


student in library The University has become the premier public comprehensive university in the heart of Los Angeles. We have produced nationally and internationally recognized leaders in fields that include business and industry, 视觉及表演艺术, athletics, science and technology, government, and higher education. At Cal State LA, 我们正在突破界限,为发现和创新创造新的机会. Here you will find highlights of the contributions each division has made in serving our students, faculty, staff, and the campus community.


总统办公区由总统办公室组成, Athletics, 和卢克曼美术中心. The Office of the President is responsible for the fullfillment of the vision and academic mission of the University, 与大学各部门合作. The Luckman Fine Arts Complex mission is to serve its diverse community by presenting professional arts events that expose the campus and surrounding communities to unique artistic expressions which increase appreciation, understanding, 并最终接受多元文化.

For 参与、服务和公益, Cal State LA and the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angles have partnered to introduce a higher education pathway program known as "Achieve LA." This initiative will leverage existing Cradle to Career Success Initiative programs that inform youth about the college admissions process and prepares them to enroll at a university.

In regard to a 欢迎和包容的校园, Cal State LA developed partnerships that will enhance the University and contribute significantly to student and community life.

Professor Academic Affairs is responsible for the development of distinctive academic programs and delivery of instruction to Cal State LA students through the University Library and eight colleges: College of Arts & Letters; College of Business and Economics; Professor Charter College of Education, College of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology; Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services; College of Natural and Social Sciences; 专业与全球教育学院; and the Honors College.

参与、服务和公益在过去的学年, over 13,000名新葡京博彩官网的学生参加了公民学习课程.

Student Success: We focused on five broad areas for targeted interventions to improve our graduation rates, which have significant overlap with the campus’s strategic plan priority areas of Improving Advisement and Student Support, 参与式教与学, 学生生活与归属感, 课程结构和学位灵活性. 我们欢迎您了解更多澳门新葡京博彩 教务处.

IT staff ITS has provided students, faculty, and staff with anywhere, anytime electronic access to information resources in support of the teaching/learning mission of the University as well as ensuring that information security remains an institutional priority.

For the 参与、服务和公益, ITS确保我们的官方网站 www.bayamonworkingtools.net 是否对公众、准学生、学生、教职员工开放.

ITS致力于使大学成为一所大学 欢迎和包容的校园 提供有线连接的网络和电信服务, wireless technology, software upgrades, administration, back-up, recovery, 并持续监控中央和部门服务器. In addition, ITS提供信息安全程序,以保护机密性, integrity, 大学系统基础设施的可用性.

ITS contributes to the Academic Distinction of Cal State LA by offering 24/7 staffed open access labs within the CSU institutions.

students outside The departments that are supported by General Fund in the Division of Student Life include: the Office of the Vice President for Student Life (VPSL), Dean of Students (DOS), 教育机会计划(EOP), 残疾学生办事处(OSD), 新生和家长计划(NSPP), 职业发展中心(CDC).

For the 参与、服务和公益, the Student Life Division has expanded student networking and mentoring opportunities, 加强社区外展伙伴关系和实习, 加强与大学的合作, alumni, 以及大洛杉矶地区的社区.

学生生活致力于使校园成为一个 Welcoming and Inclusive 通过确保机会均等和支持残疾学生来改善环境, transfer students, and undocumented students.

For Academic Distinction, 学生生活提供辅助性项目,如辅导, graduate school panel, and peer mentoring.

Campus Buildings The Division of 行政及财务 strategically manages the University’s broad portfolio of financial, administrative, and business support services to ensure that the Cal State LA campus runs efficiently and effectively. 行政及财务 advances the University's mission and strategic initiatives through sound financial planning and management, enriching and nurturing a student-centric environment through impactful student services and campus programs, 培育创业商机, promoting excellence through innovative human resource and workplace effectiveness programs to meet changing workforce, 维护和保护我们的校园社区, 促进环境可持续发展, and preserving and building 21st century infrastructure through administration of university facilities design and construction.

行政和财务 Academic Distinction 通过培养一个积极的环境,促进学生的成功, faculty, 员工和大学通过健全的财政, 预算和业务职能.

University Advancement further enhances fundraising and alumni outreach initiatives as outlined in the “WE ARE LA: 加州大学洛杉矶分校的竞选活动”, while increasing its publications and social media presence to raise additional philanthropic support for the University.

We Are LA



Graduating Students Cal State LA is committed to providing transparency on the important work we do in support of student success. The Annual Reporting webpage serves to provide the campus community with information on the progress and performance of its campus operations.

A requirement of the new budget model is for each executive division to prepare the annual accountability report. The annual reporting requirement provides an opportunity for each division to highlight performance targets, assessment metrics, financial information, 显著的运营成功, 以及实现其独特目标的挑战. 欢迎您查看历史 annual budgets.

Financial Summary

校园预算和财政策略旨在支持参与式教学, learning, scholarship, research, and public service. 在2021-22财政年度, the University operated on a $247 million General Fund operating budget that supported campus operations across different executive areas, as shown below.



除了校园运营基金, 该大学依靠其他州和校园收费资源运作. 这些费用支持了加强学术指导的项目倡议, enriched student learning, 促进社区参与, 扩大关键技术基础设施和软件的使用范围. These initiatives support student success, student engagement, and pathways toward graduation.

2021- 2022年其他基金预算

2021-22 Other Funds Graph