
鹰警报 is 加州大学洛杉矶分校's emergency notification and safety advisory system. It is used to send 加州洛杉矶紧急通知s and Safety Advisories to all students, 教师, 员工使用以下信息传递方式:

  • 发送到新葡京博彩官网的邮件地址
  • 给手机发短信
  • 发给校园卫士手机应用的信息

The 鹰警报 system is updated monthly with information from the Student Administration and Human Resources systems.

Text messages are typically the best method of communication during an emergency, so we encourage everyone to have a mobile phone number in the Student Administration or Human Resources systems to receive emergency text messages.

When a change to your mobile phone number is made in the Student Administration or Human Resources systems, the change will also update your information in the 鹰警报 system.

如果您有任何问题,请发送电子邮件至 公共安全部 或拨打(323)343-3700.


加州洛杉矶紧急通知s will be sent when emergency situations arise, 比如火灾, 地震, and acts of violence or situations posing an imminent threat to life, 健康, 或者我们校园社区的安全. An emergency notification will only be sent after carefully assessing a situation and determining that it is serious enough to warrant a notification or to periodically conduct system tests. These messages will be clearly labeled with “加州洛杉矶紧急通知.”

加州大学洛杉矶分校 Safety Advisories provide information regarding critical situations that do not pose an immediate threat to the life, 健康, 或者校园社区的安全. 这些可能包括水管破裂, 空气质量差, and law enforcement incidents that do not pose an immediate threat to life, 健康, 或安全. These messages will be clearly labeled with “加州州立大学洛杉矶安全咨询.”







Click on the drop-down, 选择“手机”并输入你的电话号码. If you want this to be your preferred number, click on the checkbox. 完成后,点击“保存”.



Employee Self Service Click on Self Service > Personal 信息 > Phone Numbers.


Employee Self Service Add a Phone Number 点击“添加电话号码”. If a current mobile number needs to be updated, make the changes and "SAVE".


员工自助服务手机入口在下拉菜单中单击, 选择“手机”并输入你的电话号码. If you want this to be your preferred number, click on the checkbox. 完成后,点击“保存”. NOTE: Business phone type cannot be deleted, it will re-populate during system updates.


鹰警报 is the University’s emergency notification and safety advisory system designed to provide quick and reliable mass communication to students, 教师, and staff during emergencies and safety incidents affecting the University using email messages to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 email addresses and text messages to mobile phone numbers. The 鹰警报 system delivers 加州洛杉矶紧急通知s and 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Safety Advisories.

加州洛杉矶紧急通知 messages will be sent when an emergency situation affecting the University arises, 包括火灾, 地震, and acts of violence or situations posing an imminent threat to life, 校园社区的健康和/或安全. The University will also use 加州洛杉矶紧急通知s periodically to conduct tests of our emergency preparedness program to ensure that the system is working properly.

加州州立大学洛杉矶安全咨询 messages will be sent when critical situations arise that do not pose an immediate threat to the life, 校园社区的健康和安全. 这些可能包括水管破裂, 空气质量差 and law enforcement incidents that do not pose an immediate threat to life, 健康或安全.

目前都是新葡京博彩官网的学生, 教师, and staff will receive the 加州洛杉矶紧急通知 and Safety Advisory messages.

No. 目前都是新葡京博彩官网的学生, 教师 and staff will automatically be enrolled in the 鹰警报 emergency notification and safety advisory system utilizing the contact information for each individual currently within the University’s Student Administration and Human Resources systems. It is therefore important that individuals verify their contact information.

在上面的信息部分是给学生的说明, 教师, 及职员更新联络资料.

这项服务是免费的, but text messaging fees from mobile phone service providers may apply. Please contact your cellular provider directly for your specific rate and billing information.

The old emergency notification system required individuals to register their own information into the system, 但这种制度导致了非常低的参与率, leaving many members of the campus community without receiving the benefit of time-sensitive emergency notifications.

如果您不希望被纳入我们的鹰警报系统, 你可以选择不接收短信. 然而, 我们强烈建议不要退出,因为在危机时刻, 重要的是,我们有每一个可用的选择来联系你.

也, while you may opt-out from receiving text messages to a personal mobile phone number, you will continue to receive emergency notifications at your campus email address, as the University uses email as the official form of communication.

教师/工作人员 - If you would like to opt out of receiving emergency and safety advisory text messages, 请致电323343-3694与人力资源管理部门联系.

学生 - If you would like to opt out of receiving emergency and safety advisory text messages, change the phone number field labeled “Mobile” to either “Main” or “Other”. Instructions for updating your phone numbers can be found above in the 信息 section under "Student Moble Phone Update".