Difference in Pay Leave

Eligible full-time faculty may apply for a 薪酬差异 (DIP) Leave, which is like a sabbatical, but can be taken with greater frequency. With a similar goal for faculty to focus time and energy on a sustained area of research, 奖学金, or creative activity related to their discipline that will bring benefit the University, 学生, and their own professional development, DIP为教师提供月薪,这是教师工资与教员级别最低工资之间的差额. 每年有一个申请程序,用于提交和审查符合条件的教师的DIP建议.  

的 below resources provide access to policy and CBA references to DIPs, as well as application to use and rubrics to reference for the submission.

Difference in Pay (DIP) Leave Options

Instructional 教师

  • 按教员工资与教员最低工资之间的差额支付一个学期的津贴 
  • 教员工资与教员级别最低工资之间的差额,提供两个学期的DIP  

图书馆 and Counselor 教师 (12- month appointments)

  • 教员工资与最低可比时基图书馆员级别的最低工资或辅导员级别的最低工资之差的四个月DIP   
  • 8个月的休假,按教员工资与最低可比时基的最低工资之差计算。图书管理员级别或辅导员级别的最低工资按可比时基计算  

Difference in Pay (DIP) Eligibility and Additional Considerations

To be eligible to apply for a DIP leave:

  • 如果在休假前的七(7)年期间,全职教师单位员工在校园全职工作六(6)年,则有资格获得带薪休假的差异. 教职员工在最后一次公休或DIP休假后全职工作满三年,并满足了向CSU提供服务的义务后,将有资格获得随后的DIP休假. (For further details, please see Article 28 Difference in Pay Leaves of the CFA-CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement. 符合条件的教师需要在公布的截止日期前提交书面提案才能被考虑.

Additional considerations:

  • 在获得批准的DIP休假期间,教师应获得健康,牙科和适当的附带福利. 的y will also accrue sick leave, vacation (是适用的 to 12-month faculty), 服务 credit toward 服务 salary increase eligibility, and time towards promotion while on DIP, 是适用的.
  • 获批准休假的教师不得被指示从事教学或服务部门, 大学, or University while on leave.
  • 未经校长(或指定人员)事先批准,获得批准的DIP休假的教师不得接受额外和/或外部就业.)
  • 获得DIP休假的教师必须提供证明,证明休假条件得到满足. 教师可以使用休假报告表作为DIP报告,并在返回学期结束前提交给学院. 的 大学 will report to the Office of 教员事务 that the report was received.
  • 教师应在从DIP休假回来后为CSU提供服务,每个假期的服务期限为一个学期. A 本票 is required as a guarantee.


Difference in Pay (DIP) Leave Application 程序

Applications are reviewed the year prior to taking leave.

Eligible faculty must submit by the posted due date:

  • An application for DIP Leave that includes:
    • A detailed outline of the plan of study or experience, 研究/项目, 服务, and/or travel to be completed during the DIP.
    • A statement of purpose that demonstrates the benefits to 学生, the development of the profession or discipline, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, CSU, and/or the faculty as a teacher scholar or practitioner.
    • Evidence that resources needed to complete the play are available.
  • An updated curriculum vita.


Eligible faculty must submit by the posted due date:

  • An application for DIP Leave that includes:
    • A detailed outline of the plan of study or experience, 研究/项目, 服务, and/or travel to be completed during the DIP.
    • A statement of purpose that demonstrates the benefits to 学生, the development of the profession or discipline, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, CSU, and/or the faculty as a teacher scholar or practitioner.
    • Evidence that resources needed to complete the play are available.
  • An updated curriculum vita.

DIP Application Review 程序

的 review process takes approximately three months and is reviewed by:  

     1. 的 Department/Division Chair or School Director
     2. Department Committee
     3. 学院院长
     4. 教务长

Department/Division Chair or School Director (图书馆和辅导员教师的适当签名可能会有所不同)审查DIP提案, considering the effect on the curriculum and operations of the department/division/school. 例如, 系主任可能会在同一学期收到来自一个小项目的教师的两份建议,并认为如果这两份建议都被授予,将会不适当地影响该部门提供核心课程的能力.

Department Committee, which is comprised of tenured faculty not applying for a DIP, reviews all DIP proposals from the 大学 or unit. 委员会根据申请中描述的要求和使用已公布的标题来考虑DIP提案的质量. Once the committee has reached a consensus on the rubric of the evaluation form, the committee chair completes the evaluation form, representing the consensus of the committee. Comments are added to provide the faculty with further input on the quality of the proposal. 所有委员会成员的名字都写在表格上,委员会主席在表格上签名. 的 recommendation is forwarded to the 大学 dean or unit head.

学院院长 or Unit Head reviews all DIP proposals from the department/division/school or unit. 的 dean reviews the recommendations of the department committee. 的 dean also considers the approvals and non-approvals from department chairs, 其他校园需求, and 大学 budget implications. 的 dean completes an evaluation for each proposal.

教务长 reviews sabbatical submissions, the evaluations of committees and 大学 deans, and considers the rankings of those sabbatical proposals that were recommended, 在制定休假奖励时,还要考虑大学的预算和计划需求. 如果学院和教务长推荐,可以获得两个学期的半薪休假, as budgetary and programmatic needs of the university allow. 大学推荐休假申请的数量通常远远超过可以资助的数量. 教务长办公室通知获得奖励和未获得奖励的教员,并向教员提供学院委员会和院长的评估表格. 当没有获得休假的教师决定在接下来的一年重新提交时,这些评估表格可能会有所帮助.

注意: Office of 教员事务 prepares the 大学 packets for the provost’s review. 学院事务办公室还支持教务长办公室,确保将获奖信件和未获奖提案的信件发送给学院. 该办公室还维护一个DIP跟踪电子表格,以确保每个教员都被通知其提案的状态, that promissory notes are received for those with DIPs awarded, 并与学院院长办公室核实,报告是在恢复服务后收到的. 重要的是,各院系和学院在休假开始和休假归来时及时提交休假etf.