

成立于1968年, the Anna Bing Arnold Children’s Center provides early 护理 and education services for the Cal State L.A. 校园社区. 该中心为从婴儿期到学龄前的儿童提供服务, 由全国幼儿教育协会认证,并由加州卫生和社会服务部颁发执照.

在安娜·宾·阿诺德儿童中心, 我们努力创造一个共享的社区,让家长, 老师, 和校园一起为孩子们提供最好的. 儿童中心的使命是为加州州立大学提供丰富的发展儿童保育服务.A. 学生家长、教职员工和当地社区. 该中心为学生家长提供支持,帮助他们完成学业,并为加州州立大学L分校提供优惠.A. 为低收入家庭提供学生和学费援助. The Children's Center is sponsored in part by grants 从 the Cal State L.A. 联合学生协会. (ASI),加州教育部门和美国.S. 教育部. The Center also offers a range of interdisciplinary opportunities for observation, 实地考察, 以及加州州立大学的研究.A. 学生和教师.

孩子们在打鼓 儿童中心的项目实践是基于我们澳门新葡京博彩孩子如何学习和应该被对待的信念, about the importance of families to a successful school environment, 以及教师在实现这一切过程中所扮演的角色.

我们哲学的核心是我们认为孩子是好奇的, 有能力的学习者,积极参与构建他们对世界的认识.
我们相信每个孩子都是独一无二的,都值得尊重, 一致性, 有爱心的, 并在他们成长的过程中挑战他们. 此外,我们认为:

  • Children develop at their own pace – they do not acquire knowledge by force. They are motivated by their own desire to make sense of their world.
  • Children learn through interactions with others and through 探索 of their environment. 游戏提供了这种互动和探索, 这是幼儿学习的自然模式.
  • Children learn self discipline as they learn respect for themselves, others, and their environment. Pride in their abilities, family, and culture adds to their developing self esteem.
  • Children need a balanced program which fosters independence, choice, and challenge. They also need structure and well defined limits in order to feel secure.

幼儿的发展任务是建立信任, 学习社交技巧, 构建他们对物质世界和社会世界的认识, 培养积极的自尊. These tasks are best supported by a program that provides developmentally appropriate activities, 训练有素的员工, 还有一个保险箱, 健康和具有挑战性的学习环境.


游戏是儿童时期人类发展的最高表现, 因为只有它才是孩子灵魂深处的自由表达.

玩耍是小孩子的事. 这是他们学习的主要途径. Opportunity to play freely is vital to the child’s healthy development. 游戏促进智力发展,允许孩子根据自己的兴趣和对世界的先验知识来吸收现实. Through play children are free to experiment, try out possibilities and practice different roles. 玩耍激发创造力. It is inherently a self-expressive activity that draws on the child’s imagination. Play further develops children’s language, physical and social development. Play is critical to all aspects of the child’s learning and is an essential part of our program. 通过仔细观察孩子的游戏,教师有机会发现孩子的兴趣和能力. Beyond all these valuable reasons to support play is the fact that it is highly enjoyable. 深入参与游戏的孩子在体验快乐和情感健康的同时,正在为他们的发展完成所有适当的任务. 还有什么更好的呢??






The Children’s Center provides a nurturing environment that supports the developing child, 强调积极自尊, 并教导尊重个体差异. 这个项目提供了积极玩耍的机会, 个人选择, 以及在以儿童为中心的环境中帮助儿童发展能力和独立性的小组活动. 积极鼓励成为共享社区的一部分. 中心教师强调合作,并创建课堂小组,在他们解决问题和共同努力时相互关心.

Our classroom practices at the Center are based on our school philosophy, 我们对孩子如何学习的信念, and the role of 老师 and families in creating a successful school environment. Central to our school philosophy is the belief that children are curious, 主管, and capable learners who are active participants in constructing their knowledge of the world. 我们的课程就是从这一理念中发展出来的,我们正在研究哪种方法对孩子们最好. 我们的课程基于社会建构主义理论,该理论支持儿童通过与环境中的人和材料的积极互动来学习的观点, and that they build upon their knowledge base as each new experience occurs. These interactions are reinforced through questioning, forming ideas, and testing information. 建构主义理论关注整个儿童相互关联的需求,并为综合课程提供了框架. 在综合课程中, all major aspects of the child’s development are interrelated and are provided for throughout the day.

在儿童中心, we believe that children learn best when they are involved and interested in the topic. The best curriculum emerges 从 the child’s interest – it is not solely dictated by teacher interest. 为了加强儿童对知识的建构,教师根据儿童的兴趣水平和能力,支持儿童主动参与和实验各种材料. 教师根据仔细观察孩子们对什么感兴趣以及如何最好地扩展他们的学习来计划课程. 随着孩子们对主题理解的加深,教师会建立一个深入探索不同主题的课程. Teachers set up experiences for children that require questioning, 调查, 和解决问题. 随着时间的推移,孩子们被鼓励发展自己的想法, 通过质疑加深他们对世界的理解, 探索, 并通过各种创意媒介来表达想法. Teachers believe it is valuable for children to be able to generate their own ideas, 自己找出答案, and try out a variety of solutions until they find one that works. 教师在这个过程中充当促进者的角色, 帮助孩子在他们的发现和提供丰富的经验,以增加孩子对世界的认识.

The physical environment of the Center has been set up to enhance our program goals. 它提供挑战并鼓励独立. It offers avenues for cooperative play and involvement with varied materials. 正是通过与环境的强烈互动,孩子们才能了解现实世界的物理特性. 这也是他们检验想法的方式, 整理感情, 而学习能力是良好发展的所有重要方面.


The learning centers in our classrooms allow child-initiated engagement in active, 实践的经历. It is through experiences with developmentally appropriate materials, 设备, and interaction with the 老师 that children feel free to explore and experiment. 每个层次的学习都为进一步建立跨发展领域的联系提供了基础. In order to support children with special needs we coordinate with parents and community services, 并根据每个孩子的需要,对物理环境和课程领域做出合理的调整.

  • The classroom 设备 and materials are designed for open-ended, child-initiated 探索. 这样可以鼓励孩子发挥创造力, 与创造力, 运用沟通和解决问题的技巧.
  • The classrooms are well organized to facilitate a natural flow of activity. The children are active participants in taking 护理 of their environment. 他们通过协助设置材料和展示来学习对环境负责的基本生活技能, as well as putting away materials/activities when they are through.
  • 我们的教室设计灵感来自雷焦艾米利亚方法,非常欢迎和美观, 使用天然材料和颜色. 兴趣区域是有意为之的,其中的材料是有用的,并且是课堂社区的代表. The pictures below are taken 从 a mix of classrooms and age groups at our Center (spring 2023).















Below: Bamboo Toddler Classroom (Dramatic Play with 读写能力/Reading Area)





We view the outdoor environment as an outdoor classroom where children can explore freely. 室外区域为艺术和水上游戏提供了有盖的露台, as well as three playgrounds that offer age-appropriate challenges for each age group. 操场上有沙子, 水, 自行车道, 波动, 攀爬的结构, 还有挖掘的空间, 探索, 在树木和原生植物的环绕下跑步和玩游戏. 将室内课程带到室外, 我们努力为孩子们提供探索数学的机会, 科学, 以及通过与环境的互动而产生的读写概念.


下图为“Phun”感官小径和儿童花园, 下院碎石坑, 龟舍及户外阅读区

支持的课程领域:数学, 物理科学, 读写能力, 地球与生命科学, 身体发育




The strength of the Center comes 从 our dedicated teaching team. Their collective enthusiasm, knowledge, and work ethic are reflected in every aspect of our program.
Our staff is composed of experienced early childhood educators who are committed to the unique needs, 护理, 以及儿童及其家庭的教育.

  • 所有领班教师成绩均为B.A. 或米.A. 拥有加州教师资格委员会颁发的儿童发展/早期教育硕士教师许可证.
  • 助理教师是加州州立大学的学生.A. 谁主修儿童发展或相关专业. Student assistants have varying backgrounds; some are near completion of their degree program in child development and some have just begun their academic 护理ers. 所有学生助理都有一个共同点,那就是他们都渴望与孩子们一起工作,并在他们对儿童发展的理解上有所增长.
  • 工作人员的培训和发展正在进行, 以及响应当前的研究和创新的教育理念在幼儿教育.
  • 除了我们专业的员工, 实习生, 谁正在完成他们的儿童发展教育, 在每个教室. 学生实习生增加了我们项目的质量,并进一步降低了我们的教师/学生比例.





行政 & 管理团队

中心主任: 詹姆斯古德里奇, M.A. 早期和基础教育-在欧洲经委会学习29年以上

办公室经理: 戴安娜Hechavarria, B.S. Business Administration; 37 years with ABACC

教育专家: Janaina Maudoneet Ph.D. 欧洲经委会教育29年以上


NAEYC认证: A Commitment to Excellence in Early Childhood Education

全国幼儿教育协会, 世界上最大的幼儿教育组织, 建立其认证体系,以提高幼儿教育的质量,并帮助家庭和其他人识别高质量的儿童保育中心, 幼儿园, 幼儿园, 以及其他早期儿童项目. NAEYC认证项目致力于为幼儿及其家庭提供高质量的教育服务. While the accreditation process examines all aspects of a program including health and safety, 教师资格, 和管理, 重点是教师和儿童之间互动的质量以及儿童体验的性质. 获得认证, 项目符合国家质量标准,远远超出了国家健康和安全许可要求. The NAEYC accreditation criteria address all aspects of an early childhood education program, 包括以下内容.

  • 教师资格与发展
  • Teacher-to-child比率
  • 教师/孩子和教师/家庭关系
  • 课程
  • 物理环境
  • 健康与安全

一个项目通过广泛的自学开始认证过程,以确定它在多大程度上符合这些标准. 在程序做出任何必要的改进之后, 它由幼儿专业人员观察,然后由国家儿童保育和早期教育专家委员会审查. 基本上符合NAEYC指导方针的早期儿童项目获得为期五年的认证.

Anna Bing Arnold Children’s Center has been met NAEYC accreditation standards and status since 1992.


For more information about program quality standards click on the link below: