Summer Career Festival

Cal State LA Career Center Summer Career Festival

The Summer Career Festival is a three-part, fun, and transformative series designed to boost your career development.

Students and recent graduates who attend a full day will be recognized for completing the topic of the day and spotlighted on social media platforms. An additional recognition can be earned by attending all three days.  Recognitions include:

  • Day One: The Career Networker
  • Day Two: The Career Explorer
  • Day Three: The Career Action Planner
  • All Three Days: Career Center Influencer

Festival Schedule

Date & Time: Wednesday, June 26, 1 - 4 p.m.

Location: Golden Eagle Ballroom

Let's start professional networking for job search success! You'll build your professional introduction and practice it with employers and professionals. We'll also help you improve your professional presence in LinkedIn.

Register for Career Insights: Your Career Tour Begins

Date & Time: Wednesday, July 31, 1 - 4 p.m.

Location: SSB LL120 or ASCB 132 (TBD)

What are your career interests and how can your college experience help you land a good job now or in the future? We'll help you answer these questions through fun activities like Career Bandersnatch, Career Scavenger Hunt, and Career Goal Connect Four. You'll have a clear vision of your career portfolio!

Register for Career Vibes: Creating your Journey

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 14, 1 - 4 p.m.

Location: SSB LL120 or ASCB 132 (TBD)

What's your career story? Talking about yourself and what you can bring to a workplace can be difficult. Connect with employer mentors who can help you identify your strengths and skills and create a career growth action plan that works!

Register for Career Waves: Explore your Professional Horizon

Date & Time: Wednesday, August 28, 1 - 4 p.m.

Location: Zoom

Recap to best takeaways from the Summer Career Festival. We'll help you sum up your professional presence, career interests, career goals, and growth action plan to move you forward towards career success.

Register for Career Recap: Virtual Festival Highlights

This program is open to Cal State LA students and recent graduates. For accessibility accommodations, please contact us no later than two days before the event.

Contact Us

[email protected]
