ARTP Department of Television, Film and 媒体 Studies

College of Arts and Letters
Department of Television, Film and 媒体 Studies
Date Approved: December 2021


Confidentiality of Personnel Deliberations

部门人事委员会的组成(试用及临时委任), 保留, 任期内, 和推广, and Evaluation of Temporary, Probationary and 任期内d 教师)

Composition of Departmental Personnel Committees

The department annually elects 4 personnel committees.

本系或同等单位之试用教员及终身制教员,应选举终身制教员同行评审委员会. When there are insufficient eligible members to serve on the peer committee, the department shall elect members from a related academic discipline(s).

(委员会, 作为一个整体, must take responsibility for the following tasks: Probationary Appointment; Temporary Appointment; 保留, 任期内 和推广; Range Elevation; Evaluation of Temporary 教师; Evaluation of Probationary 教师; Evaluation of 任期内d 教师 (Post-任期内 review); Evaluation for Request to Emeritus status; and Collaboration on the Development of Individual Professional Plans. 要求每一单位在下面说明哪个委员会负责每一项任务.)

Committee Titles and Responsibilities


(at least 3; all tenured full time)

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)


(1 or more; all tenured full-time)*

(Indicate if must be (full) professor rank)


审查任命和提升副教授或教授级别(或将被任命为副教授或教授级别)的教职员工,并在技术上符合保留资格, 终身职位和/或晋升 or Emeritus status; Shall collaborate in the development of Individual Professional Plans.




复核预约, 保留, 那些处于(或将被任命为)助理教授级别或更低,并且在技术上有资格留用的教员, 终身职位和/或晋升.

3 Associate or Full Professors

1 Associate or Full Professors

Part-time Review Committee

Consider all part-time faculty for 保留 and Range Elevation

3 Associate or Full Professors 1 Associate or Full Professor

教师 搜索 Committee

Elected on a search by search basis, advisory to the Chair and the Dean on temporary and probationary appointments

3 Associate or Full Professors (1 Probationary faculty may be elected)

1 Associate or Full Professor


每年,系将通过书面或电子投票决定系主席是否将成为委员会a和/或B和/或兼职审查委员会的投票成员. 这一决定将在选出A委员会成员之前作出, B or the Part-time Review Committee.

Eligibility for Committee Service and Balloting


  1. 委员会一个, B和兼职审查委员会(PTRC)应在每年春季选举产生,并于次年秋季学期至次年春季学期开始服务. 各委员会应分别进行三次选举:B委员会的选举必须在A委员会选举前完成并公布结果. A委员会的选举必须在兼职审查委员会选举前完成并公布结果.
  2. 部门人事和任命委员会在春季学期通过纸质或电子投票选举产生. 选票应包括在委员会任期内任何时间住在校园里的所有符合条件的部门成员的姓名. The Chair is eligible to serve if elected to the committee. If there are insufficient nominees from within the department, 学院事务委员会将从密切相关的学科中寻找合格的候选人.
  3. 教师 will not serve on both A and B in the same review cycle.
  4. 系主任有责任监督日历并召集第一次会议. Subsequent deadlines shall be the responsibility of the Committee Chairs.
  5. 系主席有责任向系公布所有书面证词的截止日期.

Recruitment of Probationary 教师

Appointment of Probationary 教师


Individualized Professional Plans

Eligibility for 任期内 和推广

专业领域 终端学位

Film/Video/媒体 Production










Evaluation of Permanent Instructional 教师



  • Academic and scholarly contributions to the fields of television, 电影, 以及由外部评估和出版或正式接受出版的媒体研究,如历史研究, 关键的分析, and theoretical investigations.
  • 媒体 (电影, video, etc.教职员工的评论/评论、访谈(书面、音频、视频).
  • Innovative use of technology, 教科书, 教师所在院系/学院/学院以外的媒体部门采用的专业和/或教学使用的原始教学或测试材料.
  • 发明, 设计, 媒体的创新得到了校外权威机构的好评.
  • 创建, 展览, 表演, or publication in television, 电影, 打印, 广播媒体, 博物馆, 艺术画廊, and new digital media including web-based platforms. 生产, 导演, 编辑电影, 视频, or events in the mediated arts, including production of picture and/or sound for 电影s and 视频.
  • Film or video production including 导演, 生产, 摄像, cinematography or 照明 and sound for television, 电影或录像, 生产设计, 生产管理, media design for stage productions, post production editing, and creative or technical consulting. 这些职位可以是单独担任,也可以是合作担任,如联合编剧、联合制片人等. Related electronic media including web design, interactive DVD or CD-ROM. 动画, traditional or computer, including life drawing studies, 角色设计, 布局, 故事板, background or character paintings, 三维建模, 照明, texture mapping and effects. Electronic graphic design. Design for 电影或录像 related 打印 media.
  • 生产, 简约, or awarded works of screen写作 including short, 特征长度, 或者电视剧本, 小说或非小说类, 治疗, 步骤概述, 脚本开发, 重写作业, doctoring or consulting on 电影/video projects.
  • 配乐, audio recordings including podcasts, 音乐制作, CDs; 表演s on radio and/or television as well as internet: hosting, 写作, creating programming for video, CD, DVD和磁带.
  • 通过印刷或电子媒体广播或发行出版物/发行重要作品.
  • 表演, presentations or 展览s, 内容管理, 电影 festival organization or participation, 广播学分, 奖.
  • Community engaged scholarship and creative activity
  • 在学术和专业媒体协会的会议上发表演讲,并作为教师所在领域的受邀权威在学术和专业观众面前发表演讲.
  • 参与学术或专业团体的活动,而不仅仅是会员, such as elective office, 交通状态, 委员会成员, receipt of special 奖, organization of symposia, and chairing conference sessions.
  • 收到研究金, 奖助金, or other subsidies for the pursuit of research, 学习还是教学, and significant commissions in the creative arts.
  • 持有重要的特殊任命,如访问教授,讲师或咨询任务在其他学术, scholarly professional or government institutions,
  • Editing of scholarly or professional publications.
  • 专业实践,利用教师的学术专长,在某种程度上导致该领域的进步.
  • 使用教师在该领域的技能和声誉的赠款或合同的收据.
  • 为报纸撰稿, 新闻生产, news editing on digital, video, audio and 打印 platforms in professional settings.
  • 以数码、印刷或广播形式出版的新闻摄影作品达到或超过同行水平.
  • 在空中表演,包括节目主持,主播,报道广播和数字格式
  • 在专业会议上主持新闻专题讨论会、会议、节目和讲座
  • Publishing journalism 教科书, articles and peer review papers
  • Digital news content creation




To work in consultation with the Chair, 遴选委员会将由不少于4名教授(包括1名候补教授)组成, elected by electronic ballot to consider a joint appointment.

Student Consultation in Academic Personnel Processes


Role of Department/Division/School Chair or Director

Appointment of Temporary 教师

Evaluation of Temporary 教师


Currency in the field will consist of the faculty member's terminal degree, recent courses to augment this degree, and may include evidence or research and publication. 另外, 可以考虑参加专业活动和专业组织.

Consideration for Three-Year Appointments

Consideration for Range Elevation

Review of Department Personnel 程序