
加州大学洛杉矶分校 is transitioning summer courses from Extended Education self-support (PaGE) to the state-side. This change is not a return to year-round operations 和 will be summer term as extra pay.  Following are FAQs to assist those offering summer courses to 教师 和 教师 teaching summer courses.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 暑期班.


是的. Stateside summer will have a lower cost of attendance. 学生 may be able to access grants 和 financial aid (e.g., 州立大学助学金, 佩尔助学金, 以及私人贷款)来支付他们的课程负担, which can provide cost savings 和 help keep them on track toward graduation or even get ahead.

Summer stateside FTES will be counted toward annual totals, unlike self-support summer.  Thus, the move from self-support to stateside summer better positions 加州大学洛杉矶分校
for the recently announced new budget allocation model from the Chancellor’s Office, 哪一项会以全日制进修计划的入学人数为基础.



No. 教师薪酬将保持不变. 1/30比率(单位), 其次是基于入学率的补偿, 适用于自营和国企. 看到 人力资源/工资2016 - 08年第二十一条.15和21.16.

是的. The $150/unit applies to Unit 3 tenured 和 probationary faculty in both self-support 和 state-support summer. (It does not apply to lecturers under the CBA 和
全系统薪酬指引.(见HR/Salary2016-08和 CFA CBA第二十一条).



No. Work done in summer is for extra pay 和 does not reduce a faculty member's

No.  Note: this is not a change – it is the same whether summer is offered stateside or through PaGE. 分类2457教学师资, 暑期班 – State Support 和 classification 2357 Instructional 教师, 暑期班 – Extension are both excluded from additional health benefits 和 CalPERS retirement coverage.

For additional information on benefits please contact the Office of Human Resources 管理.



Please see the documentation posted by the 教务处 at 教务及常见问题.

•5月休会仅= 3 WTU
•仅夏季课程= 12 WTU
•五月闭会+夏季闭会= 13 WTU


No. 权利 of one-year 和 three-year contract lecturers will remain the same. Summer will neither increase nor decrease their entitlements. 第二十一条 of the CBA make clear only the first 2 stateside semesters (i.e.(秋天和春天)创造了一种权利. 聘用一年及三年合约讲师, entitlements are generated by work in fall/spring 和 met by work offered in fall/spring. 夏天是加班的额外报酬.


Possibly for a small number of faculty lecturers illustrated in Row C below – only if they do not receive an offer of work in fall but are employed consecutively in spring 和 summer.

    秋天提供 弹簧提供 & 验收 美国夏季报价 & 验收 权利了
A 没有提供 没有提供 提供3个单位 & 教 没有权利
B 提供了3套公寓,但被拒绝了 提供3个单位 & 教 提供3个单位 & 教 没有权利
C 没有提供 提供3个单位 & 教 提供3个单位 & 教 如果在秋季被任命,则获得6个单位的权利.


No. Similar assignment means that entitlements earned in the AY remain in the AY.  Only in cases where AY time base entitlements are not fully met in the preceding AY, 暑期工作可以满足这个时间要求吗.

暑期员工(Angelo Order of Assignment)

是的. 这是一个改变,从自力更生的夏天. 第二十一条.必须遵守第24条. It dictates work must be offered in the following order:

a.    给试用和终身教职员工. First offer enough work to probationary 和 tenured faculty to satisfy the 30% required at 加州大学洛杉矶分校. (教暑期学期的额外报酬是自愿的.)
b.    To “qualified volunteers, administrators, TAs…” (Note we do not anticipate administrators teaching.)
c.    To “qualified lecturers with three-year appointment rights or one-year appointment rights if their time base entitlement pursuant to Article 12 was not fully satisfied during the immediately preceding academic year.” Offer work up to their academic year time base entitlement.
d.    To “qualified lecturers who 教 in the immediately preceding academic year who are not included in provision 21.24 (c),”上面.
e.    致“任何其他候选人”(包括新员工).


The percentage is for the campus, not individual departments, 和 will be tracked centrally. While departments need not offer work to all probationary 和 tenured faculty, they should offer enough work to contribute to the campus percentage.


The percentage is for the campus, not individual departments, 和 will be tracked centrally. While departments need not offer work to all probationary 和 tenured faculty, they should offer enough work to contribute to the campus percentage.


The University will not be conducting 学生课程评估 through GET during the summer, but faculty may assess student course satisfaction through informal means as appropriate.



No. Programs that are state support during the academic year will be run stateside.
然而, programs that are run via self-support (PaGE) during the academic year, 包括那些在美国没有足迹的公司, 会继续以自助方式运作吗. 这包括护理方面的自我支持项目, 社会工作, 心理学, 管理, 营养科学, 公共卫生, 工商管理, 通信, 音乐与合唱指挥, 和临床实验室科学家.   

Additionally, May Intersession 和 Open University will continue to be offered via self-support.