Master of Arts Degree in Educational Foundations

Welcome to M.A. Degree in Educational Foundations

EDNF Members smiling

EDFN 2019 graduates at a shared thesis and project presentation. From left, Erika Alvarez (with daughter); Oscar Gil; Joel Lovos; Heather Digrius; Samantha Lopez.

Students at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting

2011年11月,在加州圣何塞举行的美国人类学协会年会上的学生. 2018: Joel Lovos, Kevin Morris, Samantha Lopez, Valeria Rodriguez, Doris Guzman, Sesley Lewis, Zarazua, Iosdelyn Ramirez, Jessica Lorenzana, Manson Johnson.

EDFN M.A. 2018年5月,毕业生劳尔·梅内塞斯·桑佩里奥和安吉·巴雷拉在毕业典礼上

EDFN毕业生Raul Samperio Meneses和Angie Barrera在2018年5月的毕业典礼上

EDFN学生萨曼莎·洛佩兹获得了500美元的研究奖,并展示了她的论文研究成果, 2019年4月,在性别与性行为研究中心年度学生研究研讨会上发表了“Queering the Cage”.(with Dr. Allison Mattheis)

EDFN学生萨曼莎·洛佩兹获得了500美元的研究奖,并展示了她的论文研究成果, 2019年4月,在性别与性行为研究中心年度学生研究研讨会上发表了“Queering the Cage”.(with Dr. Allison Mattheis)

EDNF Members smiling

EDFN 2019 graduates at a shared thesis and project presentation. From left, Erika Alvarez (with daughter); Oscar Gil; Joel Lovos; Heather Digrius; Samantha Lopez.

Students at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting

2011年11月,在加州圣何塞举行的美国人类学协会年会上的学生. 2018: Joel Lovos, Kevin Morris, Samantha Lopez, Valeria Rodriguez, Doris Guzman, Sesley Lewis, Zarazua, Iosdelyn Ramirez, Jessica Lorenzana, Manson Johnson.

EDFN M.A. 2018年5月,毕业生劳尔·梅内塞斯·桑佩里奥和安吉·巴雷拉在毕业典礼上

EDFN毕业生Raul Samperio Meneses和Angie Barrera在2018年5月的毕业典礼上

EDFN学生萨曼莎·洛佩兹获得了500美元的研究奖,并展示了她的论文研究成果, 2019年4月,在性别与性行为研究中心年度学生研究研讨会上发表了“Queering the Cage”.(with Dr. Allison Mattheis)

EDFN学生萨曼莎·洛佩兹获得了500美元的研究奖,并展示了她的论文研究成果, 2019年4月,在性别与性行为研究中心年度学生研究研讨会上发表了“Queering the Cage”.(with Dr. Allison Mattheis)

教育基础的文学硕士学位是一个跨学科的学术项目,它借鉴了人文学科的概念框架和方法, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. 该学位课程旨在为教师和其他教育专业人员(如.g., counselors, higher education professionals, administrators, and other educators working in schools, government, business, 或公民机构)来理解和回应赋予学校内外教育意义的社会背景. We offer coursework in the history of education, urban schooling theories, educational sociology, policy and politics of education, queer studies in education, anthropology of education, and educational research.

这个33个单元的课程的独特之处在于,它允许学生在教育基础课程之外完成多达12个单元的选修课程, enabling students to combine their M.A. 教育学院的学历和证书课程和其他硕士课程.A. programs at Cal State LA. Our program is designed for working students, with all classes scheduled for late afternoon and evening.

Application Information

The EDFN M.A. program admits students for both a Fall and Spring semester start. Students may work toward their degrees as part-time or full-time students.

The deadline to apply for Fall 2024 admission is April 15, 2024. 

Only a Cal State Apply application is needed for this program. Letters of recommendation are optional, 但如果包括的话,应该是来自能够说明申请人是否准备好了研究生学习的个人.
Cal State Apply link -

As part of your application, 请写一篇500-800字的个人陈述,阐述以下内容:

  • 个人和/或专业经历或背景导致您对教育基础项目感兴趣.
  • 教育基础课程将如何帮助你实现或提升你的职业目标.
  • 您希望关注的教育基础课程提供的学习领域(请参阅课程信息表)



Program Outcomes

  • PLO 1: 学生使用社会科学和人文科学的各种格式编写研究生水平的写作, including written summaries, reflections, personal narratives, literature reviews, research reports, and other forms of analytical writing.  
  •  PLO 2: 学生通过写作作业展示构成教育基础领域的内容知识, oral presentations, 通过广泛的阅读和与各种媒体的互动与他人进行对话. 
  •  PLO 3: 学生解释和讨论与城市教育相关的当代和历史问题, their own experiences with schooling, and educational equity using theories, concepts, ideas, 以及与教育基金会领域相关的研究和数据来源的证据. 
  •  PLO 4: 学生在理论指导下就城市学校教育或教育公平相关问题发展并阐明规范性立场, concepts, ideas, their own experiences with schooling, 以及与教育基金会领域相关的研究和数据来源的证据. 
  •  PLO 5: Students critique contemporary issues relevant to urban schooling, their own experiences with schooling, and/or educational equity using theories, concepts, ideas, 以及与教育基金会领域相关的研究和数据来源的证据,并提出替代方案. 
  •  PLO 6: 学生评估和综合各种认识论和方法论方法的教育研究. 
  •  PLO 7: 学生展示设计和提出定性研究的技能,以探索教育主题.  

Program Faculty


Dr. Allison Mattheis

  Dr. Allison Mattheis

  Professor/ program coordinator 
  [email protected]


Ezekiel Joubert III

  Dr. Ezekiel Joubert III

  Assistant Professor
  [email protected]



  Dr. Carlos Tejeda

  [email protected]


Uriel Serrano

  Dr. Uriel Serrano



Samantha M. Lopez (’19)
Corporate Recruiter & K-College Tutor

萨曼莎参加了EDFN项目,希望从事K-12的教学工作, but ultimately decided to take a Higher Education route. During her time in the program, 她分享说,她与同龄人建立了一个社区,并有了家庭经验. 她说:“我们所有人都在那里互相支持,在我们的学习和幸存的研究生院. 我从不觉得自己是“孤独的”,因为我有同学和教授在那里帮助我在课程和研究上取得成功.”

萨曼莎给未来学生的一条建议是,多与同学和工作人员交谈! Samantha is looking to apply to Ph.D programs in higher education in the near future.


Joel Lovos (’19) – they/them
Academic Coordinator

Joel加入EDFN之前,他参加了认证项目,并参加了EDFN 4200必修课程,该课程涉及种族问题, gender, sexuality and how students experience discrimination. 这导致他们参加了另一个EDFN课程,并在他们申请该项目后不久. When speaking on the program, 乔尔分享说:“这些课程真的促使我更批判性地思考,这需要我花更多的时间来理解理论和概念,以及如何将它们应用到我的教育实践中。, were the classes that I found most rewarding. 主要是因为教授们真心相信我的思考和写作能力. Their belief in me, along with providing me with the tools to succeed in their classes, made me believe in myself as a thinker, educator, and researcher.”

乔尔给未来学生的一条建议是认真对待, reflect on yourself and your experiences, and be ready to have tough conversations. 同时,准备好阅读、思考、写作,并不断地循环这些过程. Joel plans to apply to a Ph.D program in Education at UC Santa Cruz for Fall 2021.


Alexandria Vickery (’20)
Community Schools Manager

Prior to joining the EDFN program, Alexandria worked in several educational institutions, including as a public school teacher. 她看到她的几个学生的需求长期得不到满足,她认为自己没有能力以一种有实际意义的方式帮助他们. She shares, “I wanted an interdisciplinary, collaborative, 还有社会意识的空间来重新构想公立学校系统, 教育基金会项目提供了一个关注社会的机会, psychological, and institutional bases of the public school system.”

这个项目为她学习现代社会的运作提供了流动性, urban, public school system, as well as lots of room and encouragement to bring her full self, beliefs, and experiences. “In the program, 我能够将不同的兴趣结合在一起:用非殖民主义的方法来开发课程, implementation of anti-racist educational practices, and development of strengths-based, trauma-informed teaching strategies.特别有价值的是,我能够和这个领域的同行和专家一起做这件事, while working in schools and with students, bringing theory to practice and practice to theory. By directly addressing the inequality of opportunity within culturally, linguistically, and ability-diverse contexts of urban schooling, EDFN为我提供了一个机会,加强我作为一个积极响应的教育者的角色,并成为一个真正关心其选民的教育系统运动的负责任的一部分.”

亚历山大给未来学生的一条建议是,如果你对这个项目的了解引起了共鸣, go for it, and you will find community in your efforts. Alexandria hopes to become a Program Director working in public schools, advancing a Community School model broadly within a local school district.

Theses and Projects



Year of Graduation

Student Name

Thesis or Project Title


Angie Barrera Alonso

Re/Deconstructing Education through Punk


Anell Tercero



Raul Meneses Samperio



Breanna Robles

LGBTQ Fanworks as Reparative Reading


Erika Alvarez

¡Huelga! 洛杉矶家长行动主义:LAUSD董事会第5区政治和政策参与的探索


Oscar Gil



Samantha Lopez

Queering the Cage


Joel Lovos

Applying Gaming to Teaching English Language Arts


Heather Digrius

Queering the Bookshelf: Diversifying the Classroom


Iosdelyn Ramirez



Alexandria Vickery



Adalia Vidarte



Lindsey Eichenberger



Christopher Reynoso



Cristal Sanchez



Jacob Abriel

Community Circles and Youth Participatory Action


Jessica Martinez



Melissa Minahan



Jose Resendiz Arroyo

Reframing Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Deaf Perspectives

EDFN M.A. 学生及校友曾共同撰写以下刊物(学生及校友姓名须注明):

Vidarte, A., Zambrano, J. & Mattheis, A. (2022). 哥伦比亚高等教育中残疾学生的机会和公平. Educational Policy Analysis Archives.

Mattheis, A., Lovos, J., Eichenberger, L., Humphrey, C., & Restrepo Nazar, C. (2021). 颠覆共同核心和下一代科学标准:扩展城市K-12教室可能性的交叉方法. Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1987748

Lopez, S., Johnson, M., & Mattheis, A. (invited chapter, 2021). 高等教育中权力、获取和资源分配的合作探索. In A. Phillips and T. Gray (Eds.), Agency in Constrained  Academic Spaces (pp. 70-87). Lexington Books.

Willis, T., Mattheis, A., Dotson, B., Ahmed, L., Brannon, L., Hunter, M., Moore, A., & Williams-Vallarta, L. (2019). “我发现自己被孤立和孤独:”黑人女性在西班牙裔服务机构的微侵犯经历. NASPA Journal About Women and Gender in Higher Education.

Wiebe, C., Nguyen, A. & Mattheis, A. (2019). Visualizing technocratic power: a cyber-archaeological analysis of the U.S. National Educational Technology Plan. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 42(2), 282-294.

Serrano, U., Vazquez, A., Meneses-Samperio, R. & Mattheis, A. (2018). 符号庇护与话语失调:西班牙裔服务机构政策与实践的局限性. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 12(3), 169-190.

Mattheis, A., Ardila, Y. & Levaton, S. (2018). “我们有不同的想法:”学生在洛杉矶大学董事会的代表和发言权. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership.  content/uploads/2018/03/JEELSI1Article9.pdf

Mattheis, A. Soto, M. & Vidarte, A. (2017). 利益相关者对洛杉矶联合学区公共通道的看法:来自博伊尔高地的观点. Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs, Research Policy Report.

¡Huelga! LA Activist是一款免费下载的应用程序,由EDFN '19校友Erika Alvarez和她的教师-家长-社区活动家同事开发 Download ¡Huelga! LA Activist app

支持洛杉矶LGBTQIA+青年:社区资源是一个由EDFN/WGSS酷儿教育研究学生开发的网站 Go to website to access profiles of community organizations

教育基金会通过提供分析空间,在更广泛的教育领域发挥着重要作用, 以改善他人的生活和学习为目标的沉思和智力发展. 在新葡京博彩官网,我们的项目致力于对正规教育机构进行充满爱的批评,并成为集体变革的一部分.


EDFN M.A. 学生和LAUSD的特殊教育家Adalia Vidarte和Allison matthews教授在LAUSD教师罢工期间在亨廷顿路小学, January 2019.

美国教育研究协会(AESA)是一个以教育基础为中心的专业协会. You can learn more about AESA at their website

The M.A. in EDFN at Cal State LA is aligned with AESA’s principles. Specifically, AESA的学术标准和认证委员会将以下一套技能描述为教育工作者准备在该领域学习的目标:

  • 理解并运用人文和社会科学的学科知识来解释不同文化背景下教育和学校教育的意义.
  • Understand and apply normative perspectives on education and schooling.
  • Understand and apply critical perspectives on education and schooling.
  • 理解与民主制度相关的道德原则如何指导和指导学校实践, leadership, and governance.
  • 了解多样性在民主社会中的全部意义,以及它对教育的影响, school leadership, and governance.
  • 理解哲学和道德承诺如何影响各级学校实践的评估过程, leadership, and governance.
  • Critically analyze current educational policies and practices at national, state, and local levels and their impacts on teaching, learning, and the assessment of P-16 students. (Tutwiler et al. 2013)

For any questions please contact the program coordinator (Dr. Allison Mattheis).