M.A. 教育管理专业,具有行政服务初级证书



The 初步行政服务证书 is required for all administrative and supervisory positions from pK-12 and Adult Education in California public schools. The program is based on a set of competencies necessary for successful performance as a California school administrator. Regulations, policies, 以及管理初级行政服务证书项目的程序, available from the division office, were developed in accordance with guidelines developed by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

The Administrative Services Credential in California is a two-tier credential that allows educators to take on various key roles in educational settings.

一旦达到基本要求,就会颁发最初的五年初步证书, 在满足所有必要的标准后,它演变成一个明确的凭证. 证书持有者可以提供从学前到12年级的基本服务, 在成人教育项目中也是如此. 这些服务包括监督教学计划, personnel evaluation, disciplinary actions, 以及学校各项服务的管理. The credential is a prerequisite for those assessing instructional quality and handling discipline services at the school site level.


Program Description

  • The program focuses on equipping candidates with the skills and knowledge required for instructional leadership in preK-12 schools.
  • Candidates have multiple opportunities to link theory and practice based on research throughout the program.
  • 该项目为学位和服务证书提供了一个相互交织的课程.
  • Candidates receive Master of Arts degrees in Educational Administration and California Preliminary Administrative Services (Tier-1) Credentials upon successful completion.
  • The Tier-1 credential licenses candidates for administrative and supervisory services in preK-12 and adult education in California public schools.
  • The credential is valid for 5 years.
  • 被录取的候选人被安排在一个分组中,在三个学期中每周有两个晚上见面.
  • Candidates experience comradeship and lifelong networking relationships with cohort peers and instructors.
  • The program guides and coaches all candidates to become technology experts through digital portfolios.

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements
  • Possess a valid prerequisite credential – You must possess a valid clear California teaching or services credential and hold an English Learner Authorization.  (See below for eligible credentials).  
  •  Verification of Experience - A minimum of five years of successful full-time classroom teaching or services experience in public or private schools. 核实必须以地区或雇用机构抬头的信纸证明
  • Satisfy the basic skills requirement, which you can find additional information about in Commission leaflet CL-667 entitled "Basic Skills Requirement."
  • 推荐信——两封推荐信, 其中一封来自一名学校管理人员.  这些信应该表明你具有管理和领导的潜力.
  • A 2.在过去的60个学期中,我的平均成绩是75分.

Program Completion Requirements

在成功完成新葡京博彩官网的M.A. in Educational Administration program, 申请人达到学位要求,授予学位. 如果他们没有行政工作机会,他们可以申请资格证书(CoE)。. This CoE confirms their readiness for the preliminary credential and allows them to seek administrative positions. 资格证书没有截止日期.

Candidates with a verified offer of employment in an administrative position can be recommended for the 初步行政服务证书. For those who possess the CoE, upon securing a job offer, they can apply for the preliminary credential by submitting the Verification of Employment Form (CL-777).

Cal State LA's M.A. in Educational Administration program aligns with Administrative Services Credential Program Standards. The Program Director ensures that all candidates in the program successfully complete all coursework requirements and fieldwork experiences, along with passing each CalAPA cycle before being recommended for either an Administrative Services Preliminary Credential or a Certificate of Eligibility to the CTC


Eligible Prerequisite Credentials

  • A clear or life California teaching credential that requires a bachelor's degree and a program of professional preparation, 包括学生教学或同等工作, 持有英语学习者资格证书.
  • 具有明确或终身加州指定科目成人澳门新葡京博彩资格证书, career technical education, vocational education, or special subjects, provided the applicant also possesses a bachelor's degree 持有英语学习者资格证书.
  • 具有加州学生人事服务证书或终身服务证书, health services for school nurse, teacher librarian services, 或语言病理学或临床或康复服务, 这需要学士学位和专业准备课程, including fieldwork or the equivalent.

Course Schedule Sample

  • EDAD 5001(3个单元)教育管理概论
  • EDAD 5101(1个单元)教育管理数字作品集实验室
  • EDAD 5061/5161(4个单元)教育领导力 & Fieldwork
  • EDAD 5062/5162(4个单元)研究/数据评估 & Fieldwork

  • EDAD 5063/5163(4个单元)多元主义,合作和社会正义 & Fieldwork
  • EDAD 5065/5165(4个单元)教学领导 & Fieldwork
  • EDAD 5066/5166(4个单元)学校管理 & Fieldwork

  • EDAD 5064/5164 (4 units)  School Law & Fieldwork
  • EDAD 5067/5167(4个单元)学校财务 & Fieldwork
  • EDAD 5281(2单元)临床实习
  • EDAD 5290(2个单元)反思和数字投资组合评估

Preliminary Advisement


Missing media item.

Dr. Charles Flores
Program Coordinator
Educational Leadership
[email protected]


Forms and Application


  • What is the cost per semester?
    As of Fall 2016, it’s $2,391.75 per semester 
  • 如果我比2年的工作经验要求少几个月, 这是否意味着我没有资格申请?
    Yes and No. If you're that close, we MAY admit you, 如果其他因素在申请审查中被评估为突出,并且可以获得一个席位.
  • Can I still apply if I have the PPS credential and MS in Counseling instead rather than a teaching credential?
    Yes. PPS is one of the equivalent credentials and the counseling experience with the PPS is equivalent to the classroom teaching experience. 因此,如果你有至少2年的PPS证书经验,你就有资格.

  • When is the registration period?
    大学会通知你指定的注册期限. You will need to pay the fees 3-4 days prior to the beginning of the registration period in order to access to the GET system.
  • When do I get the registration info?
    Our Division staff emails you the registration information 5-6 weeks prior to the beginning of the registration. If you do not receive the registration information, please call the division office at 323-343-4330.

  • I would like to do my fieldwork with the supervisor who does not have a copy of his credential and can only provide his credential number. Would that be a problem? Should I find someone else?
    请他们下载凭证信息 www.ctc.ca.gov.
  • I have a new site supervisor who is expecting her administrative credential to come in the mail any day. In the meantime, when she prints out her "credential," she gets verification that she has a Certification of Eligibility for the administrative services credential. 这对现场主管来说足够了吗?
    资格证书在最初的几个星期是可以的, but you’ll need to submit a copy of her administrative services credential before the end of the quarter to get a grade for the fieldwork course; otherwise, you will get No Credit for the course. 
  • 我和我的导师还没有正式见面,虽然我已经尝试了几次联系他们. I have e-mailed them the handbook and informed them of the program but I haven't received any response from them yet. 你觉得我应该换个学校吗? 
    It's your decision to make. 您需要决定这是否是该主体的常规行为模式. 记住,不是校长而是你的成绩取决于是否能在截止日期前完成.

  • I am currently enrolled in the program. 不幸的是,我无法跟上要求的课堂作业和田野调查. I am going through some very difficult family problems and I need to dedicate more time to my family. 我不想完全退出这个项目. 我真的很想留在这个项目中,但我现在无法承受这么大的工作量. 
    如果你不能完成你目前注册的课程, 你需要向学部办公室填写一张取款单. 请办公室的贝蒂或凯伦帮忙. 
    On the other hand, 如果你可以完成本季度的课程,并希望停止上课一段时间, 你需要提交一份休假表, available from the Division Office, KH C2098.  

  • Is it possible to still get my administrative credential paperwork processed through the university even though I graduated this past June? 如果没有,我该去哪里处理呢?
    我假设你在完成课程之前没有申请证书. You  can apply for evaluation of credential through the Office for Student Services within the seven years from the completion of your program. 

Contact Information

motto on graduation cap.


King Hall C2098,
Phone: 323.343.4330
Fax: 323.343.5336
Email: Betty Lee or Karen VonLawn

Office Hours and Staff


Monday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Tuesday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Dr. Anthony Hernandez, Division Chair