher Education Task Force (2016) on Teacher Preparation, which produced the report, 为教师在当今充满挑战的环境中做好准备. She previously served two terms as a board member of the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation (CAEP), (2013-17) and served as a commissioner, 澳门新葡京博彩CAEP的标准和表现报告委员会, (2012 to 2013).

她获得了博士学位.D. in Special Education in 1990 from the joint doctoral program at the University of California, 洛杉矶 and California State University, 洛杉矶. In recognition of her career accomplishments, she was selected as the Distinguished Alumnus, CSULA Charter College of Education, in 2008.

Dr. 杰克·斯科特在教育和公共服务领域有着广泛的职业生涯. He is especially known for his deep commitment to advocating for educational policies that better service students and the 状态 of California. 这包括在加利福尼亚州议会和参议员的工作. His commitment to promoting educational policy included serving as Chair of the Senate Committee on Education from 2000-2008, 他起草了146项法案并签署成为法律.

At the end of his time in the Senate, Dr. Scott served as the 14th 2009-2012年担任加州社区学院院长. 在此之前,Dr. Scott worked at Pepperdine University, Orange Coast College, 并担任赛普拉斯学院院长(1978-1987), 帕萨迪纳城市学院院长(1987-1995). He also served as a guest lecturer in Ed.D. courses at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 

In his retirement, Dr. 斯科特被选为克莱蒙特研究生大学的驻校学者. 他获得了博士学位.D. 克莱蒙特研究生大学美国历史硕士. 

胡安Flecha recently retired as President of Associated Administrators of 洛杉矶 (AALA). 在那之前, Flecha served as principal for Eagle Rock High School and Thomas Jefferson High School before he took over as Administrator of Operations in Educational Service Center North, 涵盖了从Verdugo Hills到Woodland Hills的200所学校.

Flecha earned a master’s in educational administration and a teaching credential from the College of Education at California State University, 洛杉矶.   

Mr. 陈国强的美国之旅始于他18岁时抵达美国, a refugee from the Vietnam war. 面对适应新的文化和语言的挑战, he demonstrated remarkable resilience. 他的学术追求使他进入了洛杉矶的加州州立大学, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership. 在过渡到公共教育部门之前,Mr. Tran的职业生涯是从电气工程师开始的, 专门负责监测南加州的空气污染. This position honed his analytical skills, 这个基础后来在他的教育领导角色中发挥了作用. 他第一次涉足公共教育领域是作为一名敬业的教师. 他开始在雷蒙纳小学教四年级和五年级的学生. This foundational experience provided him with first-hand insights into the classroom environment. 随后,他在阿尔罕布拉的圣盖博高中教授数学和科学, 拓宽了他对中学教育的看法. 除了他在小学和高中的角色之外,他还在学校里扮演着重要的角色. Tran further expanded his impact by teaching master-level courses at esteemed institutions such as Whittier College and Claremont Graduate University. These experiences enriched his perspective on advanced education and contributed to his holistic understanding of the educational trajectory. Mr. Tran随后转变为管理角色, 在Soledad Unified担任关键职务, Alisal联盟, 阿尔罕布拉宫统一, Palm Springs Unified, and San Gabriel Unified School Districts. 这些角色传授了不同领域的专业知识, such as curriculum development, 特殊教育, 早期学习, and community engagement. 在他最近担任卡尔弗城联合学区督学期间, 他主持了一个多元化的pre -12年级学生团体,平均年龄为6岁,900名学生. Under his stewardship:

  • 引入了以安全为重点的2019冠状病毒病后面对面教学计划.
  • 学术和社会情感支持框架得到加强.
  • 督学办公室和董事会之间的信任得到了加强.
  • 传播策略重新焕发活力,尤其是通过社交媒体.
  • Key infrastructure projects, including a 2024 general obligation bond measure, were overseen.
  • 优化财政战略,确保可持续性和收入增长.
  • 地区、州和国家各级的伙伴关系得到加强.
  • Student-centered initiatives, 比如A-G资格和毕业后的机会, 扩大.

中央先生. Tran's leadership is his "学生-First" approach, underpinned by a system-thinking process. 这种方法确保了全面和连贯的决策, with student welfare at the forefront. Colleagues often remark on his calm demeanor and steadfast resolve when addressing challenges. Equity, diversity, inclusion, and both social and environmental justice are pillars of Mr. Tran’s leadership ethos. 这一承诺在他在卡尔弗城任职期间是显而易见的, with accolades from local, 状态, and national colleagues serving as testament. Reflecting on his achievements and growth, Mr. Tran acknowledges the pivotal role played by California State University at 洛杉矶. The institution not only provided him with academic grounding but also crucial support that shaped his career in public education.

Dr.Cheryl Ney has a B.S. in Chemistry (Arizona State University), M.S. in Chemistry (Baylor University), and Ph.D. in Biochemistry (University of Chicago). 她开始在加州州立大学工作, 2009年在洛杉矶任职,并在校园里担任过各种高层领导职务. Starting in 2015, Dr. 奈伊开始担任教育学院院长. She retired from this role, and her career in leadership and higher education in 2022. Dr. Ney is passionate about various areas of practice in higher education and has advocated for the supported work of linked learning, 更好地将我们的项目与社区的职业道路结合起来, 在教育中注入技术进步, 和更多的. Among other things, she is remembered by her colleagues at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 for her love of humanoid robots to promote social-emotional learning in an educational setting. Prior to her work at the CSU, Dr. 奈伊是首都大学的教授和行政人员.


请欣赏2023杰出教育家颁奖晚宴的预览图片. 感谢参加这次盛会的每一个人. We hope you can join us next year!!

Friday, November 3, 2023

5 p.m. | 鸡尾酒礼服

Golden Eagle Ballroom, 加州大学洛杉矶分校


Event Sponsorship Welcome!

联系人: 凯蒂·McGorman Major Gift Officer 

(323) 343-3076 or (电子邮件保护)

座位 & Meal selection: Celes Aguilar, 协调员

(323) 343-4307 or (电子邮件保护)

Purchase Tickets/Sponsorships


The full amount of your dinner ticket or sponsorship payment is not fully tax deductible. The value of your tax-deductible donation is equal to the total donation payment minus the value of goods and services you received. The amount of goods and services that you will be receiving for your dinner ticket or sponsorship will be provided to you on a tax receipt letter mailed to you after we process your payment. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系教育学院.


If you are unable to attend our event but would like to make a donation to the Friends of the College of Education Scholarship and 教师 工作人员 Professional Development Fund, please fill out the secure donation form below.

Frequently Asked Questions


年度杰出教育工作者颁奖晚宴 (DeD)表彰表现卓越的杰出教育工作者, a high level of commitment, 以及对社区有重大贡献的人. The evening provides an opportunity to introduce others to the work of the COE and to raise funds for student scholarships, 工作人员, and faculty professional development.
COE致力于培养卓越和关怀的教育工作者, dedicated to inclusivity, 学生的成功, 以及我们社区中所有人的价值. 结果是, COE毕业生通常被认为是最好的教师, school psychologists, 辅导员, 管理员, 以及他们学校和社区的领导者.

We hope you enjoy this celebration of distinguished educators whose career contributions have made a lasting change and are a reflection of the historic mission of the COE.

Previous Distinguished Educator Award & 社区 Service Award Award Recipients


William Anton – 1990
Joseph Linscomb – 1991
Anita Suazo – 1992
西德尼一. 汤普森- 1992
Stuart Gothold – 1993
Theodore Alexander, Jr. – 1993
Evangelina Stockwell – 1994
John Nagata – 1994
Robert Aguilar – 1994
Alice Petrossian – 1995
Ruben Zacarias – 1995
James Figueroa – 1996
Walfred Fassler – 1996
大卫·科赫- 1998
Donald Ingwerson – 1998
Ronald Prescott – 1999
卡梅拉年代. 佛朗哥- 2000
Lowell Milken – 2000
玛丽亚一. 卡西利亚斯- 2000
Donnalyn Jaque-Anton – 2001
理查德的. 阿隆索- 2001
玛丽亚G. Ott - 2002
Merle Price – 2002
Lilliam Leis-Castillo – 2003
罗伯特J. 柯林斯- 2003
戴尔守夜- 2004
Rowena Lagrosa – 2004
Darline Robles– 2005
John Liechty – 2005
Julie Hadden – 2005
Grace Strauther – 2006
肯尼斯·L. Moffett - 2006
Rosemary McNutt - 2006
蕾妮E. 杰克逊- 2006
Judy Burton – 2007
Yvonne Chan – 2007
Wayne Langham - 2007
David Tokofsky – 2007
Judith Washburn – 2007
露易丝·K. 泰勒- 2008
Lynn Andrews – 2008
Sandra Thorstenson – 2008
安东尼奥J. 卡马乔- 2009
埃德温·迪亚兹- 2009
Lawrence Moore – 2010
Linda Del Cueto – 2010
Michelle King – 2010
Susan Parks – 2010
Cynthia Cervantes McGuire –2011
Genevieve Shepherd – 2011
Vivian Ekchian – 2011
Teresa Hughes - 2012
George Simpson – 2012
Irene Herrera-Stewart – 2012
Michelle Windmueller – 2012
Angel Barrett – 2013
Mary Falvey - 2013
Laura Tellez-Gagliano – 2013
Susan Wang - 2013
Ei Akiko Fong - 2014
方坚- 2014
Susan Kumar - 2014
Susanna Contreras Smith – 2014
Ron Carruth – 2015
Latosha Guy - 2015
Janet Fisher-Hoult - 2015
Lovelyn Marquez-Prueher – 2015
Kandice McLurkin – 2015
Sandy Suguira – 2015
Fidel Vargas – 2015
华林达- 2015
Caprice Young – 2015
Shawna Draxton – 2016
Joseph Martinez – 2016
Brian McDonald – 2016
Veronica Vega – 2016
Frances Siu – 2016
Ida Chapko CSLA-FCU - 2016
琼年代. 比塞尔- 2017
Keith Curry - 2017
Debra Duardo - 2017
Martin Epstein - 2017
Priscilla Lizárraga - 2017
Isa-Kae Meksin - 2017
William Taylor - 2017
Joyce Wang - 2017
朱艳芳- 2018
Donna Cleman - 2018
Michelle Freridge/ Asian Youth Center - 2018
蒙特E. 佩雷斯- 2018
Shirley Starke-Wallace - 2018
Linda Trevillain - 2018
Kenneth Turner - 2018 萨尔·卡斯特罗- 2019
Hattie Mitchell - 2019
Edward James Olmos - 2019


The College of Education (COE) is committed to the preparation of exceptional and caring educators – 辅导员, 老师, 以及致力于包容性的教育领导者, 学生的成功, 以及我们社区中所有人的价值. California State University 洛杉矶, 目前在向上流动方面排名全国第一的大学是什么.  COE是毕业生流动的动力, with its outstanding record of preparing educators and educational leaders who serve the 洛杉矶 region!


澳门新葡京博彩 the Friends of the COE

年度杰出教育工作者颁奖晚宴由 Friends of the College of Education. The Friends were founded in 1978 to support the College of Education (previously known as the Charter College of Education) at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 是学校里最古老的互助团体之一, the Friends co-sponsor events that strive to enhance education and the art of being an educator or educational leader!
From academic workshops and professional development for faculty to annual new teacher recognition and student recruitment activities, to one of 洛杉矶 County's most highly regarded professional achievement 奖s events - the Distinguished Educators Award Dinner - the Friends help to create and sustain the unique strengths of the College of Education.

