


2024年8月1日- 8月31日st, 2024(国际学生)
2024年8月1日- 9月30日th 、2024年(国内学生)

申请研究生院通常需要大量的研究和有组织的计划. 我们的 申请流程工作坊 is designed to give you an opportunity to learn directly from our admissions staff about the application process. We will guide you through application completion and be available to answer any questions you may have as you prepare to apply.



所有申请人必须通过以下方式向大学提交在线申请 加州申请. 学院考察每个候选人的潜力, 考虑到所有的学术和工作经验, 工作中的责任程度, 以及其他可能影响个人成功潜力的因素. Applicants are evaluated on the merits of their own application in comparison with those of all other applicants for the semester. 申请人没有适当的文件.e.、考试成绩、工作经历、论文、推荐信等.,概不处理. 入学推荐只会基于完整的文件.

学生 who are admitted but 不 register in the semester for which they applied must reapply through 加州申请 and pay another application fee if seeking admission to any future semester. 没有延期录取. Reapplication to the College is not necessary if readmission is sought within one academic year. 我们鼓励您尽快完成您的申请文件. 一旦你的档案完成,我们就可以进行评估并做出决定.




  • 学士学位
  • 重新开始
  • 2推荐信
  • 宗旨声明
  • One set of Official sealed 成绩单 sent to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Office (加州大学洛杉矶分校 students and alumni 不 need to request/submit their transcripts)

从申请到教师评审的录取过程可能需要8-12周. 完成的申请一旦收到,就会开始审查过程. 我们建议您尽早提交申请.


美国洛杉矶CA 90032

* MS信息系统被认为是一个STEM项目.  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees are in high demand worldwide. 面向国际学生, obtaining a STEM degree at our University qualifies students who have F-1 visas to potentially have their 12-month OPT extended by 24 months. 对于所有的STEM毕业生来说,拥有这个有价值的学位,一个有前途的职业在等待着他们.


新葡京博彩官网 退伍军人资源中心 努力帮助退伍军人和现役学生导航认证过程, 顺利过渡到大学生活, 支持他们在校园的成功, 让他们为实现自己的职业和生活目标做好准备. 更多信息,请访问 退伍军人资源中心网页,或致电(323)343-5080或通过电子邮件联系VRC (电子邮件保护).


如果你在美国以外的地方申请, 您的申请将与国内申请人略有不同.

For those applicants who earned a bachelor's degree from a school where English was not the principal language of instruction, a 英语作为外语考试(托福) 成绩不低于80分(网考), 213 (computer version) or 550 (paper version) is required for admittance into the CBE graduate programs. 点击这里了解更多澳门新葡京博彩托福考试的信息.

财务信息也必须通过i-20宣誓书提供. 请参考研究生招生了解更多信息.

最后, 如果你在美国以外的机构学习过, you will need to have your foreign academic work evaluated by International Education Research Foundation (IERF)  or by 世界教育服务 for an initial evaluation to expedite the admissions process. 请参阅以下通过IERF提交成绩单的说明. 注:国际学生 还需要将他们的成绩单邮寄到大学.


  • 访问 http://apply.ierf.org/ 创建在线申请,要求“详细报告”. 注:国外评估费为165美元(USD).
  • 在向IERF提交你的课程作业时,注明你是由 加州大学洛杉矶分校-招生和招聘办公室 and that you would like to have the official agency copy of the evaluation report sent directly to CSU Los Angeles- Office of 招生 and Recruitment(SA101).
  • 一旦申请提交, 你需要将你的学习成绩提交给IERF进行评估.

P.O. 3665箱


  • 提交网上大学入学申请.
  • 访问 http://wes.org/ 创建网上申请,索取“各门课程报告”.
  • 表明你是由 加州大学洛杉矶分校研究生招生 and that you would like to have the evaluation report sent directly to "加州大学洛杉矶分校研究生招生".
  • 评估费为160美元,请直接汇款至WES.
  • 一旦在线WES申请被提交, 发送你的官方学习成绩(如果不是英文的), 附ATA认证的镜像英文翻译报告)至:

P. O. 5087箱
纽约,NY 10274-5087


大学入学申请费为70美元(不可退还/不可转让). 请计划在网上提交申请时提交申请费. 如果你没有在提交申请时支付费用, 请用个人支票付款, 汇款单, 或本票)支付给新葡京博彩官网, 付款时请注明您的姓名和个人信息, 并在申请期限的申请费支付截止日期前邮寄给新葡京博彩官网. 不接受其他付款方式, 提交申请后,我们无法接受在线支付.

If there are no items listed in your GET (Golden Eagle Territory) To-Do list and you have not yet received an official email notice regarding your admission decision, the admission status may show INCOMPLETE because it is still pending a University admission decision. Please regularly check your email and GET To Do list to ensure that you 不 miss any important deadlines.

Your 加州大学洛杉矶分校 CIN (Campus Identification Number) is noted on the top of emails sent to you from the 招生 Office. Please have your CIN readily available whenever you contact the University for assistance and include it on email inquiries. 这将帮助我们找到你的学生记录.

pin码将在申请确认后的5-7个工作日内通过电子邮件发送给每个申请人. 如果你在这段时间内没有收到, 在联系新葡京博彩官网注册办公室之前,请检查您的电子邮件垃圾邮箱. 如需重新发送您的密码,请致电GET服务热线(323)343-7438.

我们不为有国际记录的学生提供入学前通知. 被考虑录取, 你必须申请我们的大学, 并按要求提交学习成绩.
(NOTE: Foreign Credential Evaluation Report - International applicants (those requiring an F/J visa to study in the US) to a graduate/post学士学位 program with non-US academic records/transcripts are required to submit their international documents to IERF or WES (effective Spring 2018) for evaluation. 如果你在美国以外的机构学习过, please submit your official foreign academic records with ATA certified English translations(s) to the International Education Research Foundation (IERF) or 世界教育服务 (WES) for initial evaluation to expedite the admissions process. 报告必须直接从代理机构发送到加州州立大学洛杉矶招生办公室)

一旦大学收到所有要求的学术文件的副本, 请预留6-8周时间进行评估和处理. 一旦做出决定,你将通过电子邮件得到通知. 请定期检查GET自助服务学生中心待办事项清单, 并按要求及时提交补充资料. 文件缺失会耽误录取进程.

成绩单 must be official and sealed, and must include verification of the 学士 degree. 在任何情况下,非正式成绩单或成绩单上的印章将不被接受. 包括来自多所大学的更高部门课程成绩的成绩单. 请寄至研究生招生办公室.


洛杉矶,CA 90032


作为一般的指导方针, a three-year degree from a recognized University in India or Pakistan is not considered equivalent to a U.S. 学士学位. Graduates from these institutions may be admitted in undergraduate standing if coursework is determined to be acceptable and meets undergraduate admission requirements. Completion of a three-year degree and a Post-Graduate Diploma from a recognized institution may possibly be considered for graduate admission. 然而, 三年制学位学生,本系可特别申请入学, 如果他们发现候选人有其他较强的资格(如.e. 有丰富的工作经验,GMAT/GRE成绩高,推荐信好). 也, 如果你是持F/J签证的国际学生, IERF will determine the degree equivalency; some foreign 3-year 学士 degrees are found equivalent to a U.S. 学士.

如果你是本科生申请者, 是的, the completion of a transferable college-level English Composition course from a United States post-secondary institution, 成绩在“C”或以上, 会免除你这些考试吗.
If you are a graduate/post-学士学位 applicant with a 学士 degree from a college or university where the language of instruction is not English, 你必须参加英语语言能力考试(托福), 雅思考试, PTE, DuoLingo). 在说英语的机构接受三年教育, 或完成一门可转换的英语写作课程, 不会免除你的这个要求吗.

Applicants holding or applying for an F-1 or J-1 visa must complete and submit the New Student I-20 Verification with signatures and appropriate documentation to show proof of funding. 如果你对新葡京博彩官网感兴趣, 请不要等到你的录取决定后才提交这些文件. 提前提交验证表格, 以及财务文件, will help expedite the issuance of the I-20; if your I-20 paperwork is complete, the 国际办公室 can issue the I-20 immediately after your admission to the University.
如果您对I-20或SEVIS有任何疑问 请联系国际办公室,电话:(323)343-3170, (电子邮件保护),或浏览 国际办公室 网页.

如果你没有商业本科学位或商业背景, 这不会妨碍你参加我们的课程. 非商业专业的学生需要完成基础课程, 工商管理基础课程(9个单元),在攻读工商管理硕士核心课程之前, 成绩为“B”或以上的BUS 5000. Please note that BUS5000 can be taken before or after the application is admitted to the program.

The purpose of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or (雅思考试) International English Language Testing System is to evaluate the English proficiency of applicants whose native language is not English. The test uses a multiple-choice format to measure the ability to understand North American English. 考试包括三个部分:听力理解, 结构和书面表达, 阅读理解. 欲了解更多信息,请访问www.托福考试.Org或WWW.雅思考试.org